Information Pages

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Recent Sun City Anthem Email to Residents Explained

Sun City Anthem Board Member
Jim Mayfield
Answers Resident's Questions
Regarding Disturbing Email Sent to Residents

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Thanks to the persistence of resident, Mary Lee Duley, we have some clarification as to the questions raised regarding this eblast sent to Sun City Anthem Residents on Thursday, February 2, 2017.


A Board of Directors emergency executive session has been called for Friday, February 3, 2017.  Below you will find the official agenda for this meeting.
MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSFebruary 3, 2017 – 08.30 AM 3770 Howard Hughes Pkwy #300Las Vegas, Nevada 89169

1.             CALL TO ORDER                                         
2.             ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM                                         
3.             LEGAL
A.      Possible motion on pending legal matter (Citimortgage).
B.      Possible motion to release legal opinion related to Liberty Center.
     4.            ADJOURNMENT
Next meeting – February 23, 2017 at 9:00 AM

Sun City Anthem Board Director sent two emails to Mrs. Duley to assist the clarification of these matters.

Mr. Mayfield has allowed Anthem Opinions to publish the two correspondences sent to Mrs. Duley.

To both of those individuals, we thank you.
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"Citibank matter.  

Like other associations, we have been involved in a long standing dispute with many banks who have not kept assessments current on properties to which they have title or are delaying taking possession of properties in default. 

The judges in Nevada are still all over the map on the rights of an HOA versus a bank on the technical rights of HOAs versus banks. 

This is a routine matter and is handled in executive session because it is a pending legal matter. 

Emergency meetings are called on this subject when the SCA attorney requests direction between normal meetings.

The matter of the release of legal opinion on the Construction Defect legal action is in response to an issue I brought to the Board. 

My long-standing position is that SCA's practice of not releasing all legal opinions is a violation of state law and lacks transparency. 

Unless a matter is in litigation or probably will be in litigation, I do not believe the opinions shouldn't be disclosed, particularly on matters on which SCA owners are asked to vote. 

Not sure how this one will play out, but at least I want to be on record that the issue was addressed."

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"I have repeatedly objected to the over use of emergency sessions because I believe that they are illegal if not STRICTLY in compliance with the limited list of the type of issues that are allowed at an emergency meeting. 

This morning, Mr. Weddle supported me on the point that the discussion of use of attorney client privilege and the release of the legal opinion related to the Construction Defect litigation was not appropriate at an emergency meeting; so, the item was not discussed but deferred to the regular meeting in February."
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Got a comment?

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  1. Why is it that an individual resident has to make requests to ask such questions?

    Are we not paying an individual $260,000 a year to do this ?

    Perhaps either she, or whomever she has appointed to do such communication, should take a class in how to communicate with people...because it is more than obvious, that person or persons lack communicative skills.

    This is not the first time confusion has resulted form such published memos, and if any of the existing board members are capable of looking at the situation without "genuflecting" before her, it's time to look at reality.

    Are we getting our money's worth with self-management, or is the "honeymoon" over and reality beginning to appear?

    We are beginning to wonder !

    It's been over a year, and no one had divulged the TOTAL FINANCIAL EXPENDITURES MADE in 2016 as compared to those in 2015 (before this new GM took the reigns) in order to determine whether this concept has been effective.

    ...and we're not double talking like some have, regarding how much has been saved over the former management company...

    ...we're talking about TOTAL BUCKS SPENT ON EVERYTHING between 2015 and 2016.

    As a matter of fact, what has taken place is a 10% increase in association assessment at the same time this new GM received a $10,000 raise PLUS a $20,000 year end bonus. the famous line in the Tom Cruise movie states...


    Special thanks to Jim Mayfield, for being the ONE Sun City Anthem Board director who has taken the time to clarify and decipher such muddled reporting.

    What a shame this man will not be running for reelection.

    In my opinion, this community has never had a more intelligent and experienced leader on its Board of Directors.

    ..and..the saddest part...

    ... for being such a homeowners advocate, is constantly criticized and alienated by the remaining members of the SCA Board whose combined intelligence and experience in handling the financial matters of $9,000,000 million per year...

    ..couldn't fit in a thimble !
    1. From Robert Opinions

      Why is it that an individual resident have to make requests to ask such questions?

      Because there is NO transparency, the HOA Board members act like we are their serfs.

      After all the dirt last year (ex. the cost of hiring Seddon, the restaurant bad loans, The Liberty Center, etc.,) the residents STILL voted for the same old same old.

      What does that say about those residents ?


  1. Why is it that an individual resident have to make requests to ask such questions ?

    Are we not paying an individual $260,000 a year to do this ?

    Perhaps either she, or whomever she has appointed to do such communication, should take a class in how to communicate with people...because it is more than obvious, that person or persons lack communicative skills.

    This is not the first time confusion has resulted form such published memos, and if any of the existing board members are capable of looking at the situation without "genuflecting" before her, it's time to look at reality.

    Are we getting our money's worth with self-management, or is the "honeymoon" over and reality beginning to appear?

    We are beginning to wonder !

    It's been over a year, and no one had divulged the TOTAL FINANCIAL EXPENDITURES MADE in 2016 as compared to those in 2015 (before this new GM took the reigns) in order to determine whether this concept has been effective.

    ...and we're not double talking like some have, regarding how much has been saved over the former management company...

    ...we're talking about TOTAL BUCKS SPENT ON EVERYTHING between 2015 and 2016.

    As a matter of fact, what has taken place is a 10% increase in association assessment at the same time this new GM received a $10,000 raise PLUS a $20,000 year end bonus. the famous line in the Tom Cruise movie states...


    Special thanks to Jim Mayfield, for being the ONE Sun City Anthem Board director who has taken the time to clarify and decipher such muddled reporting.

    What a shame this man will not be running for reelection.

    In my opinion, this community has never had a more intelligent and experienced leader on its Board of Directors.

    ..and..the saddest part...

    ... for being such a homeowners advocate, is constantly criticized and alienated by the remaining members of the SCA Board whose combined intelligence and experience in handling the financial matters of a $9,000,000 million per year...

    ..couldn't fit in a thimble !

  2. From Robert Opinions

    Why is it that an individual resident have to make requests to ask such questions?

    Because there is NO transparency, the HOA Board members act like we are their serfs.

    After all the dirt last year (ex. the cost of hiring Seddon, the restaurant bad loans, The Liberty Center, etc.,) the residents STILL voted for the same old same old.

    What does that say about those residents ?
