Information Pages

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Water Waste a Part of Sun City Anthem ?

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We live in a Desert
The Water is Costing Residents Plenty

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 Robert N

A fellow reader of Anthem Opinions was kind enough to forward data to the blog that summarized the parcels of land owned by the “Anthem Community Council”. 

These data reported a total of 97.23 acres of such land.

Now, let’s once again make some observation(s) and reasonable estimate(s):

1. my original estimate of “only” 1 acre of irrigated and maintained lawn area in SCA appears VERY conservative (perhaps TOO conservative).

2. the total acreage owned by the “Anthem Community Council” that is under the DIRECT control of Sun City Anthem was not reported and is, therefore, unknown; for discussion’s sake, let us ASSUME that at least half of this land is under the direct control of Sun City Anthem (for all I know, ALL of the acreage is under the direct control of Sun City Anthem, but I decided it is better to err on the side of conservatism).

3. I am fully aware that much of the ‘common area’ already enjoys ‘desert landscaping’.  So for discussion sake, let us conservatively assume that only 10% of these parcels are improved with irrigated lawn area (again, in my opinion, a conservative estimate)

Therefore, ½ of the total land parcels owned by the ‘Anthem Community Council’ equals 49 acres (rd). 10% of that total would equal 4.9 acres.

Math Check:

 97.23 X 0.5 X 0.1 = 4.9 Acres (+/-)

Now comes the good part:

As I previously reported, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) states rebates for conversion of lawn areas into desert landscape can qualify for substantial rebates:

$2.00 for the first 5000 square feet and $1.00 after that up to $300,000

1 Acre = 43,560 Square Feet;  4.9 Acres = 213,444 Square Feet 

Following the SNWA formula:

5000 Square Feet X $2.00                    $10,000
169,884 SF (the balance) X $1.00  =       $169,884

Total Potential Rebate         


So – my question to the HOA Board of Directors is:


SNWA also estimates that each Square Foot of irrigated lawn area consumes 55 gallons of water per year (that’s their figures, not mine).

Based on their calculation, this 213,444 Square Feet of irrigated lawn area consumes...

  11,739,420 gallons of water per year!

So –again my question to the HOA Board of Directors is:


PS: Our landscape costs should further decline as we do not have to pay for mowing the former lawn areas.

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Once again, we want to thank Robert N. for his contributing to Anthem Opinions.

Got a comment?

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  1. From Carl Weinstein...Sun City Anthem Representative to Anthem Opinions

    Mr. Nusser:

    Sun City Anthem DOES DOT control any of the land that is part of the Anthem Community Council.

    The Council, consisting of the seven HOA's that make it up, controls the acreage you mention.

    The Council meets in May and I suggest you attend that meeting to express your views.
    1. From Robert Opinions

      ALSO - does that mean that ALL of the common property is NOT controlled by us ????

      If so, then why are we paying for irrigation and up-keep of these parcels ????
      1. From Carl Opinions

        All the common property is owned/controlled jointly by the associations that make up the Anthem Council.

        We do not directly pay those bills.

        We pay a fee to the council (as do all the other associations) and the Council determines how it is spent, including water!
  1. From Rana Opinions

    Since Carl pointed out to Robert Nusser that SCA is only one of the HOAs contributing to Anthem Council, I think he should tell all that SCA is also the largest contributor.

    And since he sits on the Council as SCA's representative, maybe he would share how much, or what percentage SCA pays.

    Last month, as I was driving out of the community saw the landscaper company digging up some very healthy, beautiful rosemary plants down by Reunion Drive.

    They then tossed them into their truck... What a waste of money.

    just sayin'.
    1. From Robert Opinions.

      A good comment Rana.

      Here's another question for Mr. Weinstein since he's running for re-election, and for that matter, for Sandy Seddon as well, since it's been claimed she's saved so much money since she took over management of SCA.

      You know all of those chairs that were replaced ?

      Know what happened to the old ones (which, by the way, were in pretty good shape)?

      They sold them at the parking lot sale on Saturday....

      ...saw a pick-up truck leave the sale that was loaded with the old chairs.

      How much did we get for the chairs and what are new ones costing our association?

      1. From Robert Opinions

        In response to Mr. Weinstein’s comments, I was surprised to learn that SCA is merely one of seven communities that are members of the “Anthem Community Council” and that SCA does NOT have direct control over the aforementioned common areas.

        HOWEVER, if, in fact, this “community council” controls the common areas of seven communities, even far greater water could be saved if the “community council” investigated my suggestion of eliminating irrigated lawn areas (?).

        By the way, how much is SCA’s ‘annual contribution’ to the ‘community council’ regarding the upkeep of the common areas? Based on my review of previous contracts with the Landscaper, it appears that SCA already foots the bill for the maintenance of these areas. So, how much are we paying to the ‘community council’ AND what do those fees reflect?

        Mr. Weinstein suggests that I attend the next meeting of the ‘community council’ and present my case regarding the wasting of water; PERHAPS one or more SCA Board Members could attend that meeting for that purpose: the Board Member(s) would certainly have more “clout” than a mere resident, AND this would give the Board member(s) the opportunity to exercise their fiduciary responsibility to SCA residents (trying to save SCA some money). This would also demonstrate that SCA is a ‘concerned desert resident’ – lately, any ‘good press’ would be welcomed.


  1. From Carl Weinstein...Sun City Anthem Representative to Anthem Opinions

    Mr. Nusser:

    Sun City Anthem DOES DOT control any of the land that is part of the Anthem Community Council.

    The Council, consisting of the seven HOA's that make it up, controls the acreage you mention.

    The Council meets in May and I suggest you attend that meeting to express your views.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    ALSO - does that mean that ALL of the common property is NOT controlled by us ????

    If so, then why are we paying for irrigation and up-keep of these parcels ????

  3. From Carl Opinions

    All the common property is owned/controlled jointly by the associations that make up the Anthem Council.

    We do not directly pay those bills.

    We pay a fee to the council (as do all the other associations) and the Council determines how it is spent, including water!

  4. From Rana Opinions

    Since Carl pointed out to Robert Nusser that SCA is only one of the HOAs contributing to Anthem Council, I think he should tell all that SCA is also the largest contributor.

    And since he sits on the Council as SCA's representative, maybe he would share how much, or what percentage SCA pays.

    Last month, as I was driving out of the community saw the landscaper company digging up some very healthy, beautiful rosemary plants down by Reunion Drive.

    They then tossed them into their truck... What a waste of money.

    just sayin'.

  5. From Robert Opinions.

    A good comment Rana.

    Here's another question for Mr. Weinstein since he's running for re-election, and for that matter, for Sandy Seddon as well, since it's been claimed she's saved so much money since she took over management of SCA.

    You know all of those chairs that were replaced ?

    Know what happened to the old ones (which, by the way, were in pretty good shape)?

    They sold them at the parking lot sale on Saturday....

    ...saw a pick-up truck leave the sale that was loaded with the old chairs.

    How much did we get for the chairs and what are new ones costing our association?


  6. From Robert Opinions

    In response to Mr. Weinstein’s comments, I was surprised to learn that SCA is merely one of seven communities that are members of the “Anthem Community Council” and that SCA does NOT have direct control over the aforementioned common areas.

    HOWEVER, if, in fact, this “community council” controls the common areas of seven communities, even far greater water could be saved if the “community council” investigated my suggestion of eliminating irrigated lawn areas (?).

    By the way, how much is SCA’s ‘annual contribution’ to the ‘community council’ regarding the upkeep of the common areas? Based on my review of previous contracts with the Landscaper, it appears that SCA already foots the bill for the maintenance of these areas. So, how much are we paying to the ‘community council’ AND what do those fees reflect?

    Mr. Weinstein suggests that I attend the next meeting of the ‘community council’ and present my case regarding the wasting of water; PERHAPS one or more SCA Board Members could attend that meeting for that purpose: the Board Member(s) would certainly have more “clout” than a mere resident, AND this would give the Board member(s) the opportunity to exercise their fiduciary responsibility to SCA residents (trying to save SCA some money). This would also demonstrate that SCA is a ‘concerned desert resident’ – lately, any ‘good press’ would be welcomed.
