Information Pages

Friday, April 15, 2016

Sun City Anthem Vice President Leaves Election Post in Disgrace

Sun City Anthem President
Calls for Association Vice President
to Step Down
from Election Committee Post

Rex Weddle

Evidently, our concerns were more than legitimate when it came to questioning the highly unethical actions of Sun City Anthem Board Vice President, Rex Weddle, in his sending mass emails to residents telling them who to vote for in the Sun City Anthem Board election....

...while his being the Board liaison to the association Election Committee.

Those actions were determined to be reason for cause in leaving his post.

Yes...he resigned...but did so, in our opinion, as a result of the insistence of various board members including the president...

... or be subjected to formal CENSURING...if he refused !

Once again, we have further demonstrated the disturbing actions of yet another member of the Sun City Anthem Board...

...and how important it is to RID OURSELVES of such individuals and the abuse they have shown toward those they falsely pledged to HONESTLY represent.

In addition Rex Weddle was actively soliciting existing Board members, as well as current candidates in seeking the association presidency... action which further showed his self-interests were above those of the people.

Let's hope this not only puts an end to that quest, but any future ability to be reelected in the future as well.

We hope all Sun City Anthem residents will look at this action as further evidence of the REQUIREMENT ... longer a desire...


We urge you to tell all of your neighbors of this significant event, and how important it is to vote in this year's association election as a result.

This latest disturbing action cannot, and should not,  be tolerated by the community under any circumstances.

If is yet another reason to look at those who have previously endorsed individuals of this caliber, and recognize them for what they are...

...menaces to the well-being of Sun City Anthem.

We believe our community deserves those who can best accomplish the goals of a "new start" as a result.

Our belief in who those individuals are?

Barry Goldstein
Steve Anderson
 Forrest Fetherolf

1 - 3 - 5
Ballot Positions

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Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. What I don't understand, and I am perhaps mis-informed, is how Mr. Weddle is still allowed to be Liaison to the Finance Committee. Rex Weddle has decided not to follow the same rules he helped create as Lifestyles Chairman, restricting Clubs and Committees from endorsing their favorite board candidates. It has been a standing rule current board members shall not endorse candidates. Is not the Board's admonishment ,by simply removing him from one responsibility as a liaison to one committee, just another example of what this Board continues to get away with, and receive only a symbolic reprimand?

    That Mr. Weddle is even allowed to remain on the Board shows the favoritism the current clique shows towards each other. This kind of behavior will continue until our Board is comprised of members who represent all the residents of Sun City Anthem — and the reason I am voting for reform candidates Steve Anderson, Forrest Fetherolf, and Barry Goldstein.
    1. From Phyllis Opinions

      So when will the other members of the board, ask for Bella and Jean to leave?

      Do we have to wait food the next election? What havoc can they reap until then?
    2. Phyllis,

      Rex Weddle did not leave his position as Board Vice President, he merely resigned as the Liaison to the Election Committee.

      So we still have to deal with him for another year.

      Both Bella Meese and Rex Weddle still have one year left on the Board. Jean Capillupo will be leaving the day the new board is seated.

      Though two remain, the election of the "reform: candidates (Barry Goldstein, Streve Anderson, and Forrest Fetherolf) ( 1-3-5 ) alongside current board members who HAVE SHOWN INTEGRITY (Jim Mayfield and Carl Weinstein) as evidenced by their Board voting records, would essentially put the "Meese / Weddle" machine out of business.

      They would no longer have any controlling vote, and REFORM will begin.

      Now you know WHY it is so important the three individuals we recommend, be elected.
  1.         Dick ArendtApril 16, 2016 at 10:02 AM
  2. Another example of BIAS...

    The Weddle resignation has not even been mentioned elsewhere by the "reporter". How typical !


  1. What I don't understand, and I am perhaps mis-informed, is how Mr. Weddle is still allowed to be Liaison to the Finance Committee. Rex Weddle has decided not to follow the same rules he helped create as Lifestyles Chairman, restricting Clubs and Committees from endorsing their favorite board candidates. It has been a standing rule current board members shall not endorse candidates. Is not the Board's admonishment ,by simply removing him from one responsibility as a liaison to one committee, just another example of what this Board continues to get away with, and receive only a symbolic reprimand?

    That Mr. Weddle is even allowed to remain on the Board shows the favoritism the current clique shows towards each other. This kind of behavior will continue until our Board is comprised of members who represent all the residents of Sun City Anthem — and the reason I am voting for reform candidates Steve Anderson, Forrest Fetherolf, and Barry Goldstein.

  2. From Phyllis Opinions

    So when will the other members of the board, ask for Bella and Jean to leave?

    Do we have to wait food the next election? What havoc can they reap until then?

  3. Phyllis,

    Rex Weddle did not leave his position as Board Vice President, he merely resigned as the Liaison to the Election Committee.

    So we still have to deal with him for another year.

    Both Bella Meese and Rex Weddle still have one year left on the Board. Jean Capillupo will be leaving the day the new board is seated.

    Though two remain, the election of the "reform: candidates (Barry Goldstein, Streve Anderson, and Forrest Fetherolf) ( 1-3-5 ) alongside current board members who HAVE SHOWN INTEGRITY (Jim Mayfield and Carl Weinstein) as evidenced by their Board voting records, would essentially put the "Meese / Weddle" machine out of business.

    They would no longer have any controling vote, and REFORM will begin.

    Now you know WHY it is so important the three individuals we recommend, be elected.

  4. Another example of BIAS...

    The Weddle resignation has not even been mentioned elsewhere by the "reporter". How typical !
