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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Meet #45


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  1. From Gayle Opinions


    This was very well done. Two days to a new day.

    I'm anticipating a super next four years.

  2. From Denise Opinions

    Wonderful and Interesting.......

    I don't for the life of me understand why Americans can't see this is a great man who loves this country and wants to succeed...... and they should just GIVE HIM A CHANCE to make America great again. It's despicable!!!

    Thanks Dick!!!!

  3. From George Jacobs of Cleveland, Opinions

    Thanks for the background. I really appreciate you giving me education.

    Although I voted for him, I held my nose with my fingers.

    It sure looks like I got more than I expected.

  4. From Forrest Opinions

    Super articles on Donald Trump and Family along with Mike Pence.

    Now I understand why many Democrats, media, and movie industry are so hateful.

    Envy...Jealously...Stupidity to say the least.

    Quality...Ability...Character...Success... Just drives some Democrats crazy because the entitlement folks cannot tolerate those traits, traits many Dems seem to be lacking.

    My simple phrase...

    "There is a big difference between business minded people and "W-2" earners (Entitlement Folks)."

    These simple minded individuals cannot tolerate others that are what do they do?

    ...bad mouth, demonstrate, whine, cry, and blame someone else for their failures.

    I am still chuckling over Trumps win.

    I'll bet he will be a great success for our country, shake up Washington, and put the "lifer" politicians to shame.


  5. From George Jacobs of Cleveland, Opinions

    As I've come to know more about #45, he brings to mind Reagan and Kennedy.

    What a wonderful combination that could be!

  6. From Robert Opinions

    Wonderful article.

    TOMORROW is the BIG DAY !

  7. From Opinions

    The article you printed on Trump was informative but not unbiased. It not only gives facts, it clearly is slanted
    toward support of him. Not exactly basic journalism in my opinion.

    I lived in NYC for 15 years and witnessed the ‘business practices’ of Trump long before he ran for president.

    I recall one story that broke my heart. He acquired a rent controlled building on Manhattan’s upper west side.

    It was a beautiful building and housed people who were older and who had lived in the building for many years.

    It was prime real estate, but with the rent control laws, the rent charged was far below market value.

    This law was in place to help poor people maintain a decent standard of living in a city that was becoming increasingly more and more expensive to live in.

    Rent control protected them.

    Through Trumps business savvy, he got them out!

    Every last one of them, one by one were evicted from their homes.

    One lie after another about the building being unsafe, need improvements and upgrades and as soon as the work was done they were suppose to be allowed back in their homes they lived in for many, many years.

    Well, that never happened.

    The apartments were turned into condos and sold at a great profit.

    I recall one headline in one of the local papers to the story went something like this,

    ” Trump would sell his own mother’s legs as foundation to make a buck”

    The Wollman Rink story definitely helped his tarnished image at the time.

    He swooped in like a white knight and fixed what others could not.

    I remember the entire city was very grateful to him. It was nothing short of a miracle.

    Good stories like this one are few and far between, but shows that there is some decency in him.

    It showed that he is not just a cheating, ruthless, lying, womanizing, adulterer we knew him to be.

    Finally, as the article states, he won! Now we all must pray for him to succeed and pray for our country to not go back again but to move forward stronger and more resilient than ever.


  8. S.C., it is always refreshing to have an opposing view. That's the beauty of the American system.

    I am sorry that you felt the article was biased. It was never meant to be; however, in examining your comments, I could not help but notice it appears that everything you criticized was the result of a media report, not a personal experience.

    Were you one of the occupants of that housing you mentioned?

    Did you know any individual who was?

    Other than that, I do find fault in demanding a "for profit" organization being forced to lose money.

    Perhaps legislation like "rent control" created a false sense of economy, that you feel it is the duty of profit-making companies to work for "the state's" interests, rather than their own.

    That was never what capitalism was intended to do, but a revolution in 1917 Russia was...and that system died a rapid death in 1989 as a result.

    And...also, could regulations like "rent control" be the reason that states like New York have some of the highest tax rates in the country?

    By any chance, did you relocate to Nevada to avoid those high taxes?

    And...referring to the President of the United States in terms of a "cheating, ruthless, lying, womanizing, adulterer" is certainly uncalled for in our opinion.

    Many had "issues" with the individual he will be replacing, yet reluctantly accepted him as our President, and lived with his decisions for eight years, despite those disagreements.

    They did not riot in the streets. They did not refer to him as an "illegitimate president"; they allowed history to take its course until they could decide whether that same form of leadership should continue.

    The people believe it did not as a result of the 2016 election.

    I hope all people of all political persuasions can do the same in this case, and those who disagree with the current climate, like those in the past, will have the same opportunity to make a change in 2020.

  9. Watching the inauguration concert on the Mall in Washington DC I am reminded of something my Mom told me so many times. Her Dad often told her "The best thing I ever did for my children was to come to this Country". Aren't we fortunate to live in this wonderful land? I am sure my grandfather's sentiments apply to so many of us and we might sometimes forget to cherish this special gift and treat it with the respect it truly deserves. Best way to do that is by respecting each other- not enough of that these days.

  10. From Opinions

    Thank you Mr. Arendt for your thoughtful well written reply to my response.

    First let me begin by saying that most opinions are based on media reports, including yours.

    Few Americas know Donald Trump personally. I did meet him once at Trump Tower in the 90’s.

    I feel, being an ex New Yorker I have a perspective that others might not have. New Yorkers did not support him
    largely because we witnessed through the years many things first hand that were never reported in the national papers.

    Yes, I personally witnessed the eviction of those tenants, I lived just a few doors down from that building.

    I also lived in another building that had a wonderful view of a park and the Hudson River.

    Trump purchased the land right across the street and built condos in front.

    We all lost our views, a nice park, and property values went down.

    Although I didn’t like it, I understand that this is business, this is capitalism and you win some and you lose some.

    You cannot equate this with being tricked out of your home, evicted and set out into the streets. Trust me I know the difference.

    Also, I moved to Nevada for personal reasons. I did not come here straight from New York.

    As for the disrespect you mentioned, I’d like to point out my view of the disrespect our current president has endured throughout his presidency.

    There have been numerous instances, but for time sake I’ll just point out a couple.

    Most noteworthy is state majority leader(at the time) Mitch McConnell obstructionist strategy. He pledged to prevent President Obama from achieving his goals and rallied to oppose him even when Republican agendas were on the table.

    Where is this ‘reluctance acceptance’ you speak of?

    Rep. Joe Wilson yelling out ‘you lied’ to President Obama, doesn’t feel like ‘reluctant acceptance’ to me.

    Arizona governor Jan Brewer pointing her finger in President Obamas face like he was a naughty child, was certainly not ‘reluctant acceptance’.

    Even George W Bush, who is now referred to as the worst president in our history never received such disrespect.

    I have to disagree with you about the “we” didn’t question his legitimacy.

    In fact it was Trump who continued to question the legitimacy of Obama to be president. The whole birther movement was indeed that.

    "Fake news" perpetrated by a man who now criticizes "fake news” becauseit no longer serves him.

    Finally, President Obama's presidency was not perfect.

    Yes, there were mistakes, missteps, miscalculations, etc.
    No president is without this.

    It’s a difficult job and God bless those who feel called to the office.

    But I don’t think you can EVER say that President Obama marginalized women,disrespected ethnic groups, mocked the handicap, insulted our allies, praised our enemies, cheated on his wife, didn’t pay contractors who did work for him,or paid millions to get out of a law suite for the fraudulent Trump University.

    These things speaks to his character.

    For all of President Obama's flaws, he still remains a decent human being.

  11. S.C., let me remind you that this article in no way chastised any person, yet almost all of your remarks were directed to literally "demonize" Donald J. Trump.

    We merely attempted to provide a biographical sketch of an individual who was chosen to be our 45th president by the people of the United States.

    You will note that not a single negative word was written regarding Hillary Clinton or President Obama.

    Only the life of President Trump was discussed....from his immigrant heritage to his success in business and industry, and the educational levels and prestige achieved by his children.

    The past is the past, and neither of us can change it, whether it be opinion or fact, but one should, if they truly love this land, respect the office to which this man has been elected.

    You mention that you seem to be better qualified as to determining the character of Mr. Trump because you originally resided in New York.

    I am from the Chicago area and watched the career of our current president from the moment he was an Illinois State Senator to his election to the US Senate, and eventually the presidency.

    That is another story...a story that has many sordid aspects that honestly, are no longer of any importance, and certainly would not have anything to do with the biography of Mr. Trump.

    It is time to stop these constant incessant attacks on our new president, accept the reality of the situation, and remember that the enemies of our country are closely watching them...

    ...that these senseless arguments and insults directed at Mr. Trump AS THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD, do not merely attempt to weaken him as a president, but our entire nation in the eyes of the world.

    Why is that so difficult to comprehend on the part of "Trump haters"?

    We have had a successful and peaceful transition of power in almost every elective moment in US history....with the exception of the Civil War.

    It was in that year that such rhetoric against a man elected our President (Abraham Lincoln) had the effect of the potential destruction of the entire American system.

    The result....the catastrophic loss of countless innocent order to preserve it....

    ...and allowing a man named Lincoln to become what many consider our greatest president.

    Is it possible that Mr. Trump may indeed succeed, or do the constant insults fear his succeeding ?

    One thing for sure, if you believe he can't...HE WON'T...negativity fuels negativity.

    That attitude is NOT the American Spirit that has professed optimism for over two centuries.

    Is that the ultimate objective regarding the inability of accepting reality?

    Destruction of the system ?

    Wouldn't it be easier to accept the man, wish him well, watch him for the next four years, and then determine if he and/or his political party should continue a similar agenda by way of a PEACEFUL election ?

  12. From Forrest Opinions

    I have to shake my head in total amazement and disagreement after reading S.C.'s comment regarding Trump's purchase of a run down building, refurbishing it, selling the units, and making a profit.

    In short, that is Capitalism at work and is what free enterprise should be in the USA...not Socialism where Entitlement is mandatory and someone else should pay your way.

    I was a victim of Rent Control in Los Angeles, California, another Liberal controlled state.

    I inherited several properties as payback for a bad debt.

    I worked through it losing $$$ because the rent structure under Rent Control was well below the current going rate at that time.

    The renters knew they were protected by law and took advantage of it.

    The property owners could only increase rent dictated by government regulation, and could not evict because of heavy penalties that would be imposed.

    Rent increases allowed were 50% less than the annual cost of living.

    I didn't criticize the renters for taking advantage of the law, so why are investors criticized when they follow it?

  13. From Sarah Opinions

    Yes Elizabeth,

    It is a great country. We are fortunate to live in a place where we can speak freely, disagree with others
    and challenge the establishment without fear of serious persecution.

    America is (by comparison) the land of the free.

    We are all fighting to keep this right.

    One thing I know for sure, no matter who is in the white house or what they do, or don’t do,
    In the end, when it’s all said and done, we are all Americans! That will never change.


  14. This is how the power of transition SHOULD occur.

    Perhaps those who choose to disrupt the presidential inauguration might wish to examine these letters exchanged from past presidents on the day they were inaugurated.

    They show GOOD WISHES...and...what seems to be absent as we witness the "mobs" of protesters....CLASS !

    The letter from George Bush to Barack Obama in 2009:

    "Dear Barack,

    Congratulations on becoming our President. You have just begun a fantastic chapter in your life.

    Very few have had the honor of knowing the responsibility you now feel. Very few know the excitement of the moment and the challenges you will face.

    There will be trying moments. The critics will rage. Your 'friends' will disappoint you. But, you will have an Almighty God to comfort you, a family who loves you, and a country that is pulling for you, including me. No matter what comes, you will be inspired by the character and compassion of the people you now lead.

    God bless you.

    Sincerely, George"

    The letter from Bill Clinton to George Bush in 2001:

    "Dear George,

    Today you embark on the greatest venture, with the greatest honor, that can come to an American citizen.

    Like me, you are especially fortunate to lead our country in a time of profound and largely positive change, when old questions, not just about the role of government, but about the very nature of our nation, must be answered anew.

    You lead a proud, decent, good people. And from this day you are President of all of us. I salute you and wish you success and much happiness.

    The burdens you now shoulder are great but often exaggerated. The sheer joy of doing what you believe is right is inexpressible.

    My prayers are with you and your family. Godspeed.

    Sincerely, Bill"

  15. Microsoft cofounder and Forbes-designated richest person in the world, Bill Gates, in a recent interview, said Trump has the opportunity to be like JFK. He said thought there was "a lot of fascination" in identifying which "new directions" Trump would take the country in.

    He added that Trump was not elected "so much for specific policies" but because voters wanted "the kind of leadership" he presented.

    Mr. Gates commented that, "In the same way that President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that — I think that whether it's education or stopping epidemics, other health breakthroughs, finishing polio, and in this energy space — there can be a very upbeat message that his administration is going to organize things, get rid of regulation barriers, and have American leadership through innovation be on of the things that he gets behind."

    He added that Trump was not elected "so much for specific policies" but because voters wanted "the kind of leadership" he presented.

    My own joy and sense of relief watching the Pre-inauguration concert feed on CSPAN (without cmmentary) reminded me of those same feelings when John Kennedy was elected president.

  16. From Victor Opinions

    Referring to the President of the United States in terms of a "cheating, ruthless, lying, womanizing, adulterer":

    I thought they must be referring to ex-president Clinton.

    How short memories are, especially when party lines are involved.
