Information Pages

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sun City Audit Committee...Did You Know Association Had Such a Committee, Who's On It, What They Do, or Where They Meet ?

Sun City Anthem's  Audit Committee
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Nelson Orth
Sun City Anthem Resident

Does this committee redefine the word...

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Before that conclusion can be drawn, perhaps I might ask ANY PERSON or RESIDENT these questions:

Has anyone tried to attend an Audit Committee meeting within the past five years?

Has anyone tried to call or write the Audit Committee to ask a question?

Does anyone know the full scope of the duties and responsibilities of this committee?

The answers to these questions are not readily available.


 ...because the Audit Committee meets in secret.
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They post no agenda, no schedule, no meeting place.

The names of those who serve on the committee are not readily available.

No one even knows who sits on the committee.

If a resident wants any information about any committee, they usually check the Spirit magazine; however there is one committee report that is always absent...and you guessed it...

The Sun City Anthem Audit Committee

In the past, the final audit report has been delivered to the Finance Committee around the first of May. 

They would then review and provide any comments to the board liaisons at the mid-May Finance Committee meeting.

The audit report would then be posted in the board book a mere few days before the board meeting.

I often told the board this was not enough time for homeowner review of such an important and complex report...

Their continual reaction...
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However...within that short period, the Board would then accept and approve the audit report.

This year, the process changed.

No mention was ever made of the audit report delivery.

I attended the May 19 Finance Committee meeting, and asked about the status of this important report.

Had anyone seen or reviewed that document?

My question was met with...

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Sun City Board Treasurer Forrest Quinn, said he had not seen the report.

As for the remaining members of the Finance Committee, each looked at me in this manner....

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...but...Management's response was that our auditor would be in attendance at the May board meeting.

When the board book was made available on the Friday before the May 25 board meeting, there was no audit report available for review...


... there was a report that the Audit Committee had met for 21/2 hours on May 17 with the auditors.

You decide if I received a truthful response to my question at the May 19 Finance Committee meeting.

At the board meeting I commented on the secrecy of the Audit Committee, and asked that the acceptance and approval of the Audit Report be tabled until the June board meeting.

The reason...

This would then allow all Sun City Anthem residents, as well as all board members, to review and then be prepared to ask informative questions.

This recommendation was rejected by former Association Treasurer, Thomas Nissen, saying...

The board was under no requirement to do so.

The auditor, Ray Kondler, then provided the board with 7 copies of the final Audit Report.

After Mr. Kondler provided a few verbal comments (no slides), the board unanimously accepted and approved the report.

I submit that no board member could have comprehended the complexity of that detailed report...

...and can then honestly look any one in the eye, saying that action represented the best interests of the homeowners.

Is rubber stamping a financial report that could not have been read and or analyzed in the few moments prior to the vote, a VIOLATION of....

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Mr. Orth certainly deserves his "watch dog" reputation, and in our opinion, and has asked questions that should be answered.

But now...we need to ask you...

1. Should an Audit Report be made public in a more reasonable timeframe?

2. Should the Audit Committee report their ongoing progress in the Spirit each month as do other committees?

3. Do you believe Mr. Orth was lied to by Finance Committee and/or Board members?  If so, should they be sanctioned in any way?

3. Do you believe the Sun City Anthem Board and/or Finance Committee acted improperly in accepting this audit report in the expeditious manner in which it was approved?

4. Do you consider any of these Finance Committee or Board actions a violation of their fiduciary responsibilities?

Send us you comments to:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    The audit report SHOULD be made available to ALL SCA Residents….yes, most of us would not have the financial acumen to understand it, B U T what would happen if a few concerned residents pooled their money and hired an experienced CPA to ‘audit the audit report’?

    Anyone with any business experience knows that numbers can be massaged to result in any desired result

    With all the Nevada regulations pertaining to HOA’s I cannot believe there are no regulations pertaining to this situation.

    As the famous Watergate informant stated: “Follow the Money”.

    Alas, the pervasive apathy of the SCA Residents allow this audit debacle to continue.
  2. From Mike Opinions

    Wow Dick..tremendous article..In defence of all homeowners I'll make this statement...It's no wonder why the continued low participation from owners in voting and governance is the norm...We definitely need more sunshine around here.
  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Thanks to Nelson Orth's continuous attendance at meetings and concern for ALL SCA residents, we are better informed.
    With response to your questions
    1. YES
    2. YES
    3. YES
    4. YES

    The new Board of Directors campaigned heavily saying there would be transparency, no secrets or secret meetings, and there would be open communication.

    To approve ANY documents without FULLY understanding the complexity is, once again, appalling but not a surprise.

    These repeat performances, of unacceptable behavior by some of the SCA Board of Directors should cause enough alarm bells to go off that they DEMAND answers at meetings and file complaints with them, the General Manager, and the Ombudsman's office.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 
  2. From Pat Opinions

    Why is it we always see original comments and reports from SCA residents, but never see responses from others?

    There is always an offer for others to send in their responses to what we've read, but we don't see those responses?
  3. Pat, I always post the responses. I know we have Board members who subscribe to Anthem Opinions, and they obviously AVOID answering any questions.

    What does that tell you about the quality of Board members who represent Sun City Anthem unit owners?
  4. From Marty Opinions

    I read this and wonder why there is so much secrecy?

    Is it an NSA thing that is being run here?

    Since Capillupo and Meese are gone will that change?

    What does the state of NV say about all the secrecy to stop homeowners from seeing what this is all about?

    Is our new “Queen/manager” invoking this?

    I hate it, and wish we can stand for a little honesty now and then, and what is best for the community for a change (look what change got us from the last 8 years…nothing but grief).
  5. Marty, this new "crop" of Board members are every bit as pathetic as those of the past.

    Then again, they may not know how to answer any questions other than asking their fellow Board members, "Should I vote Yes of No to an issue?

    The entire lot really are THAT BAD.
    1. From William Opinions

      Yes, to all four questions in your e-mail today.

      It is sad that the Board and certain important committees pursue such secrecy from the residents of our community and Association.

      It only fosters questions about the Board and Committee member's integrity, whether warranted or not.

      Why not just keep everything on the table and in the light of day for all to see, or are they they are trying to hide something?


  1. From Robert Opinions

    The audit report SHOULD be made available to ALL SCA Residents….yes, most of us would not have the financial acumen to understand it, B U T what would happen if a few concerned residents pooled their money and hired an experienced CPA to ‘audit the audit report’?

    Anyone with any business experience knows that numbers can be massaged to result in any desired result

    With all the Nevada regulations pertaining to HOA’s I cannot believe there are no regulations pertaining to this situation.

    As the famous Watergate informant stated: “Follow the Money”.

    Alas, the pervasive apathy of the SCA Residents allow this audit debacle to continue.

  2. From Mike Opinions

    Wow Dick..tremendous article..In defence of all homeowners I'll make this statement...It's no wonder why the continued low participation from owners in voting and governance is the norm...We definitely need more sunshine around here.

  3. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Thanks to Nelson Orth's continuous attendance at meetings and concern for ALL SCA residents, we are better informed.
    With response to your questions
    1. YES
    2. YES
    3. YES
    4. YES

    The new Board of Directors campaigned heavily saying there would be transparency, no secrets or secret meetings, and there would be open communication.

    To approve ANY documents without FULLY understanding the complexity is, once again, appalling but not a surprise.

    These repeat performances, of unacceptable behavior by some of the SCA Board of Directors should cause enough alarm bells to go off that they DEMAND answers at meetings and file complaints with them, the General Manager, and the Ombudsman's office.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  4. From Pat Opinions

    Why is it we always see original comments and reports from SCA residents, but never see responses from others?

    There is always an offer for others to send in their responses to what we've read, but we don't see those responses?

  5. Pat, I always post the responses. I know we have Board members who subscribe to Anthem Opinions, and they obviously AVOID answering any questions.

    What does that tell you about the quality of Board members who represent Sun City Anthem unit owners?

  6. From Marty Opinions

    I read this and wonder why there is so much secrecy?

    Is it an NSA thing that is being run here?

    Since Capillupo and Meese are gone will that change?

    What does the state of NV say about all the secrecy to stop homeowners from seeing what this is all about?

    Is our new “Queen/manager” invoking this?

    I hate it, and wish we can stand for a little honesty now and then, and what is best for the community for a change (look what change got us from the last 8 years…nothing but grief).

  7. Marty, this new "crop" of Board members are every bit as pathetic as those of the past.

    Then again, they may not know how to answer any questions other than asking their fellow Board members, "Should I vote Yes of No to an issue?

    The entire lot really are THAT BAD.

  8. From William Opinions

    Yes, to all four questions in your e-mail today.

    It is sad that the Board and certain important committees pursue such secrecy from the residents of our community and Association.

    It only fosters questions about the Board and Committee member's integrity, whether warranted or not.

    Why not just keep everything on the table and in the light of day for all to see, or are they they are trying to hide something?
