Information Pages

Sunday, February 21, 2016

SCA Election Information

We have something new for you !

Within the coming weeks you will be barraged with miscellaneous material regarding the upcoming Sun City Anthem Board election.

How do you keep track of it?

We've solved that problem with a new Information Page.

Check it out....

We have links to various candidates along with additional links to previous articles published by Anthem Opinions pertaining to past Sun City Anthem Board decisions that have caused countless amounts of wasteful spending of association dollars.
All you need to do is click on what you want to see, and "up it comes" for your convenience in obtaining useful information on which to base an intelligent voting decision.

We have been a part of Sun City Anthem for in excess of 10 years...and... have seen it all....and frankly,  we don't like the way things have been run.

All of us who are a part of our community have experienced yet another restaurant closing, a Liberty Center disaster, and even a "Bella...gate" scandal that has shown convincingly...

...those currently in leadership MUST BE REPLACED.

...that we are in deep need of...


And...for the official record, let the word go forth...

We fully...


We have done our research on each and every candidate, and now believe we are fully aware of who that individual is, who and what they represent, and how effectively each, based on relevant experience, can best lead us into self-management.

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Click on our Information Page

"2016 Sun City Anthem Board Election

Information Center"

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