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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sun City Anthem Searches Restaurant Options....An Anthem Opinions Editorial (Part Two of Four)

Restaurant Mania
It's Getting as Old as Many of Us
It's Time We Get it Right !

Part Two of Four

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Yesterday we discussed the obvious neglect of unit owner wishes in 2011 and their results, proving that the Sun City Anthem Board made a terrible blunder in supporting a number of restaurant ventures.

Anyone who disagrees with that assessment is in deep need of a lesson in basic economics...and...math....unless of course, you ignore the FULL facts associated with those losses.

And with that in mind....

We go back to the "white paper con job".

Neglect of unit owner wishes somehow never appeared, did it?

Yes, a "succession of private tenants" dropped like flies when it came to PAYING THEIR BILLS, didn't they?

...but the reasons for the failures?

"The SNAKE OIL" specialist....who "trolls" the halls of Sun City Anthem facilities looking for anyone who will listen to him...

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...completely eliminated the single most glaring cause:


...and in the real world, that means "the buck stops" with those who allowed the problems to exist...and...persist....

...until one by one, all of disastrous eateries were told to GET LOST !

Dr. Snake Oil can't seem to accept that fact...because doing so would prove he's not the best person to give advice.

After all, he boasts of having ...



He blames "Shaky" finances
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Absolutely, but how did the Snake Oiler's board ...solve that issue? INFUSING THEM directly or indirectly with loans and/or reductions in rent.

Folks...just in case you forgot...which of course Mr. Oil hasn't the courage to mention....

That was YOUR MONEY...and...

Where did it go?

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His version of financial management can simply be described in this manner when it comes to spending unit owner funds....

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...typical of a BUREAUCRAT.

Blaming the failure of  the last bunch when the "meal ticket" financier dropped dead?  

Here's a newsflash !

Guess what? 

Proper financial planning of any business INCLUDES such contingencies... example of which might have been a keyman life insurance policy on the top dog AS PART OF THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT to allow Sun City Anthem an avenue for future payments which they were entitled to under the LEASE.

Another notable "screw-up"...


How is money loaned to an organization without any below prime rate....after being refused by a bank....without vetting of any kind?

You never saw that aspect of "the restaurant" mentioned by Dr. Snake, did you?

Why would that be? 

"Covering" for his "chosen" bunch ?


HIS PERSONAL INCOMPETENCE in knowledge of funds management ?

Outrageous...that's not "shaky finances"...that's

by those refusing to recognize it

...ranking right up there with not demanding a professional inspection of the Liberty Center prior to its acceptance.

After all, where were his SUCCESSES in order to gain any form of credibility?

It's widely known that a Massachusetts judge had to inform him that math didn't include FORGING LEGAL DOCUMENTS...and for those who need a reminder, or those of you who recently arrived in Sun City Anthem believing in or trusting Mr. Oil...

Here's a PUBLIC RECORD.  You be the judge as his credibility.

Snake's next "bit of wisdom" as to the reason for the restaurant financial explosion?

Frustration on the part of some residents and an active boycott by some residents through communication channels and word of mouth?

Yes indeed, and well deserved. 

While Dr. Oil would promote that restaurant every other day, unit owners instead experienced...

Lousy food, crummy service, crying poor and getting rent reduced again and again.

Everyone should love a place that provides such excellent service, don't ya think?

Let's now quickly examine GAMING...

....and what some believe that it would be "the econonic save all".

First, you need a gaming license.   ($$$$$)

Second, those video poker machines are LEASED...not owned, and the profits are shared.

Third, there is NO WAY you could compete with casino play.

No COMP drinks...
No COMP food...
No Mailers to offer Buy One Get One Free...
No promotional gifts...
No points.



Last but not least, the word "amenity" crops up again and again.

Let's assume that IS an amenity.

Here's something that is also included in the definition of that word.

It's only an amenity...


...something that was conveniently ignored by Snake Oil man.

No outsiders other than personal unit owner guests, but no outsiders also means...


Of course, all of these concerns don't seem to be properly addressed by an individual whose agenda DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THE FULL STORY. 

Then again, will any of these issues have any bearing on the ultimate result?  

Probably not....ECONOMIC LOSS is a "way of life" in Sun City Anthem due to unit owners lack of knowledge or concern, so why accept success, when that's the "norm" by a certain blog that specializes in deceiving others by refusing to bring out the real DOLLAR issues that affect the wallets of retirees, many on fixed incomes.

This Part Two analysis and response to the deception elsewhere to what we believe is nothing more than a "White Paper con"...can be summarized as a plea to....


...when almost all of those mistakes can be attributed to POOR PLANNING, believing in deceptive journalism, and ultimately choosing those who NEVER should have been granted any lease agreement in the first place.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

Part Three
"Common Sense...Looking at the Cost of a Self-Managed Restaurant"

  1. From Vincent Opinions

    I'm an ex-business man, CFO.

    You are absolutely correct!

    I would like to see another eatery opened but only under very strict conditions and terms.

    We do not need a gourmet restaurant.

    There's enough places in Las Vegas if you want to spend a lot of money.

    What we need is a nice, comfortable coffee shop serving breakfast, lunch and dinner items at reasonable prices.

    It would be convenient and attractive to all those using the facilities from the early morning into the evening.
    1. From Karie Opinions

      First, let me ask, does Mrs. Seddon get a daily copy of the Anthem Opinions? If she doesn't, then maybe her email address should be added on so she gets other opinions from homeowners besides the Board.

      Secondly, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that the community doesn't support ANY TYPE of restaurant if the prices are over $5.00 per person. And at those prices, no one in business for any type of profit is going to want to be here--except for maybe a fast food chain.

      And the SCA location just might not be the best set up for one without spending additional funds to remodel the main building to keep the general public out of club areas.

      Maybe SCA just needs some VENDING machines that have fresh snacks, salads, and ready-made sandwiches available. Someone else services it, and all SCA provides is the space and electricity. Then reuse the current restaurant space for another meeting room, or make the current meeting room(s) (like where the caucus was held--room was way too small!) on that side of the building even larger. Certainly would cost less, and would allow for larger entertainment venues too.

      I do agree that the 2011 survey info does not reflect current ownership. I know my husband and I had just closed on our home when we received the survey and the restaurant, at that time, was no longer open.

      I recall responding that we were unable to voice our opinion, other than to say that we did NOT want our assessments to fund any part of a restaurant.

      Keep up the informative reporting and getting the word out.

      I do know that some of my neighbors were unaware of the"Anthem Opinions" website. Perhaps you could take out an ad in the Spirit Magazine or the Vegas Voice to help spread the word.

    2. Karie, (I love that nickname for Karen)

      Other individuals have suggested that we forward Anthem Opinions and the community responses to. Mrs. Seddon.

      We were perhaps one of he first to meet her before she "officially" joined SCA. 

      I'm a believer that first impressions count, and was VERY IMPRESSED; so much so, that at a Board Meeting, I addressed the board by saying "I may have many disagreements with you, but this time YOU REALLY GOT IT RIGHT".

      Mrs. Seddon is very much aware of us. 

      We can't confirm this, but it was shortly after one of our editorials supporting an Association Anti-Bully policy, it was she, along with her discussions with our association attorney, who recommended SCA adopt one. 

      The Association Attorney had actually drafted the verbiage. 

      Surprisingly, and perhaps the first time I ever experienced an attorney recommendation IGNORED, the SCA Board would not even consider addressing the issue, despite support from Director Weinstein. 

      Her reaction appeared to be more than surprising. 

      There have been a few cases when we have sent her some information, and in all cases, she has been both kind and receptive to our emails. 

      Then again, from all we have spoken to, we have not been singled out....she is a VERY RESPONSIBLE and kind individual who is trying her best to do her job in a fair and impartial manner...a breath of fresh air who gladly has time to speak with residents for their views on various matters.

      Unlike another blogger who for some reason, always desires to "poke his nose" in everyone's business, if Mrs. Seddon wishes to subscribe to Anthem Opinions, she is more than welcome at any time. 

      We just don't want to FORCE OURSELVES ON A PERSON who is VERY BUSY trying to do her job.

      As far as placing an ad in the Spirit, ironically, this question came up yesterday.

      Here was our response:

      "We also want to make you aware of a rule made years ago that DOES NOT ALLOW community blogs to advertise in the Spirit.

      Anthem Opinions would have GLADLY PLACED an ad in the Spirit to promote readership.

      Obviously, the "old guard" knew that various publications would disagree with a number of Board decisions, and it was obvious to us that the reason for not allowing them to place an ad, was merely an attempt to "stonewall" differing opinions.

      Perhaps Mrs. Seddon could revisit this decision? any board members continue to oppose it?

      We'd love to hear from them...and if they still oppose placing an ad in the Spirit, the reason WHY why do ???

      If we do....we will certainly do so.

      Thanks for caring about our beautiful community, Karie. And...send a copy of Anthem Opinions to them in order that they too, may enjoy the many venues we offer our subscribers.
      1. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


  1. From Vincent Opinions

    I'm an ex-business man, CFO.

    You are absolutely correct!

    I would like to see another eatery opened but only under very strict conditions and terms.

    We do not need a gourmet restaurant.

    There's enough places in Las Vegas if you want to spend a lot of money.

    What we need is a nice, comfortable coffee shop serving breakfast, lunch and dinner items at reasonable prices.

    It would be convenient and attractive to all those using the facilities from the early morning into the evening.

  2. From Karie Opinions

    First, let me ask, does Mrs. Seddon get a daily copy of the Anthem Opinions? If she doesn't, then maybe her email address should be added on so she gets other opinions from homeowners besides the Board.

    Secondly, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that the community doesn't support ANY TYPE of restaurant if the prices are over $5.00 per person. And at those prices, no one in business for any type of profit is going to want to be here--except for maybe a fast food chain.

    And the SCA location just might not be the best set up for one without spending additional funds to remodel the main building to keep the general public out of club areas.

    Maybe SCA just needs some VENDING machines that have fresh snacks, salads, and ready-made sandwiches available. Someone else services it, and all SCA provides is the space and electricity. Then reuse the current restaurant space for another meeting room, or make the current meeting room(s) (like where the caucus was held--room was way too small!) on that side of the building even larger. Certainly would cost less, and would allow for larger entertainment venues too.

    I do agree that the 2011 survey info does not reflect current ownership. I know my husband and I had just closed on our home when we received the survey and the restaurant, at that time, was no longer open.

    I recall responding that we were unable to voice our opinion, other than to say that we did NOT want our assessments to fund any part of a restaurant.

    Keep up the informative reporting and getting the word out.

    I do know that some of my neighbors were unaware of the"Anthem Opinions" website. Perhaps you could take out an ad in the Spirit Magazine or the Vegas Voice to help spread the word.

  3. Karie, (I love that nickname for Karen)

    Other individuals have suggested that we forward Anthem Opinions and the community responses to. Mrs. Seddon.

    We were perhaps one of he first to meet her before she "officially" joined SCA.

    I'm a believer that first impressions count, and was VERY IMPRESSED; so much so, that at a Board Meeting, I addressed the board by saying "I may have many disagreements with you, but this time YOU REALLY GOT IT RIGHT".

    Mrs. Seddon is very much aware of us.

    We can't confirm this, but it was shortly after one of our editorials supporting an Association Anti-Bully policy, it was she along with her discussions with our association attorney, who recommended SCA adopt one.

    The Association Attorney had actually drafted the verbiage.

    Surprisingly, and perhaps the first time I ever experienced an attorney recommendation IGNORED, the SCA Board would not even consider addressing the issue, despite support from Director Weinstein.

    Her reaction appeared to be more than surprising.

    There have been a few cases when we have sent her some information, and in all cases, she has been both kind and receptive to our emails.

    Then again, from all we have spoken to, we have not been singled out....she is a VERY RESPONSIBLE and kind individual who is trying her best to do her job in a fair and impartial manner...a breath of fresh air who gladly has time to speak with residents for their views on various matters.

    Unlike another blogger who for some reason, always desires to "poke his nose" in everyone's business, if Mrs. Seddon wishes to subscribe to Anthem Opinions, she is more than welcome at any time.

    We just don 't want to FORCE OURSELVES ON A PERSON who is VERY BUSY trying to do her job.

    As far as placing an ad in the Spirit, ironically, this question came up yesterday.

    Here was our response:

    "We also want to make you aware of a rule made years ago that DOES NOT ALLOW community blogs to advertise in the Spirit.

    Anthem Opinions would have GLADLY PLACED an ad in the Spirit to promote readership.

    Obviously, the "old guard" knew that various publications would disagree with a number of Board decisions, and it was obvious to us that the reason for not allowing them to place an ad, was merely an attempt to "stonewall" differing opinions.

    Perhaps Mrs. Seddon could revisit this decision? any board members continue to oppose it?

    We'd love to hear from them...and if they still oppose placing an ad in the Spirit, the reason WHY why do ???"


    If we do....we will certainly do so.

    Thanks for caring about our beautiful community, Karie. And...send a copy of Anthem Opinions to them in order that they too, may enjoy the many venues we offer our subscribers.
