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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Former Sun City Anthem LifeStyle Committee Member Criticized Committee Leadership Effectiveness

  Former Sun City Anthem
 LifeStyle Committee Member
Exposes Rex Weddle Incompetence as  
LifeStyle Committee Chairman

Anthem Opinions received this commentary from a former member of the Sun City Anthem LifeStyle Committee who served with various members of that committee which included current Board Candidate Aletta Waterhouse, while chaired by Rex Weddle, the current vice president of Sun City Anthem.
This individual asked to remain nameless at this time, but this information was verified through a conversation with that person.
Here is the commentary that Anthem Opinions was asked to publish on that person's behalf.

For the full picture we must start with Ralph Sacolitti, the LifeStyle Chair just before Rex Weddle.

I was the Property & Grounds liaison during the administration of both Rex and Ralph.

One of the first things Ralph did was to inform the Property & Grounds
committee that the LifeStyle Committee would not take part in the
vetting of the various proposals for the use of the Liberty Center Bocce
Ball area

When I questioned him about this, he informed me that LifeStyles really had no interest in what was done with the Bocce ball courts and we should not waste our time.

I should state that at this time, I was unaware of the Sun City Anthem board policy which mandated the involvement of the LifeStyles committee.

I continued to attend the P&G meetings. I saw many Project Information
Request Forms
  (PIRFs) come up for vetting, but no vetting by

I mentioned this to Ralph and he said “not important”.

I was curious as to why LifeStyles was never made aware of any PIRFs that came up. I looked on the back of the PIRFs and saw the routing of the PIRF.

LifeStyles was conspicuously missing. 

I mentioned this to the facilities representative to P&G, and was informed that “he did not know LifeStyles had to be notified of all PIRFs".

I then mentioned this to the chair of P&G and he said that this situation had to be remedied. I asked him if a meeting between the chairs of LifeStyles and Property & Grounds could solve the problem and he said "yes".

By this time, LifeStyles received a new chair-Red Weddle .

As this was the beginning of summer, I did not broach this with Rex, I wanted to give him time to get acclimated.

When I did mention this to REX and informed him that all that was needed to solve the problem of LifeStyles being omitted from the routing, was an agreement between LifeStyles & Property & Grounds that LifeStyle  be included in the routing.

Rex then stated that he did not feel it was his duty to contact P&G, rather P&G was to contact LifeStyles.

What an example of improperly conducting a committee !

It was important that all PIRFs be vetted by all the concerned standing committees. “Protocol” be damned.

My term on LifeStyles ended on November 30 of 2015.

During my time on LifeStyles, Rex did not vet a single PIRF.

There was always some excuse as to why he would not do so.

It should be noted the between the time Rex became LifeStyle chair and my departure from the committee, there were close to 25 PIRFs submitted without any action by LifeStyles.

At many meetings of the LifeStyes I mentioned our not vetting the PIRFs.
I asked for a vote to force REX to vet the PIRFs.

I lost on all occasions as the members had other priorities.

Aletta Waterhouse always wanted a special committee formed to examine the ramifications of any actions taken.

Once Rex was gone and Aletta became chair, all the backlog was addressed and cleared, just is time for her run for the SCA board, despite her voting against my concerns up to that point.

Rex continued to do nothing until Feb. of 2015, when in an attempt
to look statesmanlike, he held a huge hearing in the Delaware room
to discuss another attempt to utilize the Bocce ball courts at
Liberty Center.


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