Information Pages

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Mysterious Email from "Concerned Residents of Sun City Anthem"

"Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem" Email
sent to
Sun City Anthem Residents 

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Evidently a group of Sun City Anthem residents have taken it upon themselves to send emails to fellow association members pertaining to the 2016 Board of Director Election....

....and of course....

.... an alternative blogger thought it was an opportunity to criticize the author(s) of that letter, taking aim at certain candidates he apparently will not support, insinuating that Anthem Opinions was somehow involved.


...calling on members of the community NOT TO VOTE for the individuals mentioned in the email....unless those candidates would come forth and condemn what he referred to as "gutter politics".

Naturally, the alternative blogger, in his typical manner of trying to influence his readers, somehow "forgot" to print the email that supposedly two dozen people have taken the time to write or contact him and complain about its contents....leading his "flock" to believe a "mortal sin" had been committed by the authors.

We found find it rather puzzling of the supposed "two dozen" people whom he reported openly complained to him...

...only one individual decided to comment on his blog....

...and for some reason, that one comment did so without stating that they had actually read the email that was referenced

We received a copy of that email, and rather than praise or condemn, we thought we would reprint it for you in order that YOU may DECIDE FOR YOURSELF if this was some form of "gutter politics" or that some personal attack was made on Sun City Anthem Treasurer, Thomas Nissen.

After reading its contents, we found NO EVIDENCE of any such "attack"....

...that the words pertaining to Mr. Nissen's voting record as a  Board Member were CORRECT...

...that the email was lengthy and informative...

...and most importantly, THE CONTENTS WERE ACCURATE.

And, unlike the alternative blogger....

...rather than condemning the author(s) without FULL INFORMATION... 

...we would like to present you the actual correspondence on which YOU can decide, rather than "swallowing" a distortion without knowing THE FULL STORY.

Now you will have the COMPLETE FACTS....

And now that you have them, we would like your opinion.
Send it to:

Here is the email from "Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem":

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Dear Resident of Sun City Anthem,

We are writing this to you to make you aware of the many problems that currently exist in our community that must be solved in order to avoid substantial dues increases in the not to distant future.

The length of this email is long, but has tried to be inclusive as to the points we wish to make in detailing the proof of our concerns.

As of April 1, 2016 our community will officially transition from being managed by an outside firm, to self-management.  We will be doing everything ourselves rather than having a professional management firm do this on our behalf.

Along with that transition will be a change in philosophy where a Board of Directors will merely guide the individual who will manage our community, enforcing policies set forth by them.

That individual, the General Manager, will then hire and train a staff in order to accomplish Board objectives.

This sounds all well and good, but one must look carefully at who is chosen to set the policies the General Manager must follow.

Therein lies our strongest concerns.

Who will guide?

2015 was perhaps one of the most financially devastating years in the seventeen years of Sun City Anthem history.

Another restaurant shuttered its doors making it the fourth consecutive business to come and go and eventually cost residents thousands of dollars.

Another problem that ensued was the Liberty Center building which was closed in late November due to a mold problem that may have been the result of a construction defect or improper maintenance.

A lawsuit was recently filed on a contingency basis as a result, though any action or financial settlement will in all likelihood take years to recover any losses.

The Liberty Center Building is not scheduled to reopen until August, 2016, although that timetable appears to be optimistic.

The costs associated with those problems alone are more than concerning.  In fact they are frightening, and no insurance determination has yet to be made.

Any insurance payments would also adversely affect the costs of future insurance coverage as well to our community.

These two issues alone, could have been avoided had those elected to the Sun City Anthem Board been qualified to guide.

Cafe V began with a monthly rent of $4,000.  Over the approximate two years of operation, that rent also subsequently reduced to $2,000 per month, and then to $1,000 per month. 

Because the property was being leased, Sun City Anthem was also responsible for payment of Property Tax costs as well, approximately  $2,000 per month.

That resulted in a Board of Directors purposely losing $1,000 per month of member funds to continue an operation that was still continuing to lose money despite the authorized Board subsidies.

In addition two existing Board members ,Bella Meese,  the president, and Jean Capillupo, the secretary, without notifying other board members, authorized a $14,000 credit toward restaurant utilities when the restaurant owner, made the unsubstantiated claim that the meters were not working properly. They committed in writing to the owner that Sun City Anthem would allow the credits.

The remaining board members subsequently nullified this unauthorized action; however, the actions of the two officers lead to threats of legal recourse against our community when the agreement was nullified.

The ultimate result was that Sun City Anthem was left under a cloud of legal threats, allowing the restaurant owner to habitually ask for more and more money to continue his failing restaurant.

Over and over again, concessions were granted to Cafe V management, and each time subsidies were granted, those Board decisions created additional loss to our association.

In addition, the current Board of Directors voted to provide Cafe V two separate loans for a total of $40,000 to the restaurant owner at an interest rate below the prime rate of interest (the rate a bank provides its best customers).

These loans were made without the restaurant owner providing any proof of the ability to repay them.  They were not vetted, and like the rental payments, and utilities, they were subsequently not paid, resulting in default.

Of particular concern in this scenario were the actions of current Board Treasurer, Thomas Nissen , who is currently seeking re-election to the Sun City Anthem Board, despite this unimpressive record of senselessly spending association member funds.

Mr. Nissen, in 100% of the time, voted to grant additional funds to a restaurant owner who was, and continued to be, delinquent in his obligations; actions that in many eyes violated his fiduciary responsibility as a Board Director to protect association funds.

Finally, the restaurant departed on December 31, 2015 under an arrangement whereby Sun City Anthem would assume the liability of the outstanding loans and utility payments. Other considerations were included; however, the terms resulted in further loss to Sun City Anthem.

The Liberty Center's problems culminated in what was improper planning from the date our association took possession of that building.

Amazingly, it was learned that the then Board did not require any inspection prior to its acceptance.  Had that been the case, the approximate $500,000 of suspected damage in all likelihood would not have occurred.

It was also subsequently learned that prior Boards were fully aware of the many problems associated with the Liberty Center building, yet avoided solving any of them.

Why are these subjects being brought to your attention in this letter?

It is obvious that many of those elected to Board of Director positions in the past were elected without the proper credentials in order to manage a property that generates an annual revenue of dues assessments totaling  $8 million plus miscellaneous revenue of an additional $1 million.

As a result, we strongly believe that change is not only desired, but must be achieved in order to continue to enjoy the lifestyle we have now become accustomed to living.

That can only be accomplished through your casting a ballot in the upcoming Board of Directors election for those with experience necessary in solving the many financial difficulties we will face.

We have researched the list of candidates and would ask you to consider voting for the following individuals.

1. Forrest Fetherolf.

This man, a former Los Angeles police officer severely injured in the line of duty, subsequently become employed by a large building supply firm in charge of investigating employee theft, after which he owned and managed his own firm, Fetherolf Construction Co., a builder of quality homes in southern California. His son, Scott, now operates this business and has continued his success.  This is the web site that demonstrates his acute knowledge of construction and repair matters, sorely needed as we proceed in the Liberty Center matter and subsequent maintenance of Anthem Center and Independence Center.

He is known in the community as "Mr. Fix-It" assisting countless numbers of residents in home maintenance and repair.  In addition he also owns and manages 8 other Sun City Anthem properties and others in the Las Vegas valley as well.

Learn more about Mr. Fetherolf by clicking on his election web site.

Only this individual possesses the experience in construction and repair matters, an attribute that would be invaluable in providing self-management oversight.

2. Barry Goldstein

This man was also self-employed in the financial industry, owning a highly successful independent insurance brokerage agency in the New York area.  His son has continued that business.

He was a member of the community Finance Committee for two years and through his expert knowledge, uncovered a number of insurance improprieties that could have resulted in substantial liability to Sun City Anthem. 

It was Mr. Goldstein who uncovered the fact that Cafe V was without insurance protection, the result of which could have potentially created a catastrophic financial loss to Sun City Anthem had legal action ever been initiated.

His knowledge of money management brought him high regard from those in the community who recognized him as a "financial watch dog" of community funds.
Learn more of Mr. Goldstein by clicking on his web site.

3. Stephen Anderson

Mr. Anderson's background in the educational field goes well beyond the  classroom, holding a PhD in Social Work as a faculty member at various colleges including the University of Oklahoma and New Mexico State University's Director of School of Social Work. Dedication to his profession also included traveling abroad to spend time at the University of Botswana .    

He is still a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been called as an expert witness for the US Attorney in the District of New Mexico.

Mr. Anderson's experience also includes having been a past president of a condo homeowners association, as well as, serving on a number of  management roles in non-profit national professional organizations.

Mr. Anderson was elected Chief of the Sun City Anthem Community Patrol in 2015 and was re-elected to that post in 2016, running unopposed.

You can read more about this Board candidate by clicking on this site he has established.

What this man would bring to the Board would be an understanding of "people" and the proper relationships that should exist between residents and Board members.

He is a kind and compassionate individual, yet knows how to make a decisive decision.  

His combined experience in both the public and private sector of homeowners association management, makes him an ideal choice.


We strongly believe these three individuals appear to be a "winning" combination for the members of Sun City Anthem in the unsure times that are in our future.

Combining the maintenance and repair experience of Forrest Fetherolf, with the financial expertise of Barry Goldstein, alongside the social skills and past and current association endeavors of Stephen Anderson, in our opinion, would provide us the leadership we are entitled to, as all of us enter the unknown realm of Sun City Anthem's self-management.

If you find this information of benefit in your election choices, we also ask you to consider forwarding this email to your Sun City Anthem neighbors to provide them some additional insight in casting a ballot.

Like yours, their future is at stake as well.

Thank you for your time.

Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem
Henderson, Nevada
  1. From Bud Opinions

    Seems to be well written, factual, and without prejudice.

    After reviewing the content I have one question ?

    Isn't this election an opportunity to dispense with the services of the Director most responsible for lack of leadership, failures and the associated expenses?

    A much needed resignation would be the right thing to do, and allow the new Board the opportunity to assemble with new an effective leadership.

    The current Board ought not to let this opportunity pass.
  2. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Like many other residents, I also received the "Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem" email and do not see why it was referred to as “gutter politics” on a web site available to SCA residents and why there seems to be an uproar over a group of SCA residents expressing their concerns, researching information extensively, and sharing it.

    The information was obtained from Board minutes and is 100% factual.

    Anyone can request documentation but it is a time consuming effort and FSR doesn’t always provide same in a timely manner.

    Frankly, I was unaware of some of the details and appreciate the information.

    I plan on forwarding the email.


  1. From Bud Opinions

    Seems to be well written, factual, and without prejudice.

    After reviewing the content I have one question ?

    Isn't this election an opportunity to dispense with the services of the Director most responsible for lack of leadership, failures and the associated expenses?

    A much needed resignation would be the right thing to do, and allow the new Board the opportunity to assemble with new an effective leadership.

    The current Board ought not to let this opportunity pass.

  2. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Like many other residents, I also received the "Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem" email and do not see why it was referred to as “gutter politics” on a web site available to SCA residents and why there seems to be an uproar over a group of SCA residents expressing their concerns, researching information extensively, and sharing it.

    The information was obtained from Board minutes and is 100% factual.

    Anyone can request documentation but it is a time consuming effort and FSR doesn’t always provide same in a timely manner.

    Frankly, I was unaware of some of the details and appreciate the information.

    I plan on forwarding the email.
