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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Are You Gulity or Know of Someone who is ? An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Using an Unlicensed  and/or Uninsured Firm or Individuals Hurts our Entire Community

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Are you concerned about strangers roaming through our neighborhoods? 

You should be...

...because many of those dangers are caused by residents who create that concern.

Residents causing the danger?

Yes employing UNLICENSED and UNINSURED building and handyman contractors and landscaping maintenance firms to perform services at a lesser cost than those who are responsible...and play it by the book....

... having a current valid BUSINESS LICENSE and ARE properly INSURED.

Are you one of those or knows someone who PLACES OTHERS IN DANGER by trying to save a few dollars?

Perhaps the most flagrant violators are LANDSCAPING firms.

It is not surprising that a great deal of these firms hire UNDOCUMENTED individuals. 

That seems to be "how business is done" here in Las Vegas, and an overwhelming percentage of those workers are perhaps the hardest working people any of us could ever imagine...


...all it takes is "one bad apple" to create havoc in a community, and utilizing an UNLICENSED firm will INCREASE the probability that the "one bad apple" can make YOU and/or YOUR NEIGHBORS....victims of crime.

Landscaping firms have a daily presence in Sun City Anthem, yet there is NO WAY to verify their LEGALITY unless you ask them to do so.

Often those who "play by the rules" have their business licenses on their trucks...

... but don't take that for may have expired !

A valuable source is the Clark County Government website.

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This link will take you directly to a Business License Databank Search.

Verifying a firm's business license is quite simple; by merely clicking on  the above link,  you can obtain these searches:

Here's another valuable source....The Nevada Contractors Board for  home improvement projects.

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Its Mission Statement:

The Nevada State Contractors Board is committed to promoting public confidence and trust in the competence and integrity of licensees and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.

This organization is worth its weight in gold.

What do they do and how do they do it? 

Other than providing basic information about firms, they actively "police" firms and protect you, the consumer.

Here is their policy regarding complaints and investigations:

Upon receipt of a complaint or a request for an investigation, the Board has the authority to investigate the actions of persons who are licensed contractors and persons contracting without a license.

If an investigation reveals a violation of the law pertaining to the jurisdiction of the Board, NRS 624, formal charges may be filed.

Investigations and disciplinary proceedings must be conducted in compliance with the law. The Board must follow legal standards and requirements applicable to investigations and disciplinary proceedings and actions.

The Board has the authority to investigate persons contracting without a license, and may issue a citation to the unlicensed person requesting a court appearance and imposing a fine.

Prosecution of unlicensed contracting cases is pursued through the court system.

This is the Clark County CONTRACTORS website in which you can check to see if a firm you are considering is properly licensed, but also provides you the telephone number, registered address of the firm, and THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY INSURANCE carried by the company.  

It also separates firms by industry.

Note:  A number of landscaping firms are NOT CONTRACTORS and only provide MAINTENANCE....

As a result, those who ONLY provide MAINTENANCE will NOT be included on the Nevada  Contactors Board site, but you can verify a valid business license by checking the Clark County Government website.  

Have a complaint to file, or have some other concern? 

Our suggestion...


(702) 257-1724

This link will give you all the information you want to know if "something doesn't look right"...and you want it verified.

Our concern is SAFETY....


REMEMBER.....those who employ firms without legal credentials or proper amounts of liability protection can HURT ALL OF US, not just the party who carelessly employs such a firm.


..such activity is specifically BANNED in our CCRs and have no authority to solicit anything from anyone in person.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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  1. From Mary Lee Opinions


    Educating residents and making them aware of this problem and consequences is fabulous.

    Great editorial !

    You work so hard to help all of us and I'm grateful!!!


1 comment:

  1. From Mary Lee Opinions


    Educating residents and making them aware of this problem and consequences is fabulous.

    Great editorial !

    You work so hard to help all of us and I'm grateful!!!

