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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Board Director Gives Advice to Candidates & Voters

Sun City Anthem Board Director
Jim Mayfield

Thoughts to Board Candidates & Unit Members
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I hope all Members seeking election to the SCA Board will take to heart and that I hope SCA Members will use as criteria for choosing for whom to vote to serve on their Board of Directors.

I hope you will....
  • be bigger than the problems you confront.
  • seek out the Members, and listen to what they have to say.
  • take criticism objectively, not personally.
  • not be trapped by precedent.
  • not be afraid to try something new.
  • honor the past, but look to the future.
  • be straightforward in all your dealings.
  • not make decisions based on rumor.
  • make financial decisions that provide the most good for the most people within the parameters of our primary funding source, the Members' Annual Assessment.
  • respect the the Board Policy Manual, SCA governing documents, and Nevada law.
  • encourage your fellow Board members to think independently but work collaboratively, and lastly
  • set aside your personal agenda to work for the good of the whole organization.


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