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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dangerous Sun City Anthem Intersection...A Problem for Years

Local Motorcycle Driver
Sun City Anthem Drive near Hayden Creek Terrace

Motorcycle-Death.jpg (688×387)

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  1. From Mike Opinions

    After personally witnessing today’s crash on Sun City Anthem and Thunder Bay where a motorcyclist was killed I feel that drastic action needs to take place!

    I’ve been in the community for nearly 18 months and have noticed how bad the drivers are! They speed on Sun City Anthem constantly.

    In the center parking lot you always have to be on alert on someone speeding and not yielding.

    On Sun City Anthem Pkwy, they need to either place stop signs, speed bumps, or traffic lights to stop the reckless drivers.

    There’s been at least 3 major accidents in the community this past week alone!

  2. Mike,

    Not so sure about "speed bumps", as hitting one of them at 45-65 mph, a car might strike a plane taking off at Executive Airport, but I certainly agree that a stop sign, preferably a stop light, would greatly assist the problem.

    I live on Scotts Valley Drive and the stop lights installed at that intersection have been a godsend.

    They are sensored allowing traffic to flow freely without long delays and have been quite effective.

    What I find ironic is, on one hand ignoring that issue on major roads, yet on Scotts Valley Drive, the city recently installed a stop sign approximately 2 blocks west of Sun City Anthem Parkway.

    It appears that the line of sight dictated this, and I for one, though initially considering it annoying, eventually got used to it, and with safety being a number one objective, am now more than happy it is there.

    Another topic I wish would be address are those who believe that golf carts are synonymous with cars as they travel at unsafe speeds in many areas....such as mine.

    Side streets line Scotts Valley Drive every 100 feet, and all too often, I have witnessed autos ignore stop signs before proceeding on Scotts Valley Drive.

    Think about a car striking a golf cart ?

    Who do you think will prevail?

    Perhaps will a little luck the person "flying down the street" in the golf cart may get lucky and merely become a paraplegic instead of dying in a vehicle that has NO PROTECTION !

    Where is the common sense, and where in the world is a senior citizen going that requires them to get there that quickly?

    Finally, where are the police?

    Lately the Anthem communities have experienced break-ins and burglaries more than ever, and now we have had a continuing problem with unsafe intersections and drivers.

    Cost... They Say.

    BS...I Say.

    My guess is that you would pay the annual income of a Henderson Police officer within 2 weeks with the number of speeding tickets they would write just within the Anthem communities alone.

    At about $300 per ticket, I don't think I'm that far off in my thinking with the number of speeders all of us witness each and every day.

    My dear departed dad once told me, "He worst pain an individual can endure is the loss of weight within their wallet."

    Will the speeders complain ? What do you think ?

    Then again, I don't care, and I'm sure there are many of us who would gladly welcome their financing additional police protection as a result of their endangering the lives of others.... order that they can beat the next person to the nearest casino !
