Information Pages

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Curing "berman...itis"...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

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If you are in search of more "berman...itis", than you have so see his latest fairy tale about the:

 "many residents being disgusted by the efforts being put out by the group that wants to engineer what will be a costly and divisive process"....

 ..that they are asking him to take up the subject on his blog.

From most people I have met in our community, the few who actually read and believe his blarney, most of them indicated to me that he consider changing its title to...

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...and his latest "who shot John" leaves one to...

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Let's start with the part about this recall business being a costly affair.

How funny is that? 

He supported each the respective Board Directors who authorized... 


...that are paid to ONLY the top 5 individuals in Sun City Anthem management.

Of course, you could fight the facts brought out in the petitions...


...but rather than stating WHY the reasons were legitimate or illegitimate, he instead COMPLETELY AVOIDS any of those "trivial" aspects, and instead reaches out to left field and says "its too expensive".

Too expensive for a Recall, yet OK to dump EIGHT HUNDRED GRAND on FIVE PEOPLE ?

Someone, please explain that..

..but...of course, when that subject is avoided in his tabloid distortions, it somehow makes sense to those who actually believe this guy is financially savvy and qualified to make an intelligent recommendation when his past "ingenious" choices  have almost entirely consisted of unqualified political hacks... the ones a number of dedicated residents want to send packing.

After all, when it comes to keeping a politically corrupt system in power...

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..and nobody crows like Barnum...uh..the Bermeister.

These "geniuses"...the ones named in the petitions, are merely just a sampling of the number of "cronies" he has recommended year after year... most of the others, have  a batting average of ...

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...when it comes to making a bunch of financial decisions...especially on restaurants.

Have any of his readers EVER seen EITHER of these subjects mentioned on his...

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Of course not, that would force him to tell the full story..something difficult for an individual whose "dignified" background speaks for itself.

Now...let's get down to reality.

If these four individuals are successfully DEPOSED, there would be 3 options:

a. Call a special election to fill an unexpired term.
b. Appoint other unit owners to fill those vacancies until the end of the unexpired term.
c. Maintain the board with just the three remaining members.

My guess is that (b) or (c) would be the logical choice...and...

COSTS LITTLE TO NOTHING the supposed 1,800 subscribers and the part about:   

"many residents being disgusted by the efforts being put out by the group that wants to engineer what will be a costly and divisive process"....

I would suggest you go into his blog, and look for a little black box...
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... and give it a "click".  Up comes his actual readership.

Actually, we'll help you.

Want to see how many people actually visited the Barnum...uh.. the Bermeister? 

Just click this link.

But you better hurry, because when you do click on the above you will notice that it will be DISCONTINUED AS OF JULY 1, 2017.

I wonder why ???

Wow, now after you click on it, take a good look at the daily number of individuals who VISIT his website.

That certainly is representative of...

"many residents being disgusted by the efforts being put out by the group that wants to engineer what will be a costly and divisive process"....

Actually, it's merely just another example of...

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Yes, we have less subscribers, about 1,100, but  first, we began our publication 2 years later, and what is most important, WE CERTAINLY HAVE SUBSTANTIALLY MORE READERS.

For the past seven days, the total number of visits made to Anthem Opinions was...


We get it...but what we also understand is that when those who read his distortions and choose to believe them, we've come to this conclusion about him and his minions...
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Sign the Petitions
Take Back Our Community from cronyism, political hacks, and those who praise them.
  1. Anthem Opinions received this link from a reader. For those who doubt our article about another blog's readership, we STRONGLY ADVISE you to click on this link.

    It "tells it all".
    1. From Marty Opinions

      I went to the Rec Center today and did sign ALL the recall forms (5).

      I understand there were lot's before me that were signing too, and I stood in line to sign them…done!

      1. From Robert Opinions

        The link about the Berman blog under your comment, Dick, was startling.

        Overall reputation: Poor

        Trustworthiness: Unsatisfactory

        Privacy: Unsatisfactory

        Child safety: Very poor 
      2. From Mike Opinions

        Hi Dick.

        I think it might be time to get Darcy on this one...She is just the bulldog we need on our side.
        1. From Mercedes Opinions

          I keep hearing about the people that are being paid $800K in salaries but that has to be substantiated in order to be believed.

          Who are those, name them or drop the attack.

          Without that proof, that attack has no impact.
          1. No problem Mercedes.

            Since those of us who are aware of you, know how much you are endeared to David Berman....

            Here you go...information received through an official association document request:

            General Manager
            Sandy Seddon

            $260,000 Salary + $20,000 bonus in 2017

            Chief Financial Officer
            Jim Orlick


            Community Association Manager:
            Lori Martin


            Facilities Director
            Sean Evans


            Activities Department Head
            Danielle Bartle


            Plus cost of living increases and benefits of 401(k) and 85% of medical insurance paid for each.

            So, Mercedes, now that you have the DOCUMENTED evidence, should someone contact you to sign the petitions?
            1. It has come to our attention that certain individuals have made an attempt to not allow those asking for petitions to be signed and BEEN TOLD TO LEAVE the premises.

              For those who make that demand, we would like to call their attention to NEVADA LAW.

              NRS 116.31036 

              "The association shall not adopt any rule or regulation which prevents or unreasonably interferes with the collection of the required percentage of signatures for a petition pursuant to this subsection."

              If they continue to disallow you to obtain written petitions, inform them of this law and if obstruction remains, file a formal association complaint against that person, and then contact the Henderson Police Dept.
              1. From Sherry Opinions

                I really do appreciate the other blogger with his fake news mentioning me on his blog.

                I had a number of people come down just to sign the petition because of what he said about me & my husband.

                So Mr. Fake News, keep up the good work.

                Petitions will be available in the gallery by the poker, please ask or Sherry, or Monday afternoon, 1:45 at the Anthem Center in the Bristol room. 

                Please come sign if you are fed up with what is going on and agree we need changes.

                I will sign my name to this because i am not a fake person.
                1. I notice some bloggers are obsessed about what a recall might cost. They never think about what it will cost if we don't have the recall and don't cut out these ridiculous salaries.
                  1. Lawrence,

                    The article written elsewhere is an example of a desperate individual trying to maintain his "machine" type politics in order to continue the corruption he has always been a part of creating and maintaining.

                    He is what he is, never confronts the full story, and slants everything written in order to maintain the evil he has brought to Sun City Anthem for years. 

                    Why is it that he is the only one who defends the ways of Sun City Board actions year after year? 

                    Does he really believe the complaints and charges against the four directors and General Manager are imaginary?

                    With the background this guy has, you have to wonder if anyone would buy a used car from him, much less hire him for his legal "prowess". 

                    Oh forgot, can't do the later, a judge told him he had to give that up because of dishonesty.

                    As far as those who believe a person with such credentials, the title of this article tells it all.

                    YOU REALLY CAN'T FIX STUPID.

                    Stay tuned for an article exposing him for his latest LIES Monday morning.
                    1. Oh, how clever Barnum is, "weeping" to his readers how he has so viciously been attacked.

                      Oh's just gut wrenching.

                      Can you picture him right now...

                      ...sitting... stewing...and revealed for the person he is and always has been, actually writng a formal article about his feelings being hurt?      Him of all people? 

                      This latest act is right up there with a previous tussle at a political caucus...where he felt it important to write another formal article to his readers, saying...

                      "I'm OK...I'm OK"

                      Now I'm sure Sun City Anthem must have slept well that evening knowing that bit of information.

                      However, since he has now been exposed for the fraud he is, we too, have a saying for him and those will follow his corrupt advice.

                      "The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental." 

                      Who said this? 

                      Ask Aletta Waterhouse, she's the librarian. 

                      Hopefully she and 3 others will have lots of time on their hands soon.

                      Please make sure all of you sign the recall and "no confidence" petitions in order to put an end to this obviously disturbed individual who prances around our community bothering people, taping their conversations, and coming up with some of the most ridiculous articles in the world.

                      1. July 2, 2017 at 5:09 PM
                      2. From Marcia Opinions

                        For those of us who have lived here long enough to have witnessed his consistently abnormal and abhorrent behavior, none of this should come as surprise.

                        After all, it is so much easier and more convenient to blame others.

                        As far as the few (mostly nameless) that comment on his web site and actually agree with every lie and half-truth he utters, they certainly appear to be of the same ilk, lacking in good character, morals, and do not care about their fellow homeowners.

                        Many have also witnessed his out of control temper (ie. Picking up a chair and threatening to hit a woman) as well as verbally abusing his wife coming out of a board meeting with language heard in a bar room brawl.

                        This is akin to road rage or getting even with those perceived to have maligned the perpetrator.

                        The best advice is to ignore him when in the same space as he. 
                        1. From Mercedes Opinions

                          A lot of accusations and no specifics?

                          No one with a brain would sign such a vague petition.

                        2. Mercedes,

                          You asked for documented salary figures and I provided them. Obviously that did not satisfy your attempt to damn our publication in the eyes of the community.

                          As to why you would refer to those who signed the petitions saying "no one with a brain" would do so, is a comment so rude as to normally not appear on Anthem Opinions.

                          But...we are printing this for one reason...

                          Name calling is childish, boring, and makes little sense to intelligent people.

                          You would have been best served by providing intelligent reasons, but instead you chose to demonstate a strong reason as to why the petitions be signed...

                          ...namely to make a public aware of the type of rude behavior that we are attempting to eliminate.

                          Those of us who did sign the petitions in your eyes may not have a brain, but we do have one thing you obviously don't...



  1. Anthem Opinions received this link from a reader. For those who doubt our article about another blog's readership, we STRONGLY ADVISE you to click on this link.

    It "tells it all".

  2. From Mary Opinions

    I went to the Rec Center today and did sign ALL the recall forms (5).

    I understand there were lot's before me that were signing too, and I stood in line to sign them…done!

  3. From Robert Opinions

    The link about the Berman blog under your comment, Dick, was startling.

    Overall reputation: Poor

    Trustworthiness: Unsatisfactory

    Privacy: Unsatisfactory

    Child safety: Very poor

  4. From Mike Opinions

    Hi Dick.

    I think it might be time to get Darcy on this one...She is just the bulldog we need on our side.

  5. From Mercedes Opinions

    I keep hearing about the people that are being paid $800K in salaries but that has to be substantiated in order to be believed.

    Who are those, name them or drop the attack.

    Without that proof, that attack has no impact.

  6. No problem Mercedes.

    Since those of us who are aware of you, know how much you are endeared to David Berman....

    Here you go...information received through a document request:

    General Manager:

    Sandy Seddon
    $260,000 Salary + $20,000 bonus in 2017.

    Community Association Manager:

    Lori Martin

    Facilities Director

    Sean Evans

    Activities Department Head

    Danielle Bartle

    Plus cost of living increases and benefits of 401(k) and 85% of medical insurance paid for each.

    So, Mercedes, now that you have the DOCUMENTED evidence, should someone contact you to sign the petitions?

  7. No problem Mercedes.

    Since those of us who are aware of you, know how much you are endeared to David Berman....

    Here you go...information received through an official association document request:

    General Manager
    Sandy Seddon
    $260,000 Salary + $20,000 bonus in 2017.

    Chief Financial Officer
    Jim Orlick

    Community Association Manager:
    Lori Martin

    Facilities Director
    Sean Evans

    Activities Department Head
    Danielle Bartle

    Plus cost of living increases and benefits of 401(k) and 85% of medical insurance paid for each.

    So, Mercedes, now that you have the DOCUMENTED evidence, should someone contact you to sign the petitions?

  8. It has come to our attention that certain individuals have made an attempt to not allow those asking for petitions to be signed and BEEN TOLD TO LEAVE the premises.

    For those who make that demand, we would like to call their attention to NEVADA LAW.

    NRS 116.31036

    "The association shall not adopt any rule or regulation which prevents or unreasonably interferes with the collection of the required percentage of signatures for a petition pursuant to this subsection."

    If they continue to disallow you to obtain written petitions, inform them of this law and if obstruction remains, file a formal association complaint against that person, and then contact the Henderson Police Dept.

  9. From Sherry Opinions

    I really do appreciate the other blogger with his fake news mentioning me on his blog.

    I had a number of people come down just to sign the petition because of what he said about me & my husband.

    So Mr. Fake News, keep up the good work.

    Petitions will be available in the gallery by the poker, please ask or Sherry, or Monday afternoon, 1:45 at the Anthem Center in the Bristol room.

    Please come sign if you are fed up with what is going on and agree we need changes.

    I will sign my name to this because i am not a fake person.

  10. I notice some bloggers are obsessed about what a recall might cost. They never think about what it will cost if we don't have the recall and don't cut out these ridiculous salaries.

  11. Lawrence,

    The article written elsewhere is an example of a desperate individual trying to maintain his "machine" type politics in order to continue the corruption he has always been a part of creating and maintaining.

    He is what he is, never confronts the full story, and slants everything written in order to maintain the evil he has brought to Sun City Anthem for years.

    Why is it that he is the only one who defends the ways of Sun City Board actions year after year?

    Does he really believe the complaints and charges against the four directors and General Manager are imaginary?

    With the background this guy has, you have to wonder if anyone would buy a used car from him, much less hire him for his legal "prowess".

    Oh forgot, can't do the later, a judge told him he had to give that up because of dishonesty.

    As far as those who believe a person with such credentials, the tile of his article tells is all.


    Stay tuned for an article exposing him for his latest LIES tomorrow morning.

  12. Oh, how clever Barnum is, "weeping" to his readers how he has so viciously been attacked.

    Oh's just gut wrenching.

    Can you picture him right now...

    ...sitting... stewing...and revealed for the person he is and always has been, actually writng a formal article about his feelings being hurt? Him of all people?

    This latest act is right up there with a previous tussle at a political caucus...where he felt it important to write another formal article to his readers, saying...

    "I'm OK...I'm OK"

    Now I'm sure Sun City Anthem must have slept well that evening knowing that bit of information.

    However, since he has now been exposed for the fraud he is, we too, have a saving for him and those will follow his corrupt advice.

    "The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental."

    Who said this?

    Ask Aletta Waterhouse, she's the librarian.

    Hopefully she and 3 others will have lots of time on their hands soon.

    Please make sure all of you sign the recall and "no confidence" petition in order to put an end to this obviously disturbed individual.

  13. From Marcia Opinions

    For those of us who have lived here long enough to have witnessed his consistently abnormal and abhorrent behavior, none of this should come as surprise.

    After all, it is so much easier and more convenient to blame others.

    As far as the few (mostly nameless) that comment on his web site and actually agree with every lie and half-truth he utters, they certainly appear to be of the same ilk, lacking in good character, morals, and do not care about their fellow homeowners.

    Many have also witnessed his out of control temper (ie. Picking up a chair and threatening to hit a woman) as well as verbally abusing his wife coming out of a board meeting with language heard in a bar room brawl.

    This is akin to road rage or getting even with those perceived to have maligned the perpetrator.

    The best advice is to ignore him when in the same space as he.

  14. From Mercedes Opinions

    A lot of accusations and no specifics?

    No one with a brain would sign such a vague petition.


  15. Mercedes,

    You asked for documented salary figures and I provided them. Obviously that did not satisfy your attempt to damn our publication in the eyes of the community.

    As to why you would refer to those who signed the petitions saying "no one with a brain" would do so, is a comment so rude as to normally not appear on Anthem Opinions.

    But...we are printing this for one reason...

    Name calling is childish, boring, and makes little sense to intelligent people.

    You would have been best served by providing intelligent reasons, but instead you chose to demonstate a strong reason as to why the petitions be signed...

    ...namely to made a public aware of the type of rude behavior that we are attempting to eliminate.

    Those of us who did sign the petitions in your eyes may not have a brain, but we do have one thing you obviously don't...

