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Sunday, February 28, 2016

2016 Sun City Anthem Candidate Debate...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

 Goin' to the Candidates Debate

Debate (403×403)

Debate ?

Question and answer session?

You decide, but one thing for sure, after listening to the six candidates running for the Sun City Anthem Board, I came to the conclusion that...

...for the most part, I've never seen so many people know "how to do it" yet have "never done it" themselves....with a few exceptions !

Poor Tom Nissen

Tom was actually "the main event" for most people in the audience.

How do you run for re-election to a board with the record they have had the past couple of years?

When Mr. Nissen opened his mouth, it was as if nothing but "trust me, I know what I'm doing...I have to finish the job"... air filled the room.

When a person from the audience asked about his budgeting "expertise" of originally projecting the transition cost at $500,000...but now will be approaching over $900,000... could see that he was searching for some excuse...even saying that it was the "board" who made the decisions....

Of course, he is on that board...and "assisted" in making that decision as the Association Treasurer.  He didn't bother to mention that at all.

He tried to say that the 2015 budget didn't include the extra 400,000 grand !

Excuses....excuses....but the crowd didn't seem to buy it for a second!

Well now...that set off a lady from the election committee into "rescue control mode" when she grabbed a microphone and tried to explain that it was the future that mattered....not the past.

And that brought an eruption from the audience that made it clear that the PAST DID COUNT ! got worse for ol' Tom from that point.

When asked if the association attorney, John Leach, should be replaced, he waffled saying the matter had been examined in the past, and that he would always be willing to search out someone who would be better qualified.

Sure, anyone believe that ?  

We've had the same attorney for 17 years and he's irreplaceable? 

That one got a few groans from the crowd as well. 

Essentially that same answer came from Bob Burch, another candidate.

Only Barry Goldstein and Forrest Fetherolf made it clear that other legal options MUST BE EXPLORED. 

... Goldstein saying that he would choose an attorney who had the best interests of the community at heart, not one who always seemed to favor defending a board's decisions that often had adverse community affects.

Another member of the audience asked what particular specialty each "brought to the guidance table"...

Forrest Fetherolf was quite articulate...He was the "go to guy" for construction and repair matters, having 40 years of experience in that industry.

Barry Goldstein stated he was a financial consultant and had extensive experience in the insurance industry and in other financial matters.  He knew how to read reports, analyze them thoroughly, and had a history of correctly questioning financial decisions made by the current board.

Steve Anderson, with a career in social work, stated his greatest strength was understanding the importance of communication....that he believed in having a great deal of contact with members in order to obtain a COMMON SENSE solution to a problem. 

Bob Burch seemed to do relatively long as he had a prepared answer in front of him.

Tom NIssen...well...his "let me finish the job" didn't sell very well amongst a number of people in the audience.

Aletta Waterhouse...a nice lady with good speaking skills,  who in our opinion was just plain out of her league...

...trying to make people believe that a librarian with the federal government was enough experience to make quality financial decisions.

What bothered me most of all...was an observation that brought out MY EXPERIENCE IN THE BUSINESS WORLD!

A long time ago I learned...

"watch a person's eyes

If they can't look you straight in the face when they say something...beware!

As the candidates spoke, Barry Goldstein, Steve Anderson, and Forrest Fetherolf ALWAYS LOOKED directly at the people as they spoke.

Tom Nissen and Aletta Waterhouse NEVER LOOKED directly at the people as they spoke.

Bob Burch RARELY LOOKED directly at the people as he spoke.

Finally, the last question was asked by myself.

I began by stating:

 "I've heard so many answers, but being a bottom line kind of guy, I have heard it said over and over again that this is a new business we are embarking on in self-management"....

..."that my strongest concern was"...

... "if they know the right questions to ask in order to guide a new business"...

..."if any of them had ever been self-employed and started a new business?"

Only two, Forrest Fetherolf and Barry Goldstein could make that claim.

Who won?

In my mind....the gold stars went to:
gold-metal-star.jpg (1280×1024)

1. Barry Goldstein
2. Forrest Fetherolf
3. Steve Anderson

The others were the "Huckabees" of the 2016 Sun City Anthem Candidates !

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