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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Forrest Fetherolf...Position paper #2

Sun City Anthem Board Candidate
Forrest Fetherolf

What I bring to the Guidance Table
Position Paper Two

In the upcoming election, I believe that board members should have the interests of the entire residential community at heart, not merely the interests of a few. 

To successfully accomplish that goal demands experience, RELEVANT BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. 

That's what I offer Sun City Anthem as a candidate for the Board. In my first Position Paper I defined the words "fiduciary responsibility" as  "treating others as you would yourself" and "thinking twice before you spend money irresponsibly", and watching carefully that we get a proper "bang for your buck" at all times.

I know how to do that. 

Why do I say that?

I was successfully self-employed in the building and construction industry, and that success was based on providing honest and quality workmanship, knowledge of the market, and building relationships by keeping my word and maintaining integrity.

Never once did I ever place an ad in a newspaper while building my business.

For over 40 years, my reputation in demanding quality control standards of those I employed, resulted in continued satisfaction of projects built for my clients.  Those standards  allowed me to succeed by referrals ONLY.

As a result of my past, I believe I have the relevant BUSINESS EXPERIENCE severely lacking in our present leadership.

None of our existing Board members have EVER BEEN SELF-EMPLOYED, and I believe my "bring that to the guidance table", would be a strong advantage to success in our transition to Self-Management.

Relevant experience also means realizing no one has all the answersthat success in life should be looked on as a learning experience comprised of seeking out differing opinions when making prudent decisions that affect the lives of others.

Success is defined by RESULTS, not by attempts at achieving it, and those results MUST INCLUDE OPEN COMMUNICATION in order to win the approval of the members.


Though the role of a Board member should be guidance, in order to provide that guidance, my past business experience has also taught me that proper objectives and goals must be established on which our new General Manager may be judged.

To date, those objectives have not been properly established and must be determined in order for the community to determine effectiveness.

As members judge the actions of a Board, a board must judge the actions of a General Manager by standards and "guidance" they, as elected leaders, must set.

Guidance and management are two streets that must intersect at a single destination.
Perhaps the largest expenditures made in our association revolve around maintenance issues.  The Liberty Center is a perfect example. I am the only  candidate who has relevant knowledge in that field.

I know how and where to identify construction and maintenance problems, which in turn, allows me to properly advise solutions, and in a cost effective manner.
I ask you to allow me to "guide" our new General Manager in this area.

If you would like to ask me any questions, I look forward to hearing from you.

My email address:

My home phone:

(702) 823-5580


  1. "I believe I have the relevant BUSINESS EXPERIENCE severely lacking in our present leadership.

    None of our existing Board members have EVER BEEN SELF-EMPLOYED, "

    And there you have it, the crux of the issue, the honesty of the issue.

    Who, if anyone that you could name has EVER shown they ran a business by reaching in their own pocket and ran a successful business, "ANYONE?" Never in the history of this bunch of board people. No, they all ran to corporate and used whatever knowledge, experience and tools they were given. No on EVER has shown us proof they had the moxie to show us they could manage on their own, and prove they could be successful.

    It would be a great thing to see someone that has all the ability and experience to do so. After all these years we have the opportunity to stand by someone that has proven success.



  1. "I believe I have the relevant BUSINESS EXPERIENCE severely lacking in our present leadership.

    None of our existing Board members have EVER BEEN SELF-EMPLOYED, "

    And there you have it, the crux of the issue, the honesty of the issue.

    Who, if anyone that you could name has EVER shown they ran a business by reaching in their own pocket and ran a successful business, "ANYONE?" Never in the history of this bunch of board people. No, they all ran to corporate and used whatever knowledge, experience and tools they were given. No on EVER has shown us proof they had the moxie to show us they could manage on their own, and prove they could be successful.

    It would be a great thing to see someone that has all the ability and experience to do so. After all these years we have the opportunity to stand by someone that has proven success.

  2. From Mel Vrley to Forrest Fetherolf...Forrest Fetherolf Response

    Forrest, I am concerned about your following comment. “I ask you to allow me to “guide” our new General Manager in this area.” Forrest, I have some initial questions related to your comment

    1. Are you indicating the new General Manager is not capable of completing or engaging applicable resources related to the construction and maintenance problems and therefore you need to “guide”?

    From talking to our new general manager, listening to her presentations, and noting other’s opinions that know her, I believe Sandy will be very capable to engage applicable resources related to construction and management problems. As a Board Member, my responsibility will be to give direction (guidance) and define goals the Board and SCA resident expect to maintain and operate Sun City Anthem.

    2. Are you indicating that by being elected to the Board of Directors you interpret such an election to allow you to be directly involved in the day to day management decisions of the organization as it relates to any construction and maintenance problems?

    As a Board Member, I would not be expected to be involved in day to day operations management decisions. The General Manager will manage day to day operations.

    3. Are you stating that by being elected to the Board of Directors you are of the opinion you are being elected to “guide” the new General Manager related to construction and maintenance problems rather than such a role being developed by a consensus of all Board Members, should such a role be necessary?


    4. Are you stating that by your involvement as a “guide” to the new General Manager related to the construction and maintenance problems you can maintain your independent judgment, take actions in good faith and maintain your fiduciary responsibility?


    5. Many self-employed individuals are very competent and very financially successful. Many self-employed individuals operate like a dictator as the self-employed individual is responsible for all decisions and results. HOA Board of Directors should not operate with one person making the decisions like a dictatorship. Forrest, what changes will you make from your past self-employed management style to be a contributing and functioning member of the SCA Board of Directors?

    I think “dictatorship” is an inappropriate term relating to my management style as a General Contractor and construction manager. Our projects required working together with Professional Engineers, Architects, City Officials, homeowners, and subcontractors from the planning stage through final inspection – working together with others to achieve a common goal. My management style has proven to be efficient, honest and trustworthy. I will continue that tradition as one of seven Board Members.

  3. From Wade Terry to Forrest Fetherolf...Forrest Fetholf Response

    Hi Forrest,

    Listening to your presentation and answers to questions this am at the Men's Club meeting seemed to confirm my observation that you intend to be an activist board member with regard to day to day operations (especially in the area of maintenance and construction projects). This seems contrary to the concept of self management with a strong general manager.

    Mvery above asked some great questions. Do you intend to answer them?


    Thanks for asking for my clarification.

    Please read my answers to Mel's questions and I think you will find the answer to yours.

    Again I would like to reiterate...As a board member, I do not want to be involved in the General Manager's daily operations

    I believe our new general manager will be a very strong and accomplish the objectives and goals she is given by the board.

    My goal as a board member, is to work with Sandy with my knowledge in construction management, repair and maintenance should issues occur.

    I will also be able to advise other board members when the board evaluates the general manager and her staffs performance in the area of maintaining our facility to the expectation of residents and leadership.

    My many years in construction management required me to observe the performance of others, identify potential problems, and make appropriate corrections. I think this asset is very beneficial to maintain our community in a timely and cost effective manner.
