Information Pages

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sun City Anthem General Manager: Retribution Toward F.A.S After Evidence of Election Wrongdoing ?

Anthem Opinions received the information in this report forwarded to us by Anthem Today's Rana Goodman; and with her permission, we feel it is the responsibility of good journalism to report this reprehensible behavior exhibited by The Sun City Anthem General Manager, Sandy Seddon, after the following took place. 

It has been edited slightly to include information for clarification.
Sun City Anthem General Manager
Rebukes & Insults
Foundation Assisting Seniors Representative
Following Emails

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Last night I, along with others, received the following email, and after my anger subsided, my logical mind set in, and began to think about what this really means.
Most of the supporters of FAS (Foundation Assisting Seniors) have either used their services, or have friends or family who have done so over the years or may need to in the future.

Most live in the Anthem communities. There are also people living in the SCA community that, as I understand it, have pending claims against SCA for accidents of one type or another, or we would not have the insurance issues we have.

FAS has been denied participation in an upcoming Fair which they have been a part of for years.

The reason that our GM, Sandy Seddon gave Carol Chapman for not allowing FAS to participate in the upcoming Harvest Arts & Craft Fair was because the board’s attorney, Adam Clarkson, stated: 

 “that there is legal action pending against FAS

Here is the email sent to Ms. Chapman from Sandy Seddon:

 Ms, Chapman then sent the following email to those wishing to purchase tickets to the event.

Hello Friends:
The Foundation Assisting Seniors will be having our Annual Basket Raffle at Green Valley Ranch on Sunday, October 29, at 1:30 PM.  Tickets are $10 each and you will receive 20 tickets to be used to try to win a basket.

I am contacting you personally because the Sun City Association has refused to allow me to sell raffle tickets at the upcoming Harvest Arts and Crafts Fair.  I have attached the letter from Sandy Seddon returning my registration check.

If you would like to purchase a ticket (s), please call me and I will arrange to deliver them to you personally.  This is a big event for the Foundation and I would hate to see this not be successful because of SCA.


Carol Chapman

(702) 260-1296 or Cell 702 768-4703

Does that also mean that the membership of FAS, mostly ALL residents of Sun City Anthem, are not welcome either?

Let me be very clear about something:

Our CC&Rs state that before a legal action can be taken, the board must get permission from the community.

The board didn’t do that.

Not in this case and not in the case of Liberty Center either.

So once again the board is dictating new rules… where is this written that one can retaliate, while NRS 116 says it cannot ?

Don’t you find it odd that the very day after Favil West, president of FAS sent this email to Ms. Seddon which included a copy of an advisory opinion from NRED regarding recall voting procedure....

FAS was barred from SCA participation?


More than likely you are not aware that after serving 6 years on the SCA Board Governor Gibbons  appointed me to the Commission for Common interest Communities and Condominium Hotels where I  served for 3 years from 2008 until 2011. By referring to NRS 116.600----- you can learn what our responsibilities were under law.

During that time the Commission heard the issues on workshops, ballots, some of Nancy Quon associates, and a multitude of NRS 1116 issues.

After hearing a case we provided our ruling which was then written and transmitted to the appropriate party. By this email I am sending you a copy of the an issue we took up having to do with elections. You will note that an HOA Is not required to place a stamp on the return envelope containing the secret ballot. You will also note that unit owners can return ballots until official closing of voting and that all ballots have to be returned to the association. This simply underlines NRS 116.31036

That does not mean some account or lawyer returns the ballots because they would then be considered compromised.

Since you are now aware of the official interpretation of the law any opinion or advice to the contrary would be considered in violation of that law.
Thank you.
Favil (West)

Here is Mr. West's documentation sent with the email.

 Actions like these are more than sufficient to...recall the Board members and replace them with others, who in turn,  will TERMINATE the services both Sandy Seddon and association attorney, Adam Clarkson... order to return a "feeling of community" they have removed.

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Do you feel The Foundation Assisting Seniors has been unfairly treated?

Send you comments to:
  1. From Al Opinions

    When will we be given our ballots!

    All of my neighbors and friends want to know when & how they will be delivered, or where we can pick them up.
  2. From Roseann Opinions

    When are the RECALL Voter forms going out?

    Still waiting to receive them.
  3. Al,& Roseann, according to information we have, the ballots will be mailed on Monday, October 9th.

    You will have to place a 50 cents stamp on the envelope and it must be received by the CPA firm no later than Thursday, October 26th.

    As you can see from the main article, the Board had the option of including a self-addressed stamped envelope, yet chose NOT to do so...

    ...which in our estimation is further indication this group will do anything to "stonewall" the ballots being returned.

    Also, Mr. West's information indicated sending the ballots to the CPA firm is a violation of Nevada Real Estate Statutes as that action could involve compromising the ballots.

    For now, follow the rules set forth, but rest assured, the Nevada Real Estate Division is closely monitoring this situation and RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE OVER GOVERNANCE OF SUN CITY ANTHEM if excessive foul play is involved.

    By the nature of your inquiries, it is MORE THAN OBVIOUS, this Board not even had the common courtesy to FORMALLY IINFORM A COMMUNITY OF SUCH VITAL IFORMATION.

    ...and that is both STONEWALLING and DISGRACEFUL.
  1. Mail does not go out Monday. It is a Holiday.

    I urge all residents concerned about the issues here to contact the Ombudsman. Maybe 800+ emails will alert the Real Estate Division to the problems here at SCA. The email is:

    The alternate is to make an official complaint. The easy to fill out forms are at:

    Let's make Sun City Anthem operate within the law.
  2. Lawrence, it appears yet another act of STONEWALLING by making sure an additional day will go by before people receive their removal ballots. our governance, people ! Read it and weep.
  3. From Rick Opinions


    We must do everything within our power to rid the community of the vermin who have slithered into positions of responsibility.

    What is the process to rid ourselves of Seddon once the others are removed?
  4. Rich,

    After this entire removal election is over, the 2018 Board elections are next.

    One thing: If any do survive the recall (Waterhouse & Nissen), and have the audacity to run for reelection, make sure neither are placed back on the Board. The same thing goes for Burch. He has "to go" as well.

    Unfortunately if Weddle survives, we're stuck with him for another year.

    Then...hopefully a new group who do recognize the corruption will promptly give Seddon and her crew their walking papers...

    ...and remove Weddle from the Presidency of Sun City Anthem.
  5. From Laura Opinons

    I have used FAS many times and rely on their help for certain things I cannot do myself. They are a wonderful group of individuals.

    Happy to hear the truth is coming out and hopefully we can all be free of these poor souls who have done nothing but disrupt our peaceful community.

    I don’t know what problem our OVERPAID General Manager has with this foundation but sincerely hope her butt is is out the door and not the Foundation.

    Let’s get this done’s your community.

    Aren’t you tired of all this incompetence and getting ripped off?...........I know I am completely fed up!


  1. From Al Opinions

    When will we be given our ballots!

    All of my neighbors and friends want to know when & how they will be delivered, or where we can pick them up.

  2. From Roseann Opinions

    When are the RECALL Voter forms going out?

    Still waiting to receive them.

  3. Al,& Roseann. according to information we have, the ballots will be mailed on Monday, October 9th.

    You will have to place a 50 cents stamp on the envelope and it must be received by the CPA firm no later than Thursday, October 26th.

    As you can see from the main article, the Board had the option of including a self-addressed stamped envelope, yet chose NOT to do so...

    ...which in our estimation is further indication this group will do anything to "stonewall" the ballots being returned.

    Also, Mr. West's information indicated sending the ballots to the CPA firm is a violation of Nevada Real Estate Statutes as that action could involve compromising the ballots.

    For now, follow the rules set forth, but rest assured, the Nevada Real Estate Division is closely monitoring this situation and RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE OVER GOVERNANCE OF SUN CITY ANTHEM if excessive foul play is involved.

    By the nature of your inquiries, it is MORE THAN OBVIOUS, this Board not even had the common courtesy to FORMALLY IINFORM A COMMUNITY OF SUCH VITAL IFORMATION.

    ...and that is both STONEWALLING and DISGRACEFUL.

  4. Mail does not go out Monday. It is a Holiday.

    I urge all residents concerned about the issues here to contact the Ombudsman. Maybe 800+ emails will alert the Real Estate Division to the problems here at SCA. The email is:

    The alternate is to make an official complaint. The easy to fill out forms are at:

    Let's make Sun City Anthem operate within the law.

  5. Lawrence, it appears yet another act of STONEWALLING by making sure an additional day will go by before people receive their removal ballots. our governance, people ! Read it and weep.

  6. From Rick Opinions


    We must do everything within our power to rid the community of the vermin who have slithered into positions of responsibility.

    What is the process to rid ourselves of Seddon once the others are removed?

  7. Rich,

    After this entire removal election is over, the 2018 Board elections are next.

    One thing: If any do survive the recall (Waterhouse & Nissen), and have the audacity to run for reelection, make sure neither are placed back on the Board. The same thing goes for Burch. He has "to go" as well.

    Unfortunately if Weddle survives, we're stuck with him for another year.

    Then...hopefully a new group who do recognize the corruption will promptly give Seddon and her crew their walking papers...

    ...and remove Weddle from the Presidency of Sun City Anthem.

  8. From Laura Opinons

    I have used FAS many times and rely on their help for certain things I cannot do myself. They are a wonderful group of individuals.

    Happy to hear the truth is coming out and hopefully we can all be free of these poor souls who have done nothing but disrupt our peaceful community.

    I don’t know what problem our OVERPAID General Manager has with this foundation but sincerely hope her butt is is out the door and not the Foundation.

    Let’s get this done’s your community.

    Aren’t you tired of all this incompetence and getting ripped off?...........I know I am completely fed up!

  9. Odd that with the exception of Sandy Ridge, Mr Vermin, he doesn't get any responses on his guest column. One individual is a "John Burke?" So who is "John Burke," another Sandy Ridge fictional character who lives in SCA? I am shocked that the disqualified ballots are not used and why there are so many, what gives? These people border the "Peter Principal." They are truly incompetent when they try to run an operation such as this. They obviously have never proven themselves in a "self business" environment, but merely a corporate environment that never proves anything but going to work and be a clone of the corporation. Too bad, so sad.

  10. Ballot arrived roday. Be really careful about the name and address format on the return address. If not exactly the same they will toss it.
