Information Pages

Sunday, December 11, 2016

New Information Pages Designed to Keep Our Senior Lifestyle a Safe & Happy One

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We want to Welcome you to the newest editions to Anthem Opinions...

A New Information Page entitled "Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe" and its accompanying Information Page entitled "Resident Reports of Concerning Crime Activity".

As we mentioned yesterday, "Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe" is intended to provide numerous safety tips to all residents of the Anthem communities, with special attention to the many seniors who chose this area of the Las Vegas valley for their retirement.

The accompanied "Resident Reports of Concerning Crime Activity" is devoted entirely to YOUR reporting any safety concerns. 

We gave considerable thought to these additions due to the...

 30+ break-ins and burglaries

...we were recently made aware of within the past three months that have occurred in the Sun City Anthem and Solera communities.

If you see or hear of ANY safety issue, let us know by sending us an email at:

Unlike our regular blog policy pertaining to other articles, you may remain anonymous when reporting such matters.

Your safety and privacy is a primary concern in allowing a change in our comment policy in this case, and by doing so, will hopefully allow you to freely report any matters of concern.

Let us know about break-ins and burglaries. 

Tell us about drivers who endanger others with their driving habits by providing us the description of the vehicle AND license plate number.

..and if you can snap a picture on your cell phone and send it to us...

...we'll post it for all to see !

We know there is a severe lack of police protection in this section of Henderson, and our Community Patrol's hands have been restricted due to Association and Insurance regulations.

That translates into YOUR EYES and EARS becoming an important element of the solution.

Let us reiterate one VERY IMPORTANT POINT...


Get the best description you can, and immediately call the Police.

Then send us the information for us to make the residents of all communities aware of the issue.

And if you have the police come to your home, most importantly...

Have them make a report and ask for the Complaint Number

In many cases that is the ONLY WRITTEN record of having reported an incident.

To begin our new Information Page, we have asked an individual who was recently named the "Community Patrol Person of the Month".  

Though he does not speak on behalf of the Community Patrol, nonetheless, we thank Robert Nusser for his contributing to this initial and timely article.....
'Tis the Season
Robert Nusser
Sun City Anthem Resident

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Go to our Information Page

"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

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