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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

No Need to "Phone a Friend"...The Newest Vending Machines in Town

Vending Machines for Addicts
Yeah...It's for Real
Las-Vegas-Is-Installing-Drug-Needle-Vending-Machines-660x330.jpg (660×330)

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  "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"


  1. From Shep Opinions

    Last night, at a meeting of the Sun City Anthem Democratic Club…Henderson Mayor-elect Debra March thanked supporters for her victory at the polls.

    A questioner asked for the status of marijuana dispensing licensing locations within the City of Henderson, recognizing that there is involvement also of Clark County and the State of Nevada.

    As a licensed registered pharmacist(retired), active for 60 years.ten Nevada,(as well as: DC Virginia,Maryland, and Georgia and having experience with FDA Compliance and Enforcement,in court,)may I point out that marijuana (medical as well as recreational) has been (erroneously) classified , by the FDA, as a Category I drug..along with heroin..”having no legitimate medicinal value”.

    This mischief,notwithstanding hundreds of published clinical trials have established the scientific fact that MariJuana does have legitimate medicinal value…and that the FDA classification of marijuana as “:Category One” (like heroin) is CLEARLY ERRONEOUS!

    This LEGAL FLAW gives the Federal Government..with Attorney General Jeff Sessions in charge..the power to prosecute any and all marijuana businesses…growers, vendors,users,etc. with the power of ASSET FORFEITURE of all firms and individuals growing, selling, distributing or using marijuana, medical and recreational, as well as the right to prosecute any banks loaning to such marijuana individuals and firms for “money laundering”.,etc.!

    The “conventional wisdom” is that conservatives favor less involvement of the Federal Government in local matters. Apparently, Jeff Sessions has not shared this conservative philosophy.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    IF the government's position is true, that Marijuana is a dangerous "gateway" drug, 99% of all college graduates from the 1960's and 1970's should be hopeless heroin addicts by now.

    Prohibition in the 1920's and 1930's didn't work (and only made people like Al Capone wealthy)....if you fail to learn from history, you're doomed to make the same mistake over and over.
