Information Pages

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Resident Responds to Board Member's Comment in 2nd Email

Our valued reader, Barbara Sidary, has requested we publish another email...sent to  Board Director, Carl Weinstein, in response to his comment on Anthem Opinions.

 For those who did not read Mr. Weinstein's response, the article, as well as, Mr. Weinsteins's and all those who chose to comment on Ms. Sidary's article, can be found by clicking on this link:

from-the-mailbag-500x383.jpg (500×383)

Barbara Sidary
Sun City Anthem Resident

Carl, thanks for your response, although it would have been nice if you had cc'd  me on it so I would have it directly.  

I am sure you have more information than I do, but I moved here in 2009 and I believe we got relief from our last payment of the year and don't remember the increase at that time. 

Why would they forgive the last payment and then raise our dues the next year ?

if Sandy saved $35,000 a month for 9 months = $315,000, where is that money? 

Why do we have to have so much money in reserves ? 

In all my years of working, I have never gotten a bonus of 10%.  Seems like a very big bonus.

Are part of the savings from having facilities not putting enough toilet paper in the ladies bathrooms, because they won't throw out the last little bit ?
It sometimes seems like they are tripping over dollars to save pennies.
Close the shades in the gallery to save on energy, but don't close them during the winter even if the sun is coming in after 2:30pm and the card  players can't see ?

Buy new pool tables (which are very expensive)... but can't afford to buy more arm chairs for the gallery to accommodate the players so they have to fight over them ???

Try to change the hours of the clubs without researching that poker and pan can only use the big tables and the Maj  Club has the most members that utilize Independence Center. 

This problem could have been alleviated with talking to the presidents of the clubs before upsetting everyone that plays. 

We have to be the only place in the world that can't seem to buy a machine that will do a scan on members cards.  That is so sad.  

We need a voice and don't have one with our current board. 

I understand that your response was only your opinion. 

No one else on the board cares to respond or to tell me how to get a question answered. 

Can't believe there is so little transparency with our board. 

I would love to see a comparison of what we were paying the management company vs what self management is costing. 

The residents really don't seem to have any say in what we do and what we spend. 

I am very disappointed that I can't even come to a board meeting or write an email and get a response from our board. 

I can write my congress individual and get a response. 

In review, I appreciate your response but am upset that the rest of the board seems to care less. 

I  am a paying resident and feel I have no voice in deciding what I am spending my money on. 

Sun City is noted as being number #1 in the country, but will that continue under the current administration?

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The response from Sun City Anthem resident, Barbara Sidary, was more than anyone could have imagined.

On Monday, November 7, 2016...

Anthem Opinions had 2,026 visits.

Did Ms. Sidary strike a nerve that continues to draw more and more criticism regarding the 2017 dues increase, as well as, the $20,000 bonus that will be paid to Sandy Seddon, our Association General Manager?

Note that NOT A SINGLE SUN CITY ANTHEM BOARD MEMBER has answered her concerns with the exception of Mr. Weinstein.

For that, we commend him.

We did some research regarding those Board members who were elected or reelected earlier in 2016.

We thought we would take a few quotes from their election promises and have you decide if THEY ARE WORTHY of YOUR CONFIDENCE.

Bob Burch

"Be assured that I heard your concerns and that I will do all I can to have these issues addressed"

"And then there's the issue of communication, communication, communication.  As I said during my campaign, I solicit your input as to ways we can address this very important issue"

Aletta Waterhouse

"I look forward to hearing from you and most importantly, to serving you."

Thomas Nissen

"I will continue to seek improvements in Board communications with residents"

But by far, the best...from a blogger who boasts a 100% record of endorsing those who have been elected to the Sun City Anthem Board...

"Mr. Nissen  is part of the reason why our Association assessment remains at $1,100 after many years. And when day is done, isn't our pocketbook what it is all about?"


Now it's your turn.

Got a comment?

Send it to:

  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Once again, we can see the frustration from members of our community and their reaction to Barbara’s letter.

    So what do we do?

    Many just put a comment on the blog saying I agree. Why can't the board be open and run this association like a business?

    Many add a few points and post their short comments to the blog for others to see.

    It appears to have little effect unless those who are concerned will barrage Board Members with their concerns.

    Anthem Opinions offers the email addresses of ALL board members to anyone that is interested.

    I would suggest the following.

    1. Write your comments and questions to every board member.

    2. Ask for a personal reply since the board is suppose to represent the community.

    3. If they do not answer in a timely manner, RESEND your comments to them and mark the comment 2ND REQUEST.

    4. If any of them do not answer you consider sending additional requests.

    5. Attend board meetings to repeat your comments and ask for specific response. Tell them in public that they have not answered you.

    When we do not attend meetings, we are giving the board permission to ignore our requests and go on doing what they have been doing.

  1. From Opinions

    Coming from California by way of Chicago to Anthem was a major change in how a Nevada HOA operates, at least how SCA operates.

    I was a Board Member and Officer of a 150+/- unit mostly absentee ownership condo association for 12 plus years.

    I was also a Board Member and Officer for the HOA where we lived in CA (160 +/-) single detached homes for about 6 years.

    We went thru construction defect litigation with the builder.

    An aside: we were in a mediation meeting on the defect litigation when 9/11 happened and we all gathered around the secretary's radio since the lawyers office had no TV.

    What an experience!!!

    What I'm trying to express is that regardless of any differences between CA and NV law, the basic theory remains the same-an unconditional obligation to do good for the members not for the Association Directors or employees.

    My wife and I moved into Anthem about four years ago and I had the attitude that as long as the dues were affordable and needed repairs were accomplished, I could let the HOA run as it was, necessary WITHOUT sticking my nose into the situation.

    After hearing that dues were increasing while there was lots of money left over, I began to rethink my opinion.

    I was able to attend the Finance Committee meeting where they discussed "hiding" more money instead of even considering a refund to the members, and I was outraged that nothing was going to change their minds.

    In my day they would have been terminated from the committee for gross stupidity.

    So after this long diatribe, I am offering my knowledge and experience to hopefully change a few decisions about reserves.

    My physical abilities "ain't so hot", but my brain and sense of being still can recognize right from wrong.

    The HOA needs new blood.
    1. From Barbara Opinions

      I loved your quotes.

      Amazing what a candidate will say and then not do.

      I have had many people that have read your blog and come up to me and commented.

      Your blog is actually the best and most truthful.

      You are to be congratulated.
    2. Thanks Barbara,

      It means a lot, but what means the most is that people like you will take the time to write comments that are intelligent, well thought out, and can be understood by most people, unlike those elsewhere that only have the ability to call individuals names, but don't have the courage to even use their own name when they do.

      If only those board members would realize that proper communication (in English) explaining their actions would go so far to enhance their credibility !

      But let's give some credit to Carl Weinstein.

      He listened and tried to get you some kind of explanation.

      None of the others bothered despite their "campaign promises" which were obviously made to merely get elected.

      And the other blogs who endorsed any or all of them, should have the courage to admit they recommended choices that were terrible errors in judgment....

      ...and that their readers should realize that their credibility is only as good as the results produced by their recommendations.

      You are the one to be congratulated, not me.

      You opened a "wound" that both the board and community never realized how badly was "bleeding".


  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Once again, we can see the frustration from members of our community and their reaction to Barbara’s letter.

    So what do we do?

    Many just put a comment on the blog saying I agree. Why can't the board be open and run this association like a business?

    Many add a few points and post their short comments to the blog for others to see.

    It appears to have little effect unless those who are concerned will barrage Board Members with their concerns.

    Anthem Opinions offers the email addresses of ALL board members to anyone that is interested.

    I would suggest the following.

    1. Write your comments and questions to every board member.

    2. Ask for a personal reply since the board is suppose to represent the community.

    3. If they do not answer in a timely manner, RESEND your comments to them and mark the comment 2ND REQUEST.

    4. If any of them do not answer you consider sending additional requests.

    5. Attend board meetings to repeat your comments and ask for specific response. Tell them in public that they have not answered you.

    When we do not attend meetings, we are giving the board permission to ignore our requests and go on doing what they have been doing.

  2. From Opinions

    Coming from California by way of Chicago to Anthem was a major change in how a Nevada HOA operates, at least how SCA operates.

    I was a Board Member and Officer of a 150+/- unit mostly absentee ownership condo association for 12 plus years.

    I was also a Board Member and Officer for the HOA where we lived in CA (160 +/-) single detached homes for about 6 years.

    We went thru construction defect litigation with the builder.

    An aside: we were in a mediation meeting on the defect litigation when 9/11 happened and we all gathered around the secretary's radio since the lawyers office had no TV.

    What an experience!!!

    What I'm trying to express is that regardless of any differences between CA and NV law, the basic theory remains the same-an unconditional obligation to do good for the members not for the Association Directors or employees.

    My wife and I moved into Anthem about four years ago and I had the attitude that as long as the dues were affordable and needed repairs were accomplished, I could let the HOA run as it was, necessary WITHOUT sticking my nose into the situation.

    After hearing that dues were increasing while there was lots of money left over, I began to rethink my opinion.

    I was able to attend the Finance Committee meeting where they discussed "hiding" more money instead of even considering a refund to the members, and I was outraged that nothing was going to change their minds.

    In my day they would have been terminated from the committee for gross stupidity.

    So after this long diatribe, I am offering my knowledge and experience to hopefully change a few decisions about reserves.

    My physical abilities "ain't so hot", but my brain and sense of being still can recognize right from wrong.

    The HOA needs new blood.

  3. From Barbara Opinions

    I loved your quotes.

    Amazing what a candidate will say and then not do.

    I have had many people that have read your blog and come up to me and commented.

    Your blog is actually the best and most truthful.

    You are to be congratulated.

  4. Thanks Barbara,

    It means a lot, but what means the most is that people like you will take the time to write comments that are intelligent, well thought out, and can be understood by most people, unlike those elsewhere that only have the ability to call individuals names, but don't have the courage to even use their own name when they do.

    If only those board members would realize that proper communication (in English) explaining their actions would go so far to enhance their credibility !

    But let's give some credit to Carl Weinstein.

    He listened and tried to get you some kind of explanation.

    None of the others bothered despite their "campaign promises" which were obviously made to merely get elected.

    And the other blogs who endorsed any or all of them, should have the courage to admit they recommended choices that were terrible errors in judgment....

    ...and that their readers should realize that their credibility is only as good as the results produced by their recommendations.

    You are the one to be congratulated, not me.

    You opened a "wound" that both the board and community never realized how badly was "bleeding".
