Information Pages

Thursday, September 28, 2017

There's Going to be a Removal Election...One Director "Escapes"...but Decision to be Challenged

Sun City Anthem Board Declares Only Three to be on
Removal Ballot
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It appears that after the CPA firm did the "official count" only Robert Burch escaped the removal election.

Despite having submitted in excess of 825 petitions, the CPA firm found only 713 to be valid in Burch's case.   (715 were required to go forward with his removal election).

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What makes this disappointing for those who obtained the petitions, is that after they were submitted on August 10, 2017, an additional 65 signed petitions were subsequently received which undoubtedly would have placed Mr. Burch on the removal ballot.

Calls will be made to the Ombudsman's office to seek their advice as to their inclusion.

Regarding the other three, Rex WeddleThomas Nissen, and Aletta  Waterhouse, sufficient signatures were received in order for their removal ballot to move forward.

Apparently the ballots will be mailed on October 9, 2017 and must be received in the CPA's office no later than Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 5:00pm.

Any ballots sent to Anthem Center will NOT BE FORWARDED to the CPA firm and therefore will NOT be counted.

In addition, it was also stated that the instructions on the ballot (which were conveniently NOT made public) must be followed to the letter with no allowance for ANY deviation ,or will automatically be considered void.

What makes this so "fixed" is the fact they received the petitions on August 10, 2017 and had a MAXIMUM of 60 days in which to send the ballots to unit owners, yet adopted the MINIMUM number of days in which they must be received (15).

Needless to say, this weighs heavy on those who reside out of state and own property in the Sun City Anthem community.

Let's not allow their obvious tinkering with "the system" to maintain the corrupt control they will do anything  so "devious" to maintain.

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  1. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Excuse me but Oct 9 to Oct 26 is a mere 17 Days, which includes the day of mailing and day of receipt.

    Anyone who has ever mailed a legal document knows that the standard is 3 Days (exclusive of weekends and legal holidays) each for receipt and return.

    Just as they allowed themselves the extra day because the 60th day fell on a Sunday, so should they allow for reasonable time for receipt and return of the ballots, pushing the date for receipt out to October 30 at least. Perhaps I am expecting too much when I consider that I expect reasonableness.
  2. From Robert Opinions

    "Delay, Delay, and Confuse". It should be the title of a book for SCA.


  1. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Excuse me but Oct 9 to Oct 26 is a mere 17 Days, which includes the day of mailing and day of receipt.

    Anyone who has ever mailed a legal document knows that the standard is 3 Days (exclusive of weekends and legal holidays) each for receipt and return.

    Just as they allowed themselves the extra day because the 60th day fell on a Sunday, so should they allow for reasonable time for receipt and return of the ballots, pushing the date for receipt out to October 30 at least. Perhaps I am expecting too much when I consider that I expect reasonableness.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    "Delay, Delay, and Confuse". It should be the title of a book for SCA.
