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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Monday at the Election Counting....A Reader Stunned at How It was Conducted

"Robert N" decided to attend the Sun City Anthem Ballot counting on Monday, May 2nd.

His observations were "enlightening".

Here is Robert N's latest that we are more than happy to provide to our readers.

Sun City Anthem Ballot Count Attendee
Criticized by Election Committee for
Questions Raised During Ballot Count
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I attended the recent voted count in the Delaware  Room.  I was using a pair of binoculars to closely monitor the vote-counters and was focusing on Judy Salvage, the Chairperson of the Election Committee,  who appeared to be feverishly working behind her lap top.
About 30 minutes into the count I was approached by an Election Committee person and told to stop using my binoculars

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When I asked why?
I was informed that it could imply an “impropriety” because “it looks like you’re looking at the ballots”.
My immediate thought about that comment?

Well, now, anyone familiar with a pair of binoculars knows that it would have been impossible to “read” the ballots; but in the spirit of cooperation, I stopped using the binoculars and filed her request under ‘administrative b.s’.
I told her the REAL impropriety was that the vote counters have pens, and that NONE of them were red-ink pens…..
...considering that we were instructed to complete the ballots in black or blue ink, anyone handling the ballots should only use a RED-INK pen.
Does that make (common) sense to anyone??
She told me that would be addressed at the next committee meeting .
 I responded that it wouldn’t help the current situation and she just walked away.
What was alarming is that, at a certain point in the vote count, it was decided (for reasons unknown) that the automated vote counter was not working properly; a second vote counter was brought into the room –
It is also unknown whether ALL the votes counted by the first machine (which was deemed not to be working properly) were recounted OR only the remaining votes were counted on the new machine (?).
At the end of the count, some votes were reviewed and counted MANUALLY (???)
As an interesting side, I was confronted while at the vote count by David Berman, who (based on my understanding) writes an SCA blog.
He was objecting to my recent discussion about the Volunteer Luncheon and did not like my “characterization” of him. 
I told him that:
(1) I did not identify ANYONE in my blog submission, and
(2) insofar as I know there are 3 or more SCA blogs, and
(3) if his ego is such that he “assumes” I am referring to him, and
(4) if he feels guilty that I am, in fact, referring to him  - 
THEN that is his problem.
The fact that he walked away suggests that at least one of my responses was correct.
 But --I digress.
Do we need a recount? – YES
Does it need to be recounted by an INDEPENDENT  and NON-BIASED concern? – YES.
The future of our community HOA believing in elections depends on it!
Robert N.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Have a comment about Robert N's concerns?
Were any of you there to witness the actual ballot counting?
Send it to us at:

  1. From Keith Opinions

    I read your opinions regularly.

    I think your doing very well in trying to bring honesty and stability to our community.

    Keep up the good work, and kudos to those that help you.
    1. From Bud Opinions

      Based on the Warlock's comments this election generated a record number of ballots, but no mention of how many were duplicates.

      A recount could bring to light what has been going on in the dark.

    2. From Samuel Opinions

      I must agree from what I have read that something smells about the recent election for vacant seats on our board of directors.

      The first thing that caught my attention was the total vote count. Just a while back we were informed there were only about 2,900 ballots received. Then, when the results were posted, we see there were over 9,000 votes. Wow, we got more than a 100% turnout.

      It was my understanding that each household gets one vote. There are less than 7,200 homes here. Something doesn't add up. Then I have read how the ballots were removed and then returned with a different counting machine. I would say there must have been some double counting.

      I hope there can be a recount but wonder if that can be on the up and up. All this is evidence that we surely do need a change in leadership here.
    3. Sam, the 9,000 votes were total votes. Each unit owner was eligible to cast 3 votes.
    1. From Samuel Opinions

      I previously questioned how there could have been over 9,000 votes. Each ballot had the potential for three votes so there easily could have been 9,000 or more votes.

      I still cannot believe the results though, how can so many be so misinformed about the job the previous board members did?
    2. Sam,

      At least you voted. That says more for you an over 50% of all the other unit owners...

      ...and...when the dues increases and/or special assessments appear, my guess is that those individuals will the the loudest voices that will be heard.


  1. From Keith Opinions

    I read your opinions regularly.

    I think your doing very well in trying to bring honesty and stability to our community.

    Keep up the good work, and kudos to those that help you.

  2. From Bud Opinions

    Based on the Warlock's comments this election generated a record number of ballots, but no mention of how many were duplicates.

    A recount could bring to light what has been going on in the dark.


  3. From Samuel Opinions

    I must agree from what I have read that something smells about the recent election for vacant seats on our board of directors.

    The first thing that caught my attention was the total vote count. Just a while back we were informed there were only about 2,900 ballots received. Then, when the results were posted, we see there were over 9,000 votes. Wow, we got more than a 100% turnout.

    It was my understanding that each household gets one vote. There are less than 7,200 homes here. Something doesn't add up. Then I have read how the ballots were removed and then returned with a different counting machine. I would say there must have been some double counting.

    I hope there can be a recount but wonder if that can be on the up and up. All this is evidence that we surely do need a change in leadership here.

  4. Sam, the 9,000 votes were total votes. Each unit owner was eligible to cast 3 votes.

  5. From Samuel Opinions

    I previously questioned how there could have been over 9,000 votes. Each ballot had the potential for three votes so there easily could have been 9,000 or more votes.

    I still cannot believe the results though, how can so many be so misinformed about the job the previous board members did?

  6. Sam,

    At least you voted. That says more for you an over 50% of all the other unit owners...

    ...and...when the dues increases and/or special assessments appear, my guess is that those individuals will the the loudest voices that will be heard.
