Information Pages

Monday, February 1, 2016

We Owe You All the Facts...Not Merely The Ones Some Might Want You to Know: An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Negatives Should Lead to Positives
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Are we negative ?

One of our readers brought that subject to our attention...and...a number of people have broached a certain board candidate stressing that a "positive" campaign be run in the 2016 Sun City Anthem Board of Director's election.

We take comments like that "to heart" when there are made.


Just to clarify a statement Anthem Opinions has made on a number of occasions, we would love NOTHING MORE THAN being 100% positive in the articles we write.

However...unlike other publications, we merely don't complain without providing reasons for doing so.  

Everything is not a crisis or a catastrophe, but some in our community seem to enjoy looking at life in that light and actually accept such writing as a form of entertainment.

We do not

That is why we diversify Anthem Opinions using "Information Pages" allowing readers to choose what interests them and avoid those subjects that do not.

On the other side of the coin, we also don't look at Sun City Anthem through rose colored glasses as is the case in another publication, almost exclusively omitting various aspects of Sun City Anthem governance that might cast a dark light on our association's leadership.

We "tell it like it is" and then allow you, our readers, to decide for yourselves as to the worthiness of the article.

What we have always stressed in good governance... a principle all too often overlooked by many past and current board members....and other publications....

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Is that negative?  

We don't believe so...

We choose to use the word "realistic".

Prior experience in the "real world" demands that...

...IN ORDER TO  SOLVE A PROBLEM... must first...


Once that has been established, a publication that has the public good in mind should then...


That has been the role we at Anthem Opinions have attempted to offer our readers.

Will we tell it in a way that will cause people to acknowledge that problem,  bringing up common sense questions in getting you to come to a conclusion the problem IS indeed a PROBLEM?


...writing a piece that will cause people to THINK...and come to a conclusion for themselves.

So, let us conclude this article by simply saying..

The problem is not the negative writing....

Instead, the problem is the subject matter that has been given to us (or hidden from us)  that has had negative aspects...

...aspects we feel must be brought your attention...

...because they affect the quality of a successful retirement.

Anthem Opinions Administration   

  1. From David Opinions


    I have only one comment on your editorial concerning negative reporting:

    “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
    ― Harry S. Truman

    1. From Deborah Opinions

      I just received an e-mail from the Board indicating that Liberty Center will continue to be closed until May 01 or later.

      Is there anything we can do?

      We, SCA residents, are paying association fees that include Liberty Center.
      Can we pro-rate our dues until it re-opens?

      What do you think?

    2. Deborah,

      It appears that hell will freeze over before any of us get a refund.

      Thank the individual who accepted the building, Roz Berman, without insisting that it be it professionally inspected, for the disaster that took years to uncover, and finally materialize.

      That place was an accident waiting to happen as a result.

      And it appears that the mold issue is only a part of the total problem.


      We'll be lucky not to have a dues increase in the next year or so as a result of all that is happening.

      The last projection I was made aware of was the total cost to repair the building will be in the $500,000+ range.


  1. From David Opinions


    I have only one comment on your editorial concerning negative reporting:

    “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
    ― Harry S. Truman

  2. From Deborah Opinions

    I just received an e-mail from the Board indicating that Liberty Center will continue to be closed until May 01 or later.

    Is there anything we can do?

    We, SCA residents, are paying association fees that include Liberty Center.
    Can we pro-rate our dues until it re-opens?

    What do you think?

  3. Deborah,

    It appears that hell will freeze over before any of us get a refund.

    Thank the individual who accepted the building, Roz Berman, without insisting that it be it professionally inspected, for the disaster that took years to uncover, and finally materialize.

    That place was an accident waiting to happen as a result.

    And it appears that the mold issue is only a part of the total problem.


    We'll be lucky not to have a dues increase in the next year or so as a result of all that is happening.

    The last projection I was made aware of was the total cost to repair the building will be in the $500,000+ range.
