Information Pages

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Did We Uncover the Architect of Board Director & Candidate Carl Weinstein's Smear Campaign Signs ?


Behind Weinstein Smear Campaign Signs ?

A week ago Anthem Opinions made the Sun City Anthem Community aware of a number of signs that appeared to smear Board candidate, Carl Weinstein.

We obtained additional information through research and want to bring this to the attention of Sun City Anthem residents.

One of the signs was located at 2994 Sumter Valley Circle.

The home registers to a Robert Toth.  

Who is Robert Toth?

According to an obituary placed on David's Anthem Journal on December 9, 2010, Mr. Toth sadly lost his wife, Joy. 

But...there was something else in the obit that caught our attention....

Robert Toth is the brother of Phyllis Washburn.

03_Phyllis_K._Washburn_(Secretary).JPG (1200×1112)
Phyllis Washburn

Just who is this woman?

According to the Foundation Assisting Seniors website, SHE IS AN OFFICER on the EXECUTIVE BOARD of that organization..

Its Secretary.

She was a past Sun City Anthem Board Director...

...and is known to be a close personal friend of blogger, David Berman, who recently criticized Weinstein for his FAS stance.

Another "No Weinstein" sign was also located at this address:

2721 Olivia Heights Ave.

Who does that address register to?

Phyllis Washburn

It was Phyllis Washburn who co-founded the Coffee Bar located in Anthem Center, running it alongside her affiliation with FAS.

As we all know, the Foundation Assisting Seniors is currently departing  Sun City Anthem after a dispute. 

Anthem Opinions reported this matter on various occasions.

...and if you click on the link, you will see not only the articles, but various comments from readers...mostly supporting the subsequent Sun City Anthem Board Action that voted....

6-1 have The Association Assisting Seniors depart Sun City Anthem premises.

Subsequently, Anthem Opinions received emails from officers of FAS that were SO INSULTING, we refused to publish their contents as they were a violation of our blog commenting policies.
So...with this information...

We want to get to the bottom of this situation and find out IF Phyllis  Washburn was the architect of the Weinstein smear campaign and if this had the backing and perhaps FINANCING of The Foundation Assisting Seniors.

Let us be specific...we throw no stones, but believe the community is entitled to know the answers to these questions.

If Phyllis Washburn denies her involvement, we want to KNOW WHO PROVIDED THE SIGNS that are displayed in front of her home ?

Then...if we uncover that person or organization, we would like to see a canceled check payable to the firm that designed and printed the signs.

The ball is now in the court of Ms. Washburn.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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What's your "take" on this discovery?

Let us know.

Send you comments to:
  1. It appears that some individuals choose to make a case that the derogatory signs posted to condemn Board member & candidate, Carl Weinstein, are a matter of FREE SPEECH.

    Those individuals are entitled to their opinion.

    But...what's "Good for the Goose, is Good for the Gander".

    Last fall, we were made aware of an anti-Hilary Clinton yard sign that said:

    "Hillary for Prison: 2016"

    A complaint was filed with the Election Committee and the individual was forced to remove the sign.

    When a similar request was discussed with various board members regarding the Weinstein matter, we learned that a number of Board members played the "free speech" card and allowed the "No Weinstein" signs to remain.

    How hypocritical was that ?

    These latest signs against Mr. Weinstein, in our opinion, have nothing to do with free speech....

    ...and it's obvious that in this case, "free speech" applies only to those who find it convenient and "politically correct" rather than embracing MORALITY and DECENCY toward their fellow man.

    Common decency toward a senior citizen who has given years of his life to the Sun City Anthem community service, whether you agree with his positions or not, should not be subjected to such HUMILIATION.

    This issue has to do with COMMON DECENCY.

    I question how those who cry "free speech" would react if they were subjected to such abuse?

    There appears to be strong evidence that the signs were the result of Weinstein's voting to remove FAS from Sun City Anthem premises.


    The Sun City Anthem Board voted 6-1 to remove FAS from Sun City Anthem.

    Mr. Weddle, also a Board candidate, voted in the same manner as Mr. Weinstein AGAINST FAS, yet another blogger proceeded to overwhelmingly recommend Weddle for re-election, while at the same time, criticizing Mr. Weinstein for his FAS vote.

    Why ?

    Is it a co-incidence that he favors one highly, yet criticizes another for the identical vote? 

    Now...add this to his friendship with Ms. Washburn and ask yourself...

    Why did he not bring that up in his critique of Rex Weddle?

    There were NO SUCH SIGNS placed that stated "NO WEDDLE".

    Let's not forget one other aspect of something that occurred a year ago...

    ...something that might have applicability...

    ... something that, had the Board adopted measures to avoid this entire matter...

    ...a plea by Anthem Opinions for an "anti-bully" policy that was not only rejected by that particular blogger...

    ...but was not even given the opportunity for a vote by the existing Board, despite the General Manager attempting to establish a procedure RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY.

    Who voted in favor of establishing such a behavior standard?

    Jim Mayfield and Carl Weinstein.

    Who refused to allow it to even come up for a vote ?

    In addition to Bella Meese and Tom Nissen...

    Rex Weddle
  2. April 6, 2017 at 12:31 PM
    1. From William Opinions

      A very interesting discovery. Thank you for pursuing.

      Let's see if the person(s) behind this come out of the shadows and into the light of transparency.

      Or will the person(s) follow the sad examples by our "leaders" in government?

      We shall see.
      1. From John Opinions

        Obviously those adamantly in favor of Carl are trying to do his bidding for him via these 'informative' blogs. Sounds like paid 'commercials'!!! Get onto issues that are important.
      2. John, in what way is this any endorsement of any candidate? 
        The issue was the use of demeaning signs. 

        There is nothing that in any way favored or dismissed any particular candidate.

        Anthem Opinions made a very generous offer to EACH candidate to have a specific "Information Page" devoted to their respective candidacies

        Only Mr. Weinstein accepted our offer.


        As a result, our position was simply ...


        We found it very odd that EACH HENDERSON MAYORAL CANDIDATE was more than willing to answer our inquires, yet the association ones were not. 

        Draw your own conclusions.

        The issues are many, but none of them seemed to offer any concrete solutions.

        We tried....they denied...and as a result, we won't waste any further time on individuals who seek power, yet were not willing to earn it.

        You want endorsements?

        There has never been, nor will there ever be one, without DETAILED INFORMATION in order to make an INTELLIGENT decision

        Financial matters are not guesswork.

        There are two other bloggers who are more than happy to accommodate endorsements, both having NO BUSINESS EXPERIENCE of any kind. 

        They seem to be the "experts", and their recommendations have cost Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars over the years.

        The moral of the 2017 story .... GOOD reap what you sow.


  1. It appears that some individuals choose to make a case that the derogatory signs posted to condemn Board member & candidate, Carl Weinstein, are a matter of FREE SPEECH.

    Those individuals are entitled to their opinion.

    But...what's "Good for the Goose, is Good for the Gander".

    Last fall, we were made aware of an anti-Hilary Clinton yard sign that said:

    "Hillary for Prison: 2016"

    A complaint was filed with the Election Committee and the individual was forced to remove the sign.

    When a similar request was discussed with various board members regarding the Weinstein matter, we learned that a number of Board members played the "free speech" card and allowed the "No Weinstein" signs to remain.

    How hypocritical was that ?

    These latest signs against Mr. Weinstein, in our opinion, have nothing to do with free speech....

    ...and it's obvious that in this case, "free speech" applies only to those who find it convenient and "politically correct" rather than embracing MORALITY and DECENCY toward their fellow man.

    Common decency toward a senior citizen who has given years of his life to the Sun City Anthem community service, whether you agree with his positions or not, should not be subjected to such HUMILIATION.

    This issue has to do with COMMON DECENCY.

    I question how those who cry "free speech" would react if they were subjected to such abuse?

    There appears to be strong evidence that the signs were the result of Weinstein's voting to remove FAS from Sun City Anthem premises.


    The Sun City Anthem Board voted 6-1 to remove FAS from Sun City Anthem.

    Mr. Weddle, also a Board candidate, voted in the same manner as Mr. Weinstein AGAINST FAS, yet another blogger proceeded to overwhelmingly recommend Weddle for re-election, while at the same time, criticizing Mr. Weinstein for his FAS vote.

    Why ?

    Is it a co-incidence that he favors one highly, yet criticizes another for the identical vote?

    Now...add this to his friendship with Ms. Washburn and ask yourself...

    Why did he not bring that up in his critique of Rex Weddle?

    There were NO SUCH SIGNS placed that stated "NO WEDDLE".

    Let's not forget one other aspect of something that occurred a year ago...

    ...something that might have applicability...

    ... something that, had the Board adopted measures to avoid this entire matter...

    ...a plea by Anthem Opinions for an "anti-bully" policy that was not only rejected by that particular blogger...

    ...but was not even given the opportunity for a vote by the existing Board, despite the General Manager attempting to establish a procedure RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY.

    Who voted in favor of establishing such a behavior standard?

    Jim Mayfield and Carl Weinstein.

    Who refused to allow it to even come up for a vote ?

    In addition to Bella Meese and Tom Nissen...

    Rex Weddle

  2. From William Opinions

    A very interesting discovery. Thank you for pursuing.

    Let's see if the person(s) behind this come out of the shadows and into the light of transparency.

    Or will the person(s) follow the sad examples by our "leaders" in government?

    We shall see.

  3. From John Opinions

    Obviously those adamantly in favor of Carl are trying to do his bidding for him via these 'informative' blogs.

    Sounds like paid 'commercials'!!! Get onto issues that are important.

  4. John in what way is this any endorsement of any candidate?
    The issue was the use of demeaning signs.

    There is nothing that in any way favored or dismissed any particular candidate.

    Anthem Opinions made a very generous offer to EACH candidate to have a specific "Information Page" devoted to their respective candidacies.

    Only Mr. Weinstein accepted our offer.


    As a result, our position was simply ...


    We found it very odd that EACH HENDERSON MAYORAL CANDIDATE was more than willing to answer our inquires, yet the association ones were not.

    Draw your own conclusions.

    The issues are many, but none of them seemed to offer any concrete solutions.

    We tried....they denied...and as a result, we won't waste any further time on individuals who seek power, yet were not willing to earn it.

    You want biased endorsements?

    There has never been, nor will there ever be one, without DETAILED INFORMATION in order to make an INTELLIGENT decision.

    Financial matters are not guesswork.

    There are two other bloggers who are more than happy to accommodate endorsements, both having NO BUSINESS EXPERIENCE of any kind.

    They seem to be the "experts", and their recommendations have cost Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars over the years.

    The moral of the 2017 story .... GOOD reap what you sow.
