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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Sun City Anthem Resident Seeks Answers to June "President's Report"

Analyzing The Sun City Anthem
President’s Report

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Robert N

In the June, 2017 ‘Spirit’ magazine Sun City Anthem President Rex Weddle published a report in which he discussed the “business license” fiasco.

After reading this syrupy, condescending diatribe, I would have one question conveniently omitted from the report:

 What person or persons initially opened up this...
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And please, don’t use a collective noun and say the “Board” did it…., it was an individual who was responsible for opening this can of worms.

Seems to me that other local Adult Communities have similar venues where local performers entertain community residents.

I assume that all of our “sister communities” operate under the same set of criteria. So, that being said, wouldn’t all other performers at local Adult Communities (at least those located in Henderson) require a Business License? 

Does it boil down to “SCA is right and everybody else is wrong” ?

Was a survey taken of the ‘competing developments’ to ascertain their requirements for their outside performers?

If EVERYBODY operated like SCA operated, why not ‘let sleeping dogs lie’? If not, WHY NOT?

It would seem that the person or persons who initiated this inquiry with the City of Henderson is either (1) hopelessly stupid OR (2) intent on ripping apart the fabric of SCA.

Other parts of the President’s Report conveniently omitted other tidbits about changes in SCA

For example, WHO was the individual that decided the entertainer must hire a Security Guard for the shows 

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For what reason?  In case a couple of senior citizens get involved in a fist-fight over seat assignments?

WHO decided that ALL SCA shows must be booked by a Production Company “approved” by SCA?

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WHO in the SCA Regime has enough experience in the entertainment field to properly determine what production company has the proper credentials? (or is the selection of the production company based on the amount of a kick-back?)

WHO decided that Liability Insurance would be required?

Why isn't the general liability insurance carried by the association sufficient?

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And last - but not least - 

WHO decided that the entertainer will be charged $1.00 per on-line ticket sold by SCA ? ….this one is really low (and an embarrassment to all SCA residents)

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Alas, the pervasive apathy in SCA allows this to continue.

As ‘Pogo’ once said...

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Got a comment on Robert's editorial?

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  1. From Sherry Opinions

    Seems to me if you can do the same show at Sun City
    MacDonald ranch, without any of these restrictions, the problem is in house.

    Dan Roberts, who by the way will not ever do another show here after the disrespect he has been shown by Sandy Seddon & the rest of the management & the Board, puts on shows at the other sun city developments and they thank him.

    What do we do we give him? Roadblocks at every turn.

    More & more of our entertainment is being taken away for higher priced so called professional production companies.

    Now this is affecting our clubs with speakers or parties with DJ'S.

    It even will affect a simple Meet & Greet or pot luck dinner.

    This place was so nice when we moved in; now since Sandy, the Board & self management, we have nothing but problems including portable bathrooms at the pool!

    This was a classy place, but not anymore.

    I hope we get our shows back the way they were. People need to stop paying more for production companies and let us do our own shows the way we want to.

    These are seniors, they seem to forget that or maybe they just don't care anymore.
    1. From Al Opinions

      Almost everyone who lives up here, loves our community, just not how it is now run.

      My brother in law lives in Sun City Summerlin, none of this happens there.

      A guard at shows, $1.00 fee to get tickets on line, licensing for entertainment companies?

      Who is spending it faster then the board & management can increase our HOA fees?

      We no longer have any say in the way our community is run.

      If to many houses go up for sale, all prices will fall.


  1. From Sherry Opinions

    Seems to me if you can do the same show at Sun City
    MacDonald ranch, without any of these restrictions, the problem is in house.

    Dan Roberts, who by the way will not ever do another show here after the disrespect he has been shown by Sandy Seddon & the rest of the management & the Board, puts on shows at the other sun city developments and they thank him.

    What do we do we give him? Roadblocks at every turn.

    More & more of our entertainment is being taken away for higher priced so called professional production companies.

    Now this is affecting our clubs with speakers or parties with DJ'S.

    It even will affect a simple Meet & Greet or pot luck dinner.

    This place was so nice when we moved in; now since Sandy, the Board & self management, we have nothing but problems including portable bathrooms at the pool!

    This was a classy place, but not anymore.

    I hope we get our shows back the way they were. People need to stop paying more for production companies and let us do our own shows the way we want to.

    These are seniors, they seem to forget that or maybe they just don't care anymore.

  2. From Al Opinions

    Almost everyone who lives up here, loves our community, just not how it is now run.

    My brother in law lives in Sun City Summerlin, none of this happens there.

    A guard at shows, $1.00 fee to get tickets on line, licensing for entertainment companies?

    Who is spending it faster then the board & management can increase our HOA fees?

    We no longer have any say in the way our community is run.

    If to many houses go up for sale, all prices will fall.
