Information Pages

Monday, April 4, 2016

Ballots are Out...Complete them Properly to Avoid them Being Invalidated...and...Some Concerns

Sun City Election Ballots Have Been Mailed
A Guide to Proper Completion

Vote Today !

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Ballots for the Sun City Anthem election were mailed on April 1st and by now you should have received one if you are a unit owner of our association.

As we have said time and again, the 2016 election is perhaps the most important election in our history....

...because self-management became effective on April 1, 2016.

Why is this the most important?

...because April 1st was a "new beginning" and its success depends on understanding and accepting the changes brought by this new form of governance.

The key to ensuring that success?

Electing the RIGHT PEOPLE to "hit the ground running" in order to insure its smooth transition.

Of course the most important element in that decision is deciding who best can guide our new General Manager, Sandy Seddon, in that   transition.
In order to insure YOUR VOTE COUNTS, you must complete a ballot properly...

..because not doing so, will INVALIDATE IT !

In order for you to properly vote, we have some advice on how to correctly follow the voting procedure...especially if you are a first time voter.

1. Once you open the packet, you will see a stapled introduction entitled "Notice of Membership Meeting & Election of the Board". This summarizes the "rules of the road" and attached are biographical summaries of each candidate.


These biographical attachments are completed entirely by the respective candidate and are NOT vetted for accuracy

Over the years we have examined a number of them and have discovered huge EMBELLISHMENTS of backgrounds and qualifications.

A candidate can actually state he was the President of the United States, AND THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE AS PROPER CAMPAIGN LITERATURE under Association guidelines.

In addition, no criminal or financial background check is completed.
The only requirement to run for position on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors is that the individual "be in good standing"...or...more simply, is current on their dues payments !

Though Anthem Opinions has for YEARS made attempts to change election guidelines to verify such information, unfortunately that has always fallen on deaf ears.

The moral of this reality....verify the contents and if there is any question as to the accuracy, DEMAND to see PROOF from the candidate as to any concerns or questions you may have.

2. Once you have made your decision, look in the packet for a small slip of paper (8.5" by 3.5").  This is the ballot you must complete by choosing the candidate(s) of your choice.


Mark the ballot in blue or black ink
Though using a pencil is permitted, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND INK.

Do NOT us an "X" or a "check mark" to complete your choices.

Doing so, will INVALIDATE your ballot.

Here is an example of a ballot that would be invalidated.

Completely color in the circle of the respective candidate(s).

Though there are three open vacancies, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO VOTE FOR THREE CANDIDATES

Choosing one, two, or three will be considered a PROPERLY COMPLETED BALLOT.

Choosing 4 of more will INVALIDATE your ballot COMPLETELY.

Cumulative voting is NOT PERMITTED. (You can't cast three votes for one particular candidate). 

3. Once you have made your choice(s), insert the ballot inside the envelope entitled "Secret Ballot Envelope". 

Do NOT put your return address on this envelope because this is a SECRET BALLOT.

4. Seal the "Secret Ballot Envelope" and place it in the second envelope in the package entitled "Return Envelope".

5. Once sealed, either mail it or drop in off in any of the 3 voting boxes in Anthem Center and Independence Center.


If you mail the ballot, remember IT MUST INCLUDE POSTAGE. 

Current first class postage rates are 49 cents or usage of a "forever" stamp.

A few other observations and/or concerns.

1. We have FOR YEARS made attempts to have the resident owner SIGN the ballot.  

You will note that no such signature is required and if the package is INCORRECTLY completed by an individual who rents a property, there is NO WAY TO VERIFY proper completion.

Accordingly, if you are an owner who rents their home, DEMAND that tenant forward the UNOPENED packet to you. Do not allow the renter to complete it on your behalf.

2. Complete YOUR OWN BALLOT. Do NOT allow another individual to complete it for you. 

Over the years we have been made aware of an individual who has deposited STACKS of ballots in the respective ballot boxes who we believe, were completed by that individual.

If you see such an action, TAKE A PICTURE on your CELL PHONE and send it to us...we...will publish it in order to make the community AWARE of ANY INDIVIDUAL who appears to have unduly STACKED THE DECK.

3. If you make a mistake, you will have to obtain a NEW BALLOT.

Simply go to the Anthem Center Administration office to obtain one.

No ballots with notes or scratched out choices are acceptable and will be DISCARDED.

4. All ballots must be received no later than April 29, 2016 at 4:00pm.

Any ballot received after that date and time will be INVALIDATED.

5. Watch the actual counting of the ballots.

 We will announce the time and place as we near the end of the voting period.

We hope these instructions and concerns are helpful.  Our concern is an HONEST election.

Do we have recommendations? 

Yes we do.

1 - 3 - 5

Barry Goldstein
Ballot Position 1

Steven Anderson
Ballot Position 3

Forrest "Mr. Fix-It" Fetherolf
Ballot Position 5

Still not sure of your choices?

Go directly to our.... 

"Sun City Anthem Board Election Information Center"
This Anthem Opinions "Information Page" provides you full information as to the biographical backgrounds of those we have recommended, videos of their election statements, their various position papers on what they feel are important, and a number of past articles published by Anthem Opinions regarding issues that should be examined closely prior to your completing a ballot.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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