Information Pages

Friday, August 25, 2017

Sun City Anthem Residents Want Nona Tobin to "Fight On"

Notes to Nona
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When we became aware of the removal of Nona Tobin, Anthem Opinions sent this email to her.


I know there is nothing I could ever say to console the obvious embarrassment you suffered this afternoon.

We hope you will not cave into the demeaning treatment.

We want you to know we will fight for you in any way we can. 

Of course, to do so, means you too have to want to "keep up the fight".

If you do, we're "in", and if you don't, none of us could ever criticize your decision to walk away from all of this.

My sincere best wishes and know the community is still very much behind you.

Again, I am so sorry you had to go through all of this, We know you tried so hard to make SCA a better place.

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While writing the removal summary yesterday, I sat back and felt a deep sense of sadness, wondering how she was doing following the terrible embarrassment she had suffered at the hands of her 6 "executioners" (four of which are subject to removal from the Board), and an attorney who, according to sources, seemed to gloat during the meeting without providing any adequate explanation as to why that drastic action was taken.

After our article was published, numerous residents sent us comment after comment, all of which indicated support for Ms. Tobin. (35 at last count), a number never before reached by any Sun City Anthem publication.

They are beneath the actual article entitled:

Sun City Anthem Board 
Removes Director Nona Tobin
Without Due Process in Backroom Meeting

At the conclusion of the article, we asked our readers to write Nona, sending their best wishes.  We hope a number of you took the time to do so. 

My guess is that within the past 2 days, she's experienced the most difficult of times, having been painted with a "Scarlet Letter" by individuals whose actions were cruel, unprofessional, and likely illegal.

Some of our readers who wrote Nona, also sent us a copy of the note they sent her, asking us to publish them.

With that request in mind, some of them were as follows:

From Valerie Tobin


I didn't attend the Board Meeting because I expected it would be the usual boring affair, and was shocked to learn you are off the Board.
You were the only voice in the crowd that gave hope that at last, things would change for the better. 

I am so very sorry and angry how you have been treated because you dared to voice your opinions as to how to get SCA out of the horrible mess we are in. 

I am so, so sorry for you and for the rest of the owners.
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From Rosanne Tobin


So sorry to learn of your removal from the SCA Board.  As a disgusted resident of 12 years, it was a bright day, when you were voted onto the SCA Board.

Now, learning of your abrupt REMOVAL, I'm totally DISGUSTED with this Board.

Please do all you can to fight this removal!

As a home owner of 3 properties, I'm greatly disturbed by this action; and what is happening here!! 

We need to "DRAIN THE SWAMP" in Sun City Anthem!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From Lawrence Tobin


I am so saddened by the action of the Board. Do not be disheartened. You are a fine person.

Going against this Board was your only fault. 

Be happy they didn't have you arrested as they did to poor Tim Stebbins.

Nona, I had considered running for the Board a couple of years ago, when we had just moved here.  I am a retired professional with extensive business experience and have served on Boards, both profit and non-profit. 

We were so pleased with the community here, I thought to contribute by running for the Board, but, looking into the history and reading the various blogs, and in particular the arrest of Tim Stebbins for presenting an alternate view, well, that pretty much ended any thought that I could contribute to the community by serving on the Board. 

Jim Mayfield's being so marginalized in his last term was the confirmation.

Thank you for your service on the Board and for trying to bring transparency and open communication to the community.
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From Barbara Tobin

I am so sorry that you got kicked off the board. 

They are all corrupt and you were a voice of the people that live here.
They ask why people don't want to run and Berman thinks the board is great and this is just another example of how poorly they are running our association. 

Hopefully we can get rid of them and get some more fantastic individuals that will speak their minds in place of them. Thanks for all your efforts.
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Want to join in?  Nona's email address is :

If you want us to publish your email, just send it to us at:
  1. From Virginia Opinions

    I was so shocked and upset about the board meeting I attended yesterday.

    You just can’t drain the swamp.

    Rana was trying to find an answer if this is even possible for the board to throw out an elected member.

    If I am not mistaken, Nona received the 2nd most votes, Rex received the least and is president.

    I did write a note to Nona saying how ugly this has turned out for her.

    They (the board) just don’t want to hear any dissenting or different views.

    If this is legal, I’m sure they’ll get someone just like the rest of them “go along to get along.”

    I’m sure the lawyer and the CPA are just happy as can be, thinking of all the billable hours they’ll have for SCA HOA with the “throwing out of a board member” and now the lawsuit against The Foundation Assisting Seniors.

    This is so bad and we’re going be holding the bills….not to mention dissension and acrimony for years to come.

    I guess our votes mean nothing.
  2. Virginia,

    You are so right. In the 2017 Board election Nona Tobin received 2,001 votes and Weddle received 1,770. That's 13% more than Weddle.

    While Nona placed 2nd, Weddle was the last one elected, an obvious sign that people didn't think much of his backdoor dealings and condescending mannerisms toward residents.

    It was obvious that he and another incumbent's actions left a bad taste in the mouths of the community because the other incumbent, Weinstein, finished a dismal last with 1,343 votes.

    You might say that Weddle was elected by default, and likely would have been defeated, had literally ANYONE in the community, run against him.

    We've had some very unpopular presidents of Sun City Anthem, but Weddle either tops the list or is very close to it.

    In our opinion, this indicated the community was looking toward the past with disdain, and new hope had emerged. With Nona's election, a new spirit of reform had taken over a community, and "the machine" realized her popularity more then overshadowed their own.

    Despite Weddle's "lackluster" reelection, he and other removal candidates (Weddle, Waterhouse, Nissen, and Burch), along with newcomer Quinn, voted to retain Weddle as president.

    Nissen, Waterhouse, and Burch were no surprise, but Quinn, who had staunchly opposed Weddle and Nissen as the former Chairman of the Finance Committee, certainly was, when he too, voted to retain Weddle as the Association President.

    We have a special look at Mr. Quinn on the Anthem Opinions horizon, and how his actions are now the subject of a complaint filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division.

    Stay tuned.

    This bunch, through the Tobin removal, have now shown they are not leaders; they are a CLUB in themselves...

    ...control freaks, dedicated to retaining a corrupt political machine mind set through any bully tactics they can create.

    Their trademark should now be:

    "Cross us and you'll be gone".

    The insulting treatment toward Tobin has been perhaps the most disgraceful act of any Board toward a fellow Board member ever experienced...even worse then that given to Jim Mayfield and Bob Frank.

    That now best describes the current Sun City Anthem Board, and anyone wishing to retain these types, after seeing this latest disgrace, should hang their heads in shame to condone such behavior.
  3. From Sherry Opinions

    Removing Nona was a big mistake. Now more people see why this board needs to have the people removed.

    Please fellow SCA homeowners, fill out the recall ballots as soon as you receive them and send them in.

    We need to take back our community and stop this lunacy.

    The spending has to be reined in; we will be in big trouble very soon if they continue on this road.

    This was done out of spite just as all the problems our clubs have been having.

    They want to run everything and not give the clubs the right to do things the right way.

    Look at all the money they have wasted and all the rules they have broken.

    It seems our voices and our votes and wishes mean nothing to these people.

    Please lets take back our community and make it a pleasant place to live again.
  4. From Sherry Tobin

    Hi Nona,

    I was shocked when I heard the board removed you. You were the one person that had our best interest at heart. 

    I hope enough people are as upset as I am and send back the recall ballots as soon as they get them.

    Please, everyone you see what is happening to our community, please,please please, fill out the ballots and get these people off the board & just hopefully you will be back on Nona, and competent others who can take the reins and do right by all of us.

    Please Nona, do not cave in to them; let us help fight to get you back on. 

    They did the wrong thing, and you are entitled to a fair hearing.
    1. We'd like the Sun City Anthem community to know that within the past 24 hours, the Anthem Opinions web site, had visits that totaled:


      That number far exceeds our daily average currently at approximately 2,500.

      Of those visits, we did not receive A SINGLE COMMENT that supported the actions of the Sun City Anthem Board took toward removing Nona Tobin from her Sun City Anthem Directorship.
      1. From Buddy Opinions

        The removal of Nona Tobin was an absolute disgrace. It really shows how unqualified our current board is to represent our association.

        The recall petitions that were signed were excellent and show that there are over 800 people that have elected to put their names on a document to get rid of the people responsible for removing Nona Tobin.

        I have written to you in the past asking each person that feels as strongly as I do regarding this matter, to solicit at least 10 or 12 people that they know and encourage them to either sign a petition or vote to take some action.

        This was the final straw.

        I encourage you to create an article and place it in your blog and make sure that the people that are out there that feel the same way as I do.

        Talk to everybody they know about the the recall vote.

        When this vote occurs, these board people are counting on the fact that our vote count is usually very low. We need to change that for this recall vote.

        Voting this time will have a very limited time to take place. We need everybody to be an ambassador. These people have to be removed from our board for the financial well-being of this community.

        I no longer encourage our residents to find 10 people to remind to vote, but to go well beyond that number to assure that our vote count is extremely strong this time.

        We need the help of everyone.

        Just think that if 800 plus signed the recall petition, we could get more than the 2,501 needed this time.

        It is your money and your community that is at stake.
        1. From Michelle Tobin
          I was really disturbed to find out that you had been removed. This is proof that the board is one-sided, there side or no side. 

          You were the only person on the board to fight for the rights of the members in this community.

          This is the reason that I chose to sign the petitions for removal. The board does what they want, not what is necessarily good for the community. NONA you are good for the community. If you choose to fight this, I will help in any way that I can.

          The board has forgotten that they are elected to these positions, they are members of the community, not owners of the community.
          1. From Phillip Opinions

            My wife and I just moved into SCA less than 4 weeks ago. We truly love it here with all of the friendly neighbors we've met, the amenities and clubs and breath taking views of Las Vegas and the Black Mtns.

            Having been an insurance agent for almost 40 years, I've dealt with many HOAs, Condo Assns. and property mgmt. companies. I thought that those days ended when I retired and moved west from IL.

            In my limited time here at SCA, I've learned that SCA's board is not only in turmoil, but ready to EXPLODE.

            Why not have a town meeting, over a period of several days with the four people who are subject to recall in attendance (NO LAWYER, NO GM) where residents can ask any question to any director regarding the charges that were brought out in the petitions?
            1. From Pat Tobin


              I am so sorry for what happened to you! You have been an advocate of transparency, and the old, crooked, sneaky board members railroaded you right out of there! I hope the recall continues and those disgusting men are removed from office! Unless that happens, the people's voices will never be heard and this community will continue to crumble!

              Please know you have great support from a huge number of residents here, and we hope you will remain active in the community! 

              Hopefully, we'll get rid of the scum and some day you will return and help to make this community the great place it was meant to be!
            2. From D.C. Opinions

              Thank you for the updates on Nona - please know so many people are in her side.

              I sent her an email expressing this.

              I believe right will prevail eventually!!
            3. From Pat Opinions

              I just sent this message to the Board.

              Their actions relating to the removal of Nona Tobin were repugnant and antagonistic and totally off base from the wants and desires of the SCA community.

              I'm sure my comments to them will never be read in public, but I am so disgusted with our Board that I felt the need to voice my feelings with them, and now via your address.

              I'm not good at mincing words, so please forgive my obnoxious response to their abhorrent action.

              "I have never been so disgusted with the SCA Board as I am now! We, the residents, voted in Nona Tobin to become a Board member, and YOU decided to send her away!

              You are all despicable, crooked, disgusting, gutter scum, and I anxiously await the day the recall becomes successful and you are all gone!"
              1. From Al Opinions

                The board & manager must be dealt with, maybe by an independent attorney?
              2. Al, for now, let's just say, there are plans to deal with them, but an independent attorney isn't the answer.

                Asking residents to finance someone at about $500 p/hour would bring us down to their level.
                1. From Lenore Opinions

                  We are very disturbed by the recent activities of the current board members and the ousting of the recently elected board member ,Nona Tobin.

                  We have lived in SCA for over 7 years, and have never heard of such unprofessional behavior by a governing board.

                  We the people, elected Nona to be our representative in the decisions that represent the members of the SCA Anthem community.

                  We hope Nona continues to stand her ground and fight for her rights and ours.

                  We will support her efforts and hope the current board members rescind their decision and reappoint Nona to the board.
                  1. From Valerie Opinions

                    They did to Nona what they did to Bob Frank.

                    Things look very grim for any positive changes at SCA.

                    Disgusting and very sad!


  1. From Virginia Opinions

    I was so shocked and upset about the board meeting I attended yesterday.

    You just can’t drain the swamp.

    Rana was trying to find an answer if this is even possible for the board to throw out an elected member.

    If I am not mistaken, Nona received the 2nd most votes, Rex received the least and is president.

    I did write a note to Nona saying how ugly this has turned out for her.

    They (the board) just don’t want to hear any dissenting or different views.

    If this is legal, I’m sure they’ll get someone just like the rest of them “go along to get along.”

    I’m sure the lawyer and the CPA are just happy as can be, thinking of all the billable hours they’ll have for SCA HOA with the “throwing out of a board member” and now the lawsuit against Seniors Assisting Seniors.

    This is so bad and we’re going be holding the bills….not to mention dissension and acrimony for years to come.

    I guess our votes mean nothing.

  2. Virginia,

    You are so right. In the 2017 Board election Nona Tobin received 2,001 votes and Weddle received 1,770. That's 13% more than Weddle.

    While Nona placed 2nd, Weddle was the last one elected, an obvious sign that people didn't think much of his backdoor dealings and condescending mannerisms toward residents.

    It was obvious that he and another incumbent's actions left a bad taste in the mouths of the community because the other incumbent, Weinstein, finished a dismal last with 1,343 votes.

    You might say that Weddle was elected by default, and likely would have been defeated, had literally ANYONE in the community, run against him.

    We've had some very unpopular presidents of Sun City Anthem, but Weddle either tops the list or is very close to it.

    In our opinion, this indicated the community was looking toward the past with disdain, and new hope had emerged. With Nona's election, a new spirit of reform had been taken over a community, and "the machine" realized her popularity more then overshadowed their own.

    Despite Weddle's "lackluster" reelection, he and other removal candidates (Weddle, Waterhouse, Nissen, and Burch), along with newcomer Quinn, voted to retain Weddle as president.

    Nissen, Waterhouse, and Burch were no surprise, but Quinn, who had staunchly opposed Weddle and Nissen as the former Chairman of the Finance Committee, certainly was, when he too, voted to retain Weddle as the Association President.

    We have a special look at Mr. Quinn on the Anthem Opinions horizon, and how his actions are now the subject of a complaint filed with the Nevada Real Estate Division.

    Stay tuned.

    This bunch, through the Tobin removal, have now shown they are not leaders; they are a CLUB in themselves...

    ...control freaks, dedicated to retaining a corrupt political machine mind set through any bully tactics they can create.

    Their trademark should now be:

    "Cross us and you'll be gone".

    The insulting treatment toward Tobin has been perhaps the most disgraceful act of any Board toward a fellow Board member ever experienced...even worse then that given to Jim Mayfield and Bob Frank.

    That now best describes the current Sun City Anthem Board, and anyone wishing to retain these types, after seeing this latest disgrace, should hang their heads in shame to condone such behavior.

  3. From Sherry Opinions

    Removing Nona was a big mistake. Now more people see why this board needs to have the people removed.

    Please fellow SCA homeowners, fill out the recall ballots as soon as you receive them and send them in.

    We need to take back our community and stop this lunacy.

    The spending has to be reined in; we will be in big trouble very soon if they continue on this road.

    This was done out of spite just as all the problems our clubs have been having.

    They want to run everything and not give the clubs the right to do things the right way.

    Look at all the money they have wasted and all the rules they have broken.

    It seems our voices and our votes and wishes mean nothing to these people.

    Please lets take back our community and make it a pleasant place to live again.

  4. From Sherry Tobin

    Hi Nona,

    I was shocked when I heard the board removed you. You were the one person that had our best interest at heart.

    I hope enough people are as upset as I am and send back the recall ballots as soon as they get them.

    Please, everyone you see what is happening to our community, please,please please, fill out the ballots and get these people off the board & just hopefully you will be back on Nona, and competent others who can take the reins and do right by all of us.

    Please Nona, do not cave in to them; let us help fight to get you back on.

    They did the wrong thing, and you are entitled to a fair hearing.

  5. We'd like the Sun City Anthem community to know that within the past 24 hours, the Anthem Opinions web site, had visits that totaled:


    That number far exceeds our daily average currently at approximately 2,500.

    Of those visits, we did not receive A SINGLE COMMENT that supported the actions of the Sun City Anthem Board took toward removing Nona Tobin from her Sun City Anthem Directorship.

  6. From Buddy Opinions

    The removal of Nona Tobin was an absolute disgrace. It really shows how unqualified our current board is to represent our association.

    The recall petitions that were signed were excellent and show that there are over 800 people that have elected to put their names on a document to get rid of the people responsible for removing Nona Tobin.

    I have written to you in the past asking each person that feels as strongly as I do regarding this matter, to solicit at least 10 or 12 people that they know and encourage them to either sign a petition or vote to take some action.

    This was the final straw.

    I encourage you to create an article and place it in your blog and make sure that the people that are out there that feel the same way as I do.

    Talk to everybody they know about the the recall vote.

    When this vote occurs, these board people are counting on the fact that our vote count is usually very low. We need to change that for this recall vote.

    Voting this time will have a very limited time to take place. We need everybody to be an ambassador. These people have to be removed from our board for the financial well-being of this community.

    I no longer encourage our residents to find 10 people to remind to vote, but to go well beyond that number to assure that our vote count is extremely strong this time.

    We need the help of everyone.

    Just think that if 800 plus signed the recall petition, we could get more than the 2,501 needed this time.

    It is your money and your community that is at stake.

  7. From Michelle Tobin

    I was really disturbed to find out that you had been removed. This is proof that the board is one-sided, there side or no side.

    You were the only person on the board to fight for the rights of the members in this community.

    This is the reason that I chose to sign the petitions for removal. The board does what they want, not what is necessarily good for the community. NONA you are good for the community. If you choose to fight this, I will help in any way that I can.

    The board has forgotten that they are elected to these positions, they are members of the community, not owners of the community.

  8. From Phillip Opinions

    My wife and I just moved into SCA less than 4 weeks ago. We truly love it here with all of the friendly neighbors we've met, the amenities and clubs and breath taking views of Las Vegas and the Black Mtns.

    Having been an insurance agent for almost 40 years, I've dealt with many HOAs, Condo Assns. and property mgmt. companies. I thought that those days ended when I retired and moved west from IL.

    In my limited time here at SCA, I've learned that SCA's board is not only in turmoil, but ready to EXPLODE.

    Why not have a town meeting, over a period of several days with the four people who are subject to recall in attendance (NO LAWYER, NO GM)where residents can ask any question to any director regarding the charges that were brought out in the petitions?

  9. From Pat Tobin


    I am so sorry for what happened to you! You have been an advocate of transparency, and the old, crooked, sneaky board members railroaded you right out of there! I hope the recall continues and those disgusting men are removed from office! Unless that happens, the people's voices will never be heard and this community will continue to crumble!

    Please know you have great support from a huge number of residents here, and we hope you will remain active in the community!

    Hopefully, we'll get rid of the scum and some day you will return and help to make this community the great place it was meant to be!

  10. From D.C. Opinions

    Thank you for the updates on Nona - please know so many people are in her side.

    I sent her an email expressing this.

    I believe right will prevail eventually!!

  11. From Pat Opinions

    I just sent this message to the Board.

    Their actions relating to the removal of Nona Tobin were repugnant and antagonistic and totally off base from the wants and desires of the SCA community.

    I'm sure my comments to them will never be read in public, but I am so disgusted with our Board that I felt the need to voice my feelings with them, and now via your address.

    I'm not good at mincing words, so please forgive my obnoxious response to their abhorrent action.

    "I have never been so disgusted with the SCA Board as I am now! We, the residents, voted in Nona Tobin to become a Board member, and YOU decided to send her away!

    You are all despicable, crooked, disgusting, gutter scum, and I anxiously await the day the recall becomes successful and you are all gone!"

  12. From Al Opinions

    The board & manager must be dealt with, maybe by an independent attorney?

  13. Al, for now, let's just say, there are plans to deal with them, but an independent attorney isn't the answer.

    Asking residents to finance someone at about $500 p/hour would bring us down to their level.

  14. From Lenore Opinions

    We are very disturbed by the recent activities of the current board members and the ousting of the recently elected board member,Nona Tobin.

    We have lived in SCA for over 7 years, and have never heard of such unprofessional behavior by a governing board.

    We the people, elected Nona to be our representative in the decisions that represent the members of the SCA Anthem community.

    We hope Nona continues to stand her ground and fight for her rights and ours.

    We will support her efforts and hope the current board members rescind their decision and reappoint Nona to the board.

  15. From Valerie Opinions

    They did to Nona what they did to Bob Frank.

    Things look very grim for any positive changes at SCA.

    Disgusting and very sad!
