Information Pages

Thursday, September 21, 2017

When You Can't Defend a Lie...You Ignore it and "Kill the Messenger"

Removal Opponent's Desperation
Joins in
Sun City Anthem Board Director's

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Oh Please ! 

We caught the FEMALE Sun City Anthem Board member in a fib, but that doesn't seem to matter to those who oppose the removal.

Their answer to a lie is...

...just ignore it and "kill the messenger" who uncovered the fib.

I guess when you lie as much as this Board does, it's considered normal to have their mouthpiece figure out some way to cover it up....

...and then go into "attack mode"in every direction toward any person who brought the truth to the people.

If there was any doubt as to WHO caused spending the "big bucks", there shouldn't be much left to the story.  

They got...caught !

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But wait...we are dealing with desperate people and desperate people ignore the facts when their "skin" is on the line.
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Still trying to blame removal proponents for the high cost of the removal election, the main..."mouth" of the opponents continues to use the same old "yarns" again and again.

It's so old already !
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Any fool can see this tactic is merely a ploy to make the proponents look like "the bad guys".

Not gonna work...especially after the Board member, got caught LYING

So much for her credibility !

Let's take another look at "what's what" about this "high cost", rather than listen to some individual "spew"...

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A new association attorney figures out a way to depose a Board member that a previous one stated her eligibility to run for office was perfectly legitimate.

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Members of "the machine" beat up and removed Nona Tobin for supposedly enriching herself, GIVING HER NO OPPORTUNITY OF DEFENSE as dictated by Nevada statutes, while closing a blind eye to Bella Meese for her husband's magazine...and M Resort "amenities"... while a Board member.

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The Board and General Manager authorize the high costs in conjunction with an attorney who did exactly what they wanted him to do.

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Removal opponents in no way criticize an Election Committee, but request a few additional safeguards to ensure integrity, which are REJECTED.

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A Board member who is subject to removal is caught in a LIE, stating a conversation took place with the Ombudsman fabricating some new law required the Board to go outside to a high priced CPA firm, when in fact THE OMBUDSMAN DENIED ANY SUCH CONVERSATION took place.

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The Ombudsman's office is too busy to oversee a removal election, when in fact, in the conversation with the Ombudsman, INSTRUCTION WILL COMMENCE with all NRED investigators to perform such functions shortly.

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The proponents of removal are now accused of "perverting SCA's democratic process" with a removal election, a right each unit owner has BY LAW.

Yet it's OK for a Board "to pervert" the same process when it came to ridding themselves of an individual who was determined to expose their corrupt ways; an individual who received 2,001 votes in the last election.

And after all of this, is there any person of sound mind who would believe the proponents of recall are responsible for the costs?

The main usual...

... rather than addressing a single reason brought forth in the signed petitions, finds an easier target in mocking INDIVIDUALS who favor the removal.

As we have stated again and again, this person needs a new "act" because the old one gets more and more desperate with each passing day.

His involvement in the internal affairs of our association  can best be described as... uncontrollable ....

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...that has zapped the health of a community through deceit and bullying at every opportunity toward those who dare to KILL the CORRUPT SYSTEM that has become synonymous with his name.

This removal is all about HONESTY, INTEGRITY, and RESTORING a sense of COMMUNITY.

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  1. From Jack Opinions

    Is there any merit in getting up a petition to put Nona back on the board?

    Would that be possible?
  2. Jack,

    The manner in which Nona Tobin was "dumped" is now under investigation by the Nevada Real Estate Division.

    She was never given the opportunity of any defense, and as a result, it is believed her "firing" was ILLEGAL.

    If found to be an illegal act, the Real Estate Division also has the power to remove the ENTIRE BOARD.

    Wouldn't that be amazing to see all of them "fired" and Nona being restored to office?

    Jack, a petition to restore her to office won't work.  It would not be binding.

    At this stage we need government action to investigate numerous aspects of our community.
    1. My question for the day. Who is deciding what goes into the removal ballot? Is the entire wording of the petition in or something similar? Somebody is writing the pro and con parts of the ballot? Curious minds want to know.
    2. From A. Opinions

      I would hope in this upcoming vote, that all returned ballots can be returned directly to the firm hired to tabulate them.

      Perhaps I've become too cynical,but recently in Maine, a contested school board budget vote was declared official and THEN absentee uncounted votes were discovered in a file cabinet.
    3. I believe they are going to be returned directly to Sun City Anthem, and then forwarded to the hired CPA firm, but am unsure as NOTHING from the "power that be" ever publish anything.

      As you know, nothing has even been announced by Sun City Anthem Management or the Board that a Removal is even taking place, yet the ballots are scheduled to be mailed on October 2, 2017.

      As far as a "pros" and "cons" insert, following my discussion with the Ombudsman, Mr. Foger, he stated that unless BOTH sides included such a piece, NEITHER could include one.

      Due to the timing of the ballots being sent, and never being contacted for such a response, NEITHER will have the opportunity to include anything with the ballot...

      AND...if anything does appear in the ballot WITHOUT a statement from both sides, THE ELECTION WILL BE TOSSED OUT AS ILLEGAL.

      ...and that also could have been avoided had those in charge had the moral fortitude to make this an open and HONEST election.

      We know NOTHING as to what the contents of the ballots are or how they have been written.

      Yet they will all have to be RECEIVED by whoever they decide will receive them, by October 17, 2017 to be included for an official count, which in my opinion is merely another way to harm the true election totals when you consider approximately 15% of all voters do not reside in the community and mailing time could very well exceed the 15 days.

      This could have been extended, but of course, CORRUPTION prevailed.

      Just another reason to vote YES for removal.
      1. From Buddy Opinions

        When I saw a comment by some dimwit who goes by "M" on the "other blog, it raised my ire, and I'll tell you why I feel that way.

        For that nameless person to say that complaints to NRED are a waste of taxpayer money, not being familiar in any way as to the nature or wording of the complaints, is just another reason to look for ways to justify wrongdoing.

        Those complaints are allowed by law, and if they are found to be inconclusive, that is one thing; but to damn all of them without even knowing what they are all about, is just plain stupid.

        I can imagine there must have been numerous complaints that must have been filed against "M" for that person to make such a dumb comment.


  1. From Jack Opinions

    Is there any merit in getting up a petition to put Nona back on the board?

    Would that be possible?

  2. Jack,

    The manner in which Nona Tobin was "dumped" is now under investigation by the Nevada Real Estate Division.

    She was never given the opportunity of any defense, and as a result, it is believed her "firing" was ILLEGAL.

    If found to be an illegal act, the Real Estate Division also has the power to remove the ENTIRE BOARD.

    Wouldn't that be amazing to see all of them "fired" and Nona being restored to office?

    Jack, a petition to restore her to office won't work.

    At this stage we need government action to investigate numerous aspects of our community.

  3. My question for the day. Who is deciding what goes into the removal ballot? Is the entire wording of the petition in or something similar? Somebody is writing the pro and con parts of the ballot? Curious minds want to know.

  4. From A. Opinions

    I would hope in this upcoming vote, that all returned ballots can be returned directly to the firm hired to tabulate them.

    Perhaps I've become too cynical,but recently in Maine, a contested school board budget vote was declared official and THEN absentee uncounted votes were discovered in a file cabinet.

  5. I believe they are going to be returned directly to Sun City Anthem, and then forwarded to the hired CPA firm, but am unsure as NOTHING from the "power that be" ever publish anything.

    As you know, nothing has even been announced by Sun City Anthem Management or the Board that a Removal is even taking place, yet the ballots are scheduled to be mailed on October 2, 2017.

    As far as a "pros" and "cons" insert, following my discussion with the Ombudsman, Mr. Foger, he stated that unless BOTH sides included such a piece, NEITHER could include one.

    Due to the timing of the ballots being sent, and never being contacted for such a response, NEITHER will have the opportunity to include anything with the ballot...

    AND...if anything does appear in the ballot WITHOUT a statement from both sides, THE ELECTION WILL BE TOSSED OUT AS ILLEGAL.

    ...and that also could have been avoided had those in charge had the moral fortitude to make this an open and HONEST election.

    We know NOTHING as to what the contents of the ballots are or how they have been written.

    Yet they will all have to be RECEIVED by whoever they decide will receive them, by October 17, 2017 to be included for an official count, which in my opinion is merely another way to harm the true election totals when you consider approximately 15% of all voters do not reside in the community and mailing time could very well exceed the 15 days.

    This could have been extended, but of course, CORRUPTION prevailed.

    Just another reason to vote YES for removal.

  6. From Buddy Opinions

    When I saw a comment by some dimwit who goes by "M" on the "other blog, it raised my ire, and I'll tell you why I feel that way.

    For that nameless person to say that complaints to NRED are a waste of taxpayer money, not being familiar in any way as to the nature or wording of the complaints, is just another reason to look for ways to justify wrongdoing.

    Those complaints are allowed by law, and if they are found to be inconclusive, that is one thing; but to damn all of them without even knowing what they are all about, is just plain stupid.

    I can imagine there must have been numerous complaints that must have been filed against M for that person to make such a dumb comment.
