Information Pages

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cafe V...The Saga (Part One)

Severing Ties with Cafe V:
Just More Rhetoric to Camouflage
(Part One of Two)
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This is the first of a two part article which takes up the subject of Cafe V's handling by the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors over the past few years.

If you do read the full report submitted by the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors (and get past the kudos they seem two shower themselves with for their ingenuity in demonstrating the "Art of the Deal"), noticeably omitted were the causes of the problem.

We've come to the conclusion that there are mainly five reasons as to why things worked out in the manner in which they did.

Today, we'll look at the first four elements of the restaurant calamity.

First, these "gurus" never did listen to the supposed "unscientific" survey where 81% of the respondents said...DON'T SPEND OUR MONEY.

Of course not, they instead "went their own way" due to the "leadership" of then President Jean Capillupo, who properly schooled her successor, Bella Meese, in the governmental attitude now referred to as....

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"Let them eat cake" her manner of management that over the period had many in Sun City Anthem referring to her as "Queen Jean".

Second, they composed a lease agreement that had more holes in it than Swiss cheese; which in turn, allowed the restaurant tenant to "lick his chops" in Sun City Anthem association funds.

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Provide an independent for profit business a fully stocked kitchen and equipment, and then guarantee it would be both repaired and matter who created the damage?

Yes indeed...that was the original "deal" !

Remember the tale of the salamander....the cheese melter? 

These same individuals were all set to approve an expenditure at more than 100% above the going cost...

...until a resident forwarded a site on the internet at half the price to Board Director Carl Weinstein, something that person discovered within 30 seconds, through a "magical" website called....

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Think they would admit they "got hosed" by a management company recommendation? 

Nope, at the time, they simply "tabled" the purchase after they realized the cheese melter could subsequently be used to provide "egg on their faces" !

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...after the Cafe V people eventually departed...
...the restaurant was eventually inventoried, and low and behold...two unopened "cheese melters" were found. 

As to who authorized their purchase or WHAT WAS PAID FOR THEM...

...remains a mystery...a mystery in which residents ended up "forking" up the dough to pay for them !

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It gets better folks.

Third, Anthem Restaurant Partners signed a lease for $4,000 a month.

Let's see, how long did that last until the "weeping of the restaurant owner" and his "crying poor"....

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... brought sympathy from board members to reduce their rent from  $4,000 to $2,000...and then $1,000 per month?

Was that a good move?

Well now, as a result of renting to a profit making entity, that portion of Anthem Center subjected Sun City Anthem to property taxation....something homeowners associations are normally exempted from when they don't rent their premises.

The amount of additional property taxes that Sun City Anthem was responsible for as a result?

$2,000 PER MONTH....$24,000 per year !

Now one has to think about that...

...especially when the then Association President  (Capillupo) boasted when she originally ran for the Board at being a past School Superintendent guiding the youth of America !

OK students, here's today's lesson in the "new math" !

Take in $1, $2,000 in taxes....

Anyone out there have an answer as to the validity of that "mathematical equation" ????

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Fourth, that still couldn't satisfy the "financial hunger" of Anthem Restaurant Partners.

No siree...they needed two loans as well. 

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Go to a bank? 

Without any money ? 

Without even a business plan ? 

...trying to convince them that 4 previous restaurant failed attempts were just "flukes"?

Even this guy would have turned them down !

funny+animals+001.jpg (500×478) takers in the financial world !

"Not to Worry" said the man who wanted the cash !

"Hey...let's "hit up" the Sun City Anthem Board again !"

And so they did...TWICE...with the "gurus" approving both of them...

...without proper a below prime rate of interest !

And...the monster seemed to grow...with the continual flow of your dough !

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Could there possibly be more?

You bet !

We'll cover the fifth and most compelling reason for the restaurant calamity tomorrow.

Got a comment?

Send it to:

Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Barbara Opinions

    You always get it right.

    The opinion of most of the people that live in Sun City was to have a restaurant that was not "fine dining" but more like Village Pub, The Boulevard or even Del Mar Deli.

    Did anyone on the board listen to us????

    Of course not!

    They do whatever they want and whenever they want.

    Why go to a meeting to voice your opinion when it doesn't count.

    It is terrible the way the board is run.
  2. Barbara,

    If you think Part One was "right", wait until you See Part Two tomorrow.

    It will curl your toes !

    The moral of this, and tomorrow's Part Two is simply...CHOOSE YOUR NEXT BOARD WISELY.
    1. From Richard Opinions

      Keep up the great work.
      1. From Elaine Opinions

        The board applauds themselves for settling for $22,000. What happened to the $177,000 they originally spent to upgrade the kitchen appliances?

        The saying goes “If you open a restaurant and it fails, don’t open another restaurant, open a shoe store”

        We have opened 4 restaurants.

      2. Reading the "shoe store" part, I have one question.

        Is my wife using an alias to post a comment?


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    You always get it right.

    The opinion of most of the people that live in Sun City was to have a restaurant that was not "fine dining" but more like Village Pub, The Boulevard or even Del Mar Deli.

    Did anyone on the board listen to us????

    Of course not!

    They do whatever they want and whenever they want.

    Why go to a meeting to voice your opinion when it doesn't count.

    It is terrible the way the board is run.

  2. Barbara,

    If you think Part One was "right", wait until you See Part Two tomorrow.

    It will curl your toes !

    The moral of this and tomorrow's Part Two is s simply...CHOOSE YOUR NEXT BOARD WISELY.

  3. From Richard Opinions

    Keep up the great work.

  4. From Elaine Opinions

    The board applauds themselves for settling for $22,000. What happened to the $177,000 they originally spent to upgrade the kitchen appliances?

    The saying goes “If you open a restaurant and it fails, don’t open another restaurant, open a shoe store”

    We have opened 4 restaurants.


  5. Reading the "shoe store" part, I have one question.

    Is my wife using an alias to post a comment?
