Information Pages

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Is Sun City Anthem Being Policed Properly?

Another Home Break-In
Sun City Anthem

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A reader has informed us that on Thursday, September 29th between 1:00pm and 4:00pm, another burglary / break-in has occurred in Sun City Anthem....

...this time in Mountain View Village....

...where it was reported that the offender(s) broke through the front door of a home, ransacked the entire house, and stole the homeowner's car.

The owner was thankfully not home at the time.

It's also been reported that a neighbor witnessed two young Hispanic individuals believed to be in their 20s flee the residence.

Henderson Police have indicated that the recent rash of break-ins have occurred between 10:00am and 5:00pm, and if you witness cars suspiciously canvassing your street, be vigilant and call 311 immediately reporting it to the police.
  1. From Renee Opinions

    I am sorry to report that Mountain View had another break in on October 10th.

    When I spoke to the policeman and asked was there another break in-he was very nonchalant and said yes, but nothing was in the house.

    Who cares seemed to be his attitude.

    Just the fact that our homes are being assaulted now weekly !!!

    They broke in thru the patio door.

    I don’t feel the police are taking this serious enough.

    Something has to be done about this.

1 comment:

  1. From Renee Opinions

    I am sorry to report that Mountain View had another break in on October 10th.

    When I spoke to the policeman and asked was there another break in-he was very nonchalant and said yes, but nothing was in the house.

    Who cares seemed to be his attitude.

    Just the fact that our homes are being assaulted now weekly !!!

    They broke in thru the patio door.

    I don’t feel the police are taking this serious enough.

    Something has to be done about this.
