Information Pages

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Sun City Anthem: A Mess That Needs Replacement

Sun City Anthem Board Treasurer
Panics into Sending Mass Email Criticizing Recall Petition

Resident Responds to Treasurer Stating
"There's More to the Story"
panic-attack150.gif (150×285)

Many of you might have received a blanket email from Sun City Anthem Board Treasurer, Forrest Quinnattempting to  dissuade individuals from signing the Recall Petitions.

We have problems with Mr. Quinn's analysis and BIASED statements which we believe were clearly intended to INTERFERE with the Recall drive as per NRS 116.31036.

In addition we also became aware that the Sun City Anthem Activities Director, Danielle Bartle, took it upon herself to forward this correspondence to EACH CLUB PRESIDENT.

Sun City Anthem regulations specifically state any individual is BARRED from utilizing a Club list for anything other than that club's activities.

This action, in our opinion, also violates the NRS statue applying to INTERFERING with any recall effort.

Here is the email sent:

From: Danielle Bartle <>
 Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Response to Recall Petition

Good Afternoon Club Presidents,

Please share the information below with your club members.  I have attached a pdf as well in case it is easier to disseminate.

Thank you!

Perhaps Ms. Bartle might answer these vital questions.

Are you personally responsible for sending this email?

Were you ordered by any particular individual to write this correspondence, to send it to Clubs, and if so, by whom?

As we made you aware in a previous article, Ms. Bartle accidentally sent an email to Rana Goodman, referring to her as follows:

"see Rana's request below, now maybe she will go back under her rock"


We also received a detailed response to Mr. Quinn's correspondence from resident, Barry Goldstein.

Here is the text of his rebuttal to Mr. Quinn's analysis.

"In response to some of the claims made by our treasurer, regarding the positive variance of the transition to self management the following is what was left out:

In the first half of 2016, a large number of employee positions were not filled. This led to lower costs for employee medical and pension contributions.

A more accurate evaluation would have been to provide numbers from a fully staffed management team.

We were constantly told the assessment increase was due to the future repair of walls and fences.

Now we are told it was to replenish the shortfall caused by the over cost to repair Liberty Center.

The first estimate to repair Liberty Center was $250,000.

The second estimate was $500,000.

Then the board went silent and the cost was then announced at almost $2,000,000.

Why was the cost so high?

When the problem was first discovered, the board decided to delay the repairs.

If repairs were done immediately there would not have been mold, and damage to the inner building might have been minimal.

To replenish $1,000,000 to the reserve fund would have cost each unit owner $150, if done as a one time assessment.

Now we will pay for the Liberty Center in perpetuity because it was done as an increase in our assessments.

The current board treasurer left out the over budget transition costs from 2015.
So his assessment is not an apples to apples comparison".

Perhaps Mr. Quinn, in his obvious zeal to protect the political machine he has now become an integral part of, can answer not only Mr. Goldstein's remarks, but WHY he feels his and/or Ms. Bartle's emails do not violate NRS 116.31036...

...and as a Board Officer with a responsibility to uphold association rules and regulations, if Ms. Bartle's cumulative actions, warrant immediate termination?

Until we receive a VALIDIDATED response from Mr. Quinn, we urge you to use your common sense and sign the petitions.

Send your comments to:
  1. From Dave Opinions

    Two good years to compare would be 2015 and 2017.

    2016 was the Liberty Center repair we had no one working in the building that worked directly for us.
  2. Dave, good comment. 

    Am anxiously awaiting if Forrest Quinn will respond to the retort made by Barry Goldstein and whether he or the rest of the Board, condone the actions of Danielle Bartle.

    Let's face it, if we get no response to answering Barry Goldstein's logical comments, it would all but shoot his credibility down the drain.

    And condoning the Bartle emails to Clubs by not investigating the source and reasons as to why it was sent, or even remaining silent on the issue, would more than prove CORRUPTION on the part of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.
    1. From Suzanne Opinions

      Barry Goldstein shines once again!!! His financial analysis appears correct and truthful.

      Mr. Quinn missed one of the most important items regarding the cost of self management........more staffing will be added in the near future.

      That issue was clearly discussed in the June board meeting!

      To put things in prospective.......The queen "B's" annual salary is more than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court which is $263,300!

      Thank you Dick for your blog and allowing the truth to be told in our community. 
      1. From Virginia Opinions

        Here’s a list of the president and his cabinet salaries….most of them including the president do not take a salary.

        Trump donates his to charity.

        I guess in some opinions they do as much work as Sandy S for the 7500 homes in SCA.

        And yes the president’s cabinet has a staff. There are 309,350,000 million people in the US that the cabinet/President work for, not a SCA of 7500 people and all make less than Sandy S makes in a year except the President.

        Executive Branch
        resident of the United States $400,000

        Executive Schedule
        Level 1: Cabinet-level officials $196,700

        Level II: Deputy secretaries of departments, secretaries of military departments, & heads of major agencies $177,000

        Level III: Under secretaries of departments & heads of middlelevel agencies $162,900

        Level IV: Assistant secretaries & general counsels of departments, heads of minor agencies, members of certain boards & commissions $153,200

        Level V: Administrators, commissioners, directors, & members of boards, commissions, or units of agencies $143,500

      2. Legislative Branch 
      3. Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate) $230,700

        Speaker of the House of Representatives $223,500

        President Pro Tempore of the Senate $193,400

        Majority and Minority Leaders - House and Senate $193,400

        Senators, Representatives, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and Delegates $174,000

        Comptroller General of the United States $168,000

        Deputy Comptroller General $154,600

        Librarian of Congress $168,000

        Judicial Branch 
      4. Chief Justice of the United States $255,500
      5. Associate Justices of the Supreme Court $244,400

        Judges, U.S. Courts of Appeal $211,200

        Judges, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces $211,200

        Judges, U.S. District Courts $199,100

        Judges, United States Claims Court $199,100

        Judges, Court of International Trade $199,100

        Judges, Tax Court of the United States $199,100

        Bankruptcy Judges $183,172

        Magistrate Judges $183,172


  1. From Dave Opinions

    Two good years to compare would be 2015 and 2017.

    2016 was the Liberty Center repair we had no one working in the building that worked directly for us.

  2. Dave, good comment.

    Am anxiously awaiting if Forrest Quinn will respond to the retort made by Barry Goldstein and whether he or the rest of the Board, condone the actions of Danielle Bartle.

    Let's face it, if we get no response to answering Barry Goldstein's logical comments, it would all but shoot his credibility down the drain.

    And condoning the Bartle emails to Clubs by not investigating the source and reasons as to why it was sent, or even remaining silent on the issue, would more than prove CORRUPTION on the part of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

  3. From Suzanne Opinions

    Barry Goldstein shines once again!!! His financial analysis appears correct and truthful.

    Mr. Quinn missed one of the most important items regarding the cost of self management........more staffing will be added in the near future.

    That issue was clearly discussed in the June board meeting!

    To put things in prospective.......The queen "B's" annual salary is more than the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court which is $263,300!

    Thank you Dick for your blog and allowing the truth to be told in our community.

  4. From Virginia Opinions

    Here’s a list of the president and his cabinet salaries….most of them including the president do not take a salary.

    Trump donates his to charity.

    I guess in some opinions they do as much work as Sandy S for the 7500 homes in SCA.

    And yes the president’s cabinet has a staff. There are 309,350,000 million people in the US that the cabinet/President work for, not a SCA of 7500 people and all make less than Sandy S makes in a year except the President.

    Executive Branch
    resident of the United States $400,000

    Executive Schedule
    Level 1: Cabinet-level officials $196,700

    Level II: Deputy secretaries of departments, secretaries of military departments, & heads of major agencies $177,000

    Level III: Under secretaries of departments & heads of middlelevel agencies $162,900

    Level IV: Assistant secretaries & general counsels of departments, heads of minor agencies, members of certain boards & commissions $153,200

    Level V: Administrators, commissioners, directors, & members of boards, commissions, or units of agencies $143,500

    Legislative Branch
    Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate) $230,700

    Speaker of the House of Representatives $223,500

    President Pro Tempore of the Senate $193,400

    Majority and Minority Leaders - House and Senate $193,400

    Senators, Representatives, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and Delegates $174,000

    Comptroller General of the United States $168,000

    Deputy Comptroller General $154,600

    Librarian of Congress $168,000

    Judicial Branch
    Chief Justice of the United States $255,500

    Associate Justices of the Supreme Court $244,400

    Judges, U.S. Courts of Appeal $211,200

    Judges, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces $211,200

    Judges, U.S. District Courts $199,100

    Judges, United States Claims Court $199,100

    Judges, Court of International Trade $199,100

    Judges, Tax Court of the United States $199,100

    Bankruptcy Judges $183,172

    Magistrate Judges $183,172
