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Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Were They Thinking ? An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Liberty Center to Reopen with Gala
The Art of Financial Waste

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If you haven't heard by now, the Liberty Center is going to have a..

Grand Reopening

It's scheduled for Saturday, December 10th at 11:00am

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According to the latest bulletin, even "light refreshments" are being served! 

And... they're even going to have a .....

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Now it's time to...


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Who in the world thinks about having a party after a major blunder ?

I know...

... a General Manager who is getting an additional TWENTY GRAND on top of a QUARTER OF A MILLION BUCKS, with the blessing of seven individuals who agreed to it !

... and...the decision seems to have been made BEHIND CLOSED DOORS  without what we believe is the LEGAL REQUIREMENT of having to make this known and voted on in an OPEN MEETING !

It seems that all of them might need a reminder....

...that a board CANNOT authorize the expenditure of association funds under CLOSED DOOR circumstances unless there is an....

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...and if someone out there would like to explain just how this in any way, constitutes an emergency...

...please let us know !

Believe me, I'm glad the place is going to re-open.  

All of us have been paying dues for a place no one could use for the past year.

But a party ?

Only in Sun City Anthem would you have a party to celebrate the most expensive "blunder" in the history of a community !

(to date) literally rebuild the place as a result of not having had the common sense to have it professionally inspected before it was accepted.

So...we hope all of you who do decide to join the festivities while stuffing your faces with "free" cookies and refreshments that the rest of the community is paying for....

...remember this....

It's not every day a group of responsible leaders can have a party ON YOUR NICKEL, while allowing an association's reserves to PLUMMET...

...then asking residents to join in a MAJOR LAW SUIT against a builder ...

...while your dues are increasing 10% in 2017 ...

...with another anticipated one a year later !

Our suggestion regarding the "light refreshments"...

Board Flavored
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Well...we won't be partaking in yet another UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE that does nothing but add to our community's financial woes. 

Our feeling is that it would be embarrassing to celebrate something that, due to improper planning and lack of common sense, created financial devastation to a community.

Instead, we'll buy our own cookies and have our own RIBBON CUTTING reflect our feelings !

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Got a comment ?

Send it to us at:

  1. From Valerie Opinions

    After reading your blog this morning I am disgusted at the poor taste of the Board and our manager.

    Is this "ribbon cutting ceremony" a bad joke?

    It's more appropriate to have a funeral for Liberty Center opening based upon the bad decisions that have been made that we all now have to pay for for their ignorance.


  2. Valerie, in my opinion, this action is one of the most ridiculous ideas and expenditures ever made, no matter how much or how little is being spent.

    It is the principle that matters, and an inept manner of thinking without considering the consequences or even asking the community for approval or disapproval of such an idea.

    Who "raises taxes" (as in dues increase), then expects people to understand when spending like this takes place?

    Only those who are so out of touch and without common sense.

    We got what we paid for in the last Board election, didn't we?

    Just another example of "let them eat cake" ! We'll do whatever we please.

    And yes, DISGUSTING !

  1. SCA residents for whatever reason have had to deal with the loss of amenities for over a year which led to many disputes over space and a definite change in the lifestyle of many. We need something to celebrate and Liberty center reborn is a great reason in my opinion. It won't change the past, but it's time to move on to the future and work together again. Cookies and coffee can't cost that much and maybe they were donated. Entertainment is free so come and visit your neighbors and enjoy or sit at home and complain. Your choice.

  1. Phyll,

    Please feel free to eat my free cookie.

    Not complaining, just putting everything in perspective.

    My guess is those cookies cost about $1,000 each when you take into account the mess that was created by the lack of planning when that building was originally built.

    Just have a problem celebrating a catastrophe !

    Thanks for the comment.
    1. November 18, 2016 at 6:44 AM      From Fran Opinions
      Wow - we are thinking of moving to your community and after reading all the unethical activity of your board, we are really thinking twice about moving there. Gosh, can't the residents do anything about it? Very disturbing. Reminds me of the corruption of the 1960s/70s in Las Vegas.

    1. From Vic Opinions

      Hmm, if you can get $1,000 per cookie......the board members should think about running for public office.

1 comment:

  1. From Vic Opinions

    Hmm, if you can get $1,000 per cookie......the board members should think about running for public office.
