Information Pages

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Former Sun City Anthem Vice President....Seddon Hiring Was all Politics

Former Sun City Anthem Vice President says...

Decided Seddon was Choice
for Association General Manager

Politics-crooked-politicians-cartoon-390x220.jpg (390×220)
Jim Mayfield

Multiple metrics exist and are used by HR professionals, HR consultants, and sophisticated governmental and commercial organizations as benchmarks in wage & salary studies. 

Most small business owners I have known, have developed guidelines to make sure they are creating the labor base they need to successfully operate their business at a market-driven set of labor rates. 

Unfortunately, Bella Meese, Rex Weddle, and Carl Weinstein chose to ignore any professional process and caved into the demands of Tom  Nissen who already knew whom he wanted before the recruiting process even began.

With the above out of the way, multiple persons recommended using city managers with a similar size and complex workforce to manage a fixed asset base to maintain, as a reliable benchmark. 

The city manager position also accounted for the political and regulatory dynamics that needs to be managed in an HOA. 

Unfortunately, this advice was discarded under the guise that Sun City Anthem is a far more complicated and difficult organization to manage than a city, even ones as large and complex as Las Vegas. 
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If the city manager of a town of about 15,000 people, a similar infrastructure investment, and continuing maintenance needs had been used, a generous salary for the SCA GM would have been about...

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...of that paid to Ms. Seddon.

On the subject of what a plan would be should the recall effort be successful,  it's not the job of the Recall advocates.

The plan is specified in NRS 116 and the SCA CC&Rs and By-laws

If the petitioners had come out with a plan, they would have been criticized for overstepping state law and SCA CC&Rs and By-laws.  
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Got a comment about former Sun City Anthem Vice President, Jim Mayfield's editorial?

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    If one remembers the blog article from over a year ago - no expense was too much to wine and dine the candidate.

    So, the BIG question: W H Y did Nissen want Seddon in the first place?? answer to that will answer a lot of questions.
    1. From Jim Mayfield...former Sun City Anthem Vice Opinions

      Regarding the article published on David's Anthem Journal by former Director Carl Weinstein:

      I want to acknowledge Mr. Weinstein for "setting the record straight".

      He confirmed, in writing, that he was part of a group led by Weddle & Nissen that Ms. Meese supported that did not allow all members of the Board to review all of the resumes submitted; this action was a violation of NRS 116.

      He also confirmed, in writing, that I was the ONLY member of the Board to vote against the egregious compensating package.

      His pejorative comments about me are factually inaccurate and do not serve to promote a culture of civil discourse in our community.

      Do we at SCA really want to encourage a culture that reflects the current culture in Washington, DC?

      Regardless of your position on the compensation paid to the General Manager, I hope all homeowners agree that the increasing dictatorship by SCA presidents that excludes all members of the Board from functioning as equally elected Board members violates NRS 116 is not in the best interest of SCA.

      When the Board violates legal requirements and conducts flawed process in the name of expedience, the result has consistently proved to be flawed outcomes.
    2. Jim, thanks for the response.

      We looked at the Weinstein commentary and thought it was somewhat surprising that another publication would accept any such discourse from an individual whose recent actions have been a disgrace, resulting from his fit of uncontrollable anger in referring to an innocent woman seeking signatures on the Removal petitions in the lewd manner in which he did.

      Once it was learned Weinstein made those comments, we IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED his Anthem Opinions subscription, and subsequently BANNED HIM from any further commentary.

      His actions were so deplorable, we determined that anything this man would say, would have little, if any, credibility.

      Obviously, that was not the case elsewhere, and accepting Weinstein's essay, further showed the desperation one will exhibit in seeking support for the corrupt political machine both have been part of for years.

      Then again, water seeks its own level, doesn't it?
    3. From Buddy Opinions

      The self proclaimed expert named Carl Weinstein is now clarifying all the things that have gone on with our board and in particular Sandy Seddon.

      While on the board, Carl was the laughing stock of the board.

      He often made comments that were opposite of what the board thought and then chose to vote along with the others as most followers will do.

      Yes, he was the joke of the board.

      Now he thinks he can clarify for others what has happened.

      This very senior citizen should be given credit for volunteering his time, but not given credit for understanding and making valid recommendations.

      I just have to say that he is not qualified to give that facts as he remembers them.

      If we ask for another report on the same subject, I would bet the facts would change.

      I do trust Jim Mayfield’s memory.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    If one remembers the blog article from over a year ago - no expense was too much to wine and dine the candidate.

    So, the BIG question: W H Y did Nissen want Seddon in the first place?? answer to that will answer a lot of questions.

  2. From Jim Mayfield...former Sun City Anthem Vice Opinions

    Regarding the article published on David's Anthem Journal by former Director Carl Weinstein:

    I want to acknowledge Mr. Weinstein for "setting the record straight".

    He confirmed, in writing, that he was part of a group led by Weddle & Nissen that Ms. Meese supported that did not allow all members of the Board to review all of the resumes submitted; this action was a violation of NRS 116.

    He also confirmed, in writing, that I was the ONLY member of the Board to vote against the egregious compensating package.

    His pejorative comments about me are factually inaccurate and do not serve to promote a culture of civil discourse in our community.

    Do we at SCA really want to encourage a culture that reflects the current culture in Washington, DC?

    Regardless of your position on the compensation paid to the General Manager, I hope all homeowners agree that the increasing dictatorship by SCA presidents that excludes all members of the Board from functioning as equally elected Board members violates NRS 116 is not in the best interest of SCA.

    When the Board violates legal requirements and conducts flawed process in the name of expedience, the result has consistently proved to be flawed outcomes.

  3. Jim, thanks for the response.

    We looked at the Weinstein commentary and thought it was somewhat surprising that another publication would accept any such discourse from an individual whose recent actions have been a disgrace, resulting from his fit of uncontrollable anger in referring to an innocent woman seeking signatures on the Removal petitions in the lewd manner in which he did.

    Once it was learned Weinstein made those comments, we IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED his Anthem Opinions subscription, and subsequently BANNED HIM from any further commentary.

    His actions were so deplorable, we determined that anything this man would say, would have little, if any, credibility.

    Obviously, that was not the case elsewhere, and accepting Weinstein's essay, further showed the desperation one will exhibit in seeking support for the corrupt political machine both have been part of for years.

    Then again, water seeks its own level, doesn't it?

  4. From Buddy Opinions

    The self proclaimed expert named Carl Weinstein is now clarifying all the things that have gone on with our board and in particular Sandy Seddon.

    While on the board, Carl was the laughing stock of the board.

    He often made comments that were opposite of what the board thought and then chose to vote along with the others as most followers will do.

    Yes, he was the joke of the board.

    Now he thinks he can clarify for others what has happened.

    This very senior citizen should be given credit for volunteering his time, but not given credit for understanding and making valid recommendations.

    I just have to say that he is not qualified to give that facts as he remembers them.

    If we ask for another report on the same subject, I would bet the facts would change.

    I do trust Jim Mayfield’s memory.
