Information Pages

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

She Just Doesn't Get It...She Wastes Money Without Concern...Because She Can !

Let them Eat Cake...Part Two

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We previously clarified our article on the Sun City Anthem Board's luncheon expenses....


After doing some additional checking....

Looks like we found out that IN ADDITION to the overpriced lunches obtained by Sun City Anthem President,  Bella Meese at twice the cost alternatives of other restaurants... was only part of the story.

We recently learned that we also FEED THE BOARD breakfast with a breakfast spread obtained from...

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...a spread that is more than a cup of coffee and includes a mountain of food for "the chosen ones" and their guests that include FSR brass and our new General Manager !

Oh...and despite our reporting that  Mrs. Meese previously ordered her "feast" at The Cheesecake Factory...

... guess where it was ordered this time for the January 28th Board "eats" ?

You guessed it...

225px-CheesecakeFactoryLogo1.jpg (150×150)

Do I smell the odor of arrogance and waste...Again ????????

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Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Phyllis Opinions

    Freeze the funds and suggest from now on, we the people VOTE on all of her expenditures, BEFORE she can use funds we pay for our community!

    This peacock needs her wings clipped.
  2. From Opinions

    I read your blog continuously and I am not happy on what the Board has been doing.

    What can the membership do to correct this problem with the standing board?

    I know the answer is to vote out this close knit circle of people, but this has not taken place.

    Is there anything else we can do.

    When I attend an SCA Board workshop,

    you are given 30 seconds or so to state you opinion and you always get a thank you. This is a joke.

    What is the answer?
  3. Jeff,

    Unfortunately, the only manner to make change a reality, is at the ballot box.

    In the past, I realize this has become difficult, what with another blog constantly endorsing candidates who have created the problems we have had for years.

    But...the "the times they are a'changin"...

    ...and in the past year, so many financial mistakes have been made, that it has become impossible to "make them go away" by simply ignoring them or refusing to accept they exist.

    What concerns me more than anything else is the day of reckoning...a day that can't be that far away.

    When a 2016 budget shows a $300,000 deficit that has omitted any expenditures made on the Liberty Center that appear to be in the $400,000 to $500,000 coverage at best, only covering a portion of the loss...

    ... one would think it might be time to "tighten the belt" with spending our dues dollars.

    The alternatives are either a special assessment or a dues increase.

    Deficient spending doesn't work out very well in a homeowners association.

    Our reserves will have been pretty much depleted in 2016.

    One thing for certain, a number of individuals who populate the current Sun City Anthem Board have demonstrated their ability to ignore these facts and continue wasting away our resources in any manner they see fit.

    Our job as residents is to elect individuals who have a proven record of experience that can solve these vital issues.

    How do we do that?

    Tell every one of your friends to look twice at who the candidates are....

    NOT...with what they say...

    ...but their past actions and willingness to seek assistance in solving similar problems that we are currently experiencing.

    Inexperience and closed mindedness are no longer acceptable.

    Years ago, I was given wonderful advice when it came to listening to rhetoric from others when it came to financial matters; advice all voters would be wise to consider.

    "Everyone has to learn...but let them learn on somebody else"

    One more idea, tell your friends about Anthem Opinions if they want it "told like it is".

  1. From Bud Opinions

    The upcoming election is an opportunity to take a first step in bringing about fiscal change and accountability, but it will require two things:

    Voter information delivered to SCA residents, and

    a get out the vote plan.

    The consequences of not having a successful election, will once again embolden the current Board.

  2. From Opinions

    I just don't get how she can continuously get away with all this spending on our backs.

    Hope she's really enjoying this frivolous spending because she won't be there for long.



  1. From Phyllis Opinions

    Freeze the funds and suggest from now on, we the people VOTE on all of her expenditures, BEFORE she can use funds we pay for our community!

    This peacock needs her wings clipped.

  2. From Opinions

    I read your blog continuously and I am not happy on what the Board has been doing.

    What can the membership do to correct this problem with the standing board?

    I know the answer is to vote out this close knit circle of people, but this has not taken place.

    Is there anything else we can do.

    When I attend an SCA Board workshop,

    you are given 30 seconds or so to state you opinion and you always get a thank you. This is a joke.

    What is the answer?

  3. Jeff,

    Unfortunately, the only manner to make change a reality, is at the ballot box.

    In the past, I realize this has become difficult, what with another blog constantly endorsing candidates who have created the problems we have had for years.

    But...the "the times they are a'changin"...

    ...and in the past year, so many financial mistakes have been made, that it has become impossible to "make them go away" by simply ignoring them or refusing to accept they exist.

    What concerns me more than anything else is the day of reckoning...a day that can't be that far away.

    When a 2016 budget shows a $300,000 deficit that has omitted any expenditures made on the Liberty Center that appear to be in the $400,000 to $500,000 coverage at best, only covering a portion of the loss...

    ... one would think it might be time to "tighten the belt" with spending our dues dollars.

    The alternatives are either a special assessment or a dues increase.

    Deficient spending doesn't work out very well in a homeowners association.

    Our reserves will have been pretty much depleted in 2016.

    One thing for certain, a number of individuals who populate the current Sun City Anthem Board have demonstrated their ability to ignore these facts and continue wasting away our resources in any manner they see fit.

    Our job as residents is to elect individuals who have a proven record of experience that can solve these vital issues.

    How do we do that?

    Tell every one of your friends to look twice at who the candidates are....

    NOT...with what they say...

    ...but their past actions and willingness to seek assistance in solving similar problems that we are currently experiencing.

    Inexperience and closed mindedness are no longer acceptable.

    Years ago, I was given wonderful advice when it came to listening to rhetoric from others when it came to financial matters; advice all voters would be wise to consider.

    "Everyone has to learn...but let them learn on somebody else"

    One more idea, tell your friends about Anthem Opinions if they want it "told like it is".

  4. From Bud Opinions

    The upcoming election is an opportunity to take a first step in bringing about fiscal change and accountability, but it will require two things:

    Voter information delivered to SCA residents, and

    a get out the vote plan.

    The consequences of not having a successful election, will once again embolden the current Board.

  5. From Opinions

    I just don't get how she can continuously get away with all this spending on our backs.

    Hope she's really enjoying this frivolous spending because she won't be there for long.

