Information Pages

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sun City Anthem Workshop Reminder

Restaurant Work Shop
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Just a reminder of the Sun City Anthem Workshop Meeting that will take place on Tuesday, September 27th at 9:00am in Anthem Center.
Express your feelings regarding the feasibility of Sun City Anthem considering ANOTHER restaurant under various options.
Anthem Opinions has made it clear in our detailed analyses, we are of the strong belief NO OPTION can obtain any degree of success unless residents SUBSIDIZE VARIOUS COSTS in some manner...
.... is open to any option subject to a proper referendum of all unit owners that MUST INCLUDE a FULL COST DISCLOSURE and DETAILED MANNER IN WHICH ANY SUCH COSTS WILL BE ASSESSED AND/OR ABSORBED.
As we have said again and again...
This time...
 The People Must Make a Final Decision...
... subject to a thorough professional feasibility analysis commissioned by a General Manager in examining each available option...the result of which must be accepted by the majority of unit owners.
A Board's function is merely to GUIDE the END RESULT of that two part action.
Our suggestion is quite simple...
Allow the Democratic process to work as it was designed.
Anthem Opinions Administration


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