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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Reader Looks at Liberty Center Litigation as a Result of Poor Leadership Allowing the Problem to Exist

Our Anthem Opinions valued reader, Robert N. is at it again..this time commenting on the Liberty Center litigation.

For those unfamiliar with Robert, it was his dedication to uncover facts regarding wasteful board spending, despite the former management company's and one current and one former board member's interference to refuse him access to that information.
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The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost

Robert N.

chicken_sits.jpg (225×225)

As many of us realize, some of life’s decision(s) come back to haunt you many years later. Such is the case with our Liberty Center.

In my many years of real estate experience, I have NEVER heard of accepting new construction “as is” (without a final inspection by a trained individual). 

Yet such was the case with our Liberty Center.

Out of sheer Arrogant Stupidity (or was it sheer Stupid Arrogance?) someone on a prior Board of Directors decided to accept this disaster-waiting-to happen “as is”.

Perhaps such an inspection could have identified one or more defects responsible for our current dilemma?

Who could have possibly done that... and... WHY was it done? 

I was not living in SCA at the time of this debacle, but rest assured, I would have raised enough hell about it to perhaps change someone’s mind (I know, a long shot, but I would have given it my best try).

To compound the problem, we retain our own version of ‘My Cousin Vinnie’ to represent us in our litigation with the builder (Pulte).

Of course Pulte denies any liability. 

‘My Cousin Vinnie’ agrees to hire an outside mediator from Santa Monica, California.

Why wasn’t a local Mediator retained?

It’s almost like our Board has some kind of morbid fascination with people in California.

Of course, following the typical transparency of this Board, the estimated costs were not revealed – it’s not as if it’s OUR money involved.

The only thing missing is what room at the M Casino will be rented to hold the mediation, and where everyone will be wined and dined.

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  1. From Lloyd Opinions

    I think that the board president who signed for Liberty Center should pay for the repairs.

    Who signs off on a project like this without getting a complete inspection of the building?
  2. Lloyd, that would be then president, Roz Berman, .

    As Robert N. so aptly put it, in our opinion that was either "arrogantly stupid" or "stupidly arrogant".


  1. From Lloyd Opinions

    I think that the board president who signed for Liberty Center should pay for the repairs.

    Who signs off on a project like this without getting a complete inspection of the building?

  2. Lloyd, that would be then president, Roz Berman, .

    As Robert N. so aptly put it, in our opinion that was either "arrogantly stupid" or "stupidly arrogant".
