Information Pages

Monday, October 16, 2017

Sun City Anthem Mah Jongg Club President Responds to Berman Article....Always More to a Berman Tale

Elizabeth Breier  is the President of the Sun City Anthem Mah Jongg Club.

Having been the subject of a recent article on the Berman blog, she has asked Anthem Opinions to publish her response to the deceptive piece he wrote about her apparently misunderstanding things...

...which evidently she DID understand after all !

Sun City Anthem Mah Jongg Club President
Responds to Berman Article
"I'm Standing Up for Liz Breier"

mahjonggawbnr1.gif (525×345)

"Someone sent me a message that David Berman posted on some blog.  
Here is my response:

My friends call me, text and email me and we go out for coffee and dinner. 

Mr. Berman, I have never done any of these things with Joan Roth although I have known her for 3 years. 

Joan Roth apparently, conveniently, has "friends" that are all Presidents of the Clubs for which she is liaison at CLC.

They were all on the same "vote no on the recall" email I received:

President of the Sewing & Quilting Club, Arts & Crafts Club, Chinese Heritage Club and the Spotlight Club.

(I can't help but wonder how often they have socialized with her).

I consider her email of Bob Goldfried's opinions to be a thinly veiled attempt to do the same thing that Danielle Bartle did with Forest Quinn's email back in July and while we are on that subject - what's your take on that Mr. Berman? 

Are you suggesting that Danielle is personal friends with every Club President in SCA?

Danielle made no disguise of telling EVERY Club President to send out Forrest Quinn's email to their Club Members and my "friend" Joan Roth would not even respond to me when I reached out to her and asked - what do I do with this directive from Danielle?

She waited for Pat Carrell to come back to town nearly a week later and give me a non-answer.

Based on your assessment, a friend is not what I perceive but what the sender perceives, so I perceive that every one of the nearly 400 members of the Mah Jongg Club are my friends. 

I see many of them every week and we attend social and mixer and holiday luncheons together.  

I email them on a regular basis, sending flyers and newsletters frequently and wishing them all Happy Birthday and healthy New Year. 

That is far more communication than I get from Joan. 

Based on your description and my assessment that they are my friends (who also happen to be members of the same Club I am in), I can email them MY opinion on the recall

You end your message with "just don't use your club's mailing list". 

I don't have to. 

I have my friends' emails stored in my email account - because they are my friends. 

If that happens to overlap the Club roster - what's going to happen? 

SCA won't let me be an Officer of a Club any longer - much the same way Danielle was removed from her position and Forrest from his?"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks to Mrs. Breier for sending her thoughts to Anthem Opinions.
  1. Just to confirm the latest criticism by David Berman....Anthem Opinions does NOT PRE-APPROVE any comments before posting them.

    We DO edit foul language, senseless name calling, and insulting commentary. In addition we also edit for spelling errors in order to avoid embarrassing those who comment.

    In addition, Mr. Berman, who craves attention from wherever he is able to obtain it, obviously believes commentary from those who refuse to use their names, have some form of validity. We refer to that as TRASH, UNRELIABLE, RUDE, and COWARDLY.

    Anthem Opinions believes that if you make a statement, you should be adult enough to place your name to it.

    Anthem Opinions also does not believe in writing private emails to readers seeking meetings with them. We respect the privacy of others and are most happy to speak or talk with them if THEY CONTACT US.

    Obviously, Mr. Berman is unable to comprehend such emails are nothing more than a feeling of self-importance, are unwelcomed by those who receive them, and in the greatest percentage of time, are looked at as "some nut" who invades others privacy, and needs an extra dose of his "happy pills".
  1. From Buddy Opinions

    Has David Berman now gone past the point of rationality?

    Why does he feel such a need to be so vicious? Can't his case be proven without such nastiness toward anyone who has tried to present an argument in an intelligent way?

    What does---who wrote what---or who paid for what have anything to do with the removal election?

    Those who favor removal haven't made any issue of it at all as to who was involved with OSCAR.

    The only thing that matters is that lots of people signed the petitions and that was enough to have a recall.

    What is more important other than the election results, is the manner in which the ballots were sent and the many acts of unethical behavior so many on committees have committed.

    Evidently Berman finds all of those acts an acceptable and ethical way to conduct such an important issue.

    Those acts should immediately call into question the character and tactics of any person who would justify the actions of those who oppose the removal.

    The saying "It's not if you win or lose, it's how you play the game" has opened many eyes, and certainly have not shown the opponents to be a fair and honorable group to employ such horrible methods.

    Who or what kind of person could look at the way the ballots were sent and not consider that being biased and unethical?

    If those who oppose the removal would have acted in a professional and unbiased manner, perhaps their case would have been better served. It at the very least would have shown them to be honorable and fair.

    I haven't seen anything unethical from the people who do want the recall to be successful.

    They have been up front, haven't sent a mass email or established any formal mail campaign, and have filed complaints with the Ombudsman for review of actions taken by a Board Treasurer, a Sun City Anthem employee, the removal of a Board member, and the way the entire election has been run, which has confused so many people.

    The pro-removal people have tried to present their case in an informative manner, where the opponents have reduced themselves to the worst in human behavior.

    What a shame.


  1. Just to confirm the latest criticism by David Berman....Anthem Opinions does NOT PRE-APPROVE any comments before posting them.

    We DO edit foul language, senseless name calling, and insulting commentary. In addition we also edit for spelling errors in order to avoid embarrassing those who comment.

    In addition, Mr. Berman, who craves attention from wherever he is able to obtain it, obviously believes commentary from those who refuse to use their names, have some form of validity. We refer to that as TRASH, UNRELIABLE, RUDE, and COWARDLY.

    Anthem Opinions believes that if you make a statement, you should be adult enough to place your name to it.

    Anthem Opinions also does not believe in writing private emails to readers seeking meetings with them. We respect the privacy of others and are most happy to speak or talk with them if THEY CONTACT US.

    Obviously, Mr. Berman is unable to comprehend such emails are nothing more than a feeling of self-importance, are unwelcomed by those who receive them, and in the greatest percentage of time, are looked at as "some nut" who invades others privacy, and needs an extra dose of his "happy pills".

  2. From Buddy Opinions

    Has David Berman now gone past the point of rationality?

    Why does he feel such a need to be so vicious? Can't his case be proven without such nastiness toward anyone who has tried to present an argument in an intelligent way?

    What does---who wrote what or who---paid for what have anything to do with the removal election?

    Those who favor removal haven't made any issue of it at all as to who was involved with OSCAR.

    The only thing that matters is that lots of people signed the petitions and that was enough to have a recall.

    What is more important other than the election results, is the manner in which the ballots were sent and the many acts of unethical behavior so many on committees have committed.

    Evidently Berman finds all of those acts an acceptable and ethical way to conduct such an important issue.

    Those acts should immediately call into question the character and tactics of any person who would justify the actions of those who oppose the removal.

    The saying "It's not if you win or lose, it's how you play the game" has opened many eyes, and certainly have not shown the opponents to be a fair and honorable group to employ such horrible methods.

    Who or what kind of person could look at the way the ballots were sent and not consider that being biased and unethical.

    If those who oppose the removal would have acted in a professional and unbiased manner, perhaps their case would have been better served. It at the very least would have shown them to be honorable and fair.

    I haven't seen anything unethical from the people who do want the recall to be successful.

    They have been up front, haven't sent a mass email or established any formal mail campaign, and have filed complaints with the Ombudsman for review of actions taken by a Board Treasurer, a Sun City Anthem employee, the removal of a Board member, and the way the entire election has been run, which has confused so many people.

    The pro-removal people have tried to present their case in an informative manner, where the opponents have reduced themselves to the worst in human behavior.

    What a shame.
