Information Pages

Monday, December 4, 2017

December 2017 Sun City Anthem President's Report...An Essay in Half Truth...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Responding to a Sun City Anthem
President's Report

Sometimes you have to wonder...

Have you read the latest December issue of "The Spirit" magazine ?

If you haven' need a good laugh, we strongly suggest you check out Page 6...the full page...

...because the illustrious Sun City Anthem president has done it again.

Does this guy really write this stuff himself...and...does he actually read it before he sends it to the printer?

Keep in your President...the guy who speaks on your behalf...the guy who has to spend an entire page of a magazine with a President's report entitled:

The Attempted Recall

...under a caption entitled "President's Report"...

...yet ends it with these prophetic words"

"I am speaking only for myself, not the Board, in this space.  But I assume it would join me in hoping this most recent expensive experience will encourage move civility in approach as the community exchanges ideas about what is best in Sun City Anthem."

Well now Mr. President, we believe that "the other side" deserves to speak their peace as well.  

We think it has something to do with the First know, the one that guarantees free speech 

Then again, without the legal jargon YOU SEEM TO NEED TO JUSTIFY every move you and your General Manager make, we believe IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN ETHICAL THING TO DO....

...AND...certainly should not have been shunned by YOU...

...if you had nothing to hide.

We tried desperately when your Treasurer sent out a memo (and one of your Sun City Anthem employees made sure she would forward it to Club Presidents telling them to forward it to their members) be heard.

But...YOU and YOUR COHORTS DENIED our two formal attempts to tell a community as to why we believed YOU and THREE of your fellow officials deserved to be DUMPED.

Your "speaking for yourself" in a President's Report, somehow failed to bring out that numerous complaints were filed as a result...

....and as yet....

...have NOT been heard by the Ombudsman's office.

Your Treasurer also posted a notice on an official Community Bulletin Board telling people not to vote for the removal...

...and yup...when it was requested to "tell the other side" to the community using the same "official Sun City Anthem eblast system YOU AND your GENERAL MANAGER utilized, YOU denied that request as well.

You knew that an employee of Sun City Anthem should never have allowed a member of her staff to send out biased material; but somehow that too, never made it into your "official" President's report, did it?

Why not? 

Too much information to allow the entire community to know the FULL STORY rather than just what you wanted them to know?

You couldn't help yourself bringing up a high cost of legal and administrative expense either, could you?

Any reason as to WHY your report didn't mention that YOU, the rest of your cohorts, or the General Manager WERE THE ONES WHO MADE THAT RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVED that expense; yet somehow, in your criticism of those "slanderous" blogs, you never mentioned WE BROUGHT UP ALTERNATIVES that would have been about FORTY GRAND LESS than YOURS?

And...let's not forget YOU also made sure we probably dumped an additional FIVE GRAND when YOU and your General Manager made sure you absolutely HAD TO HAVE AN ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY and TWO SECURITY GUARDS present at the count, when YOU KNEW the Nevada Ombudsman would be there with his assistants WITHOUT CHARGE!

Did you or your General Manager not believe a government official and his staff provided sufficient security?

But...the election method you choose TO ACCEPT and BOAST of its results was perhaps "best" of all, Mr. President.

It was structured in such a manner that you authorized a General Manager to hire a CPA firm that would create an "elective process" that was so deceptive, not a single person has come forth commenting the entire matter was handled fairly.

Do you know the difference between ETHICAL and LEGAL?

Or did the later word more properly SERVE YOUR PURPOSE with little regard to the former ?

There are a substantial number of us who would like to put that question to a vote !

Somehow you also didn't mention that there was POSITIVE PROOF sent to the Nevada Ombudsman's office as to the INACCURACY of the petition count that should have also placed another of your cohorts on that removal ballot as well, did you?  

...and we couldn't help but notice you never acknowledged the existence of that complaint, nor that is has not yet been resolved, have you ?

Any reason you didn't mention that in your "personal" President's Report?

Mr. President, you certainly did your best in boasting that the votes fell 50% short of those needed to DUMP YOU and others, but what you failed to report was that only 1,700 voted to SAVE YOUR SKINwhile 1,200 others WANTED TO SEND YOU PACKING...

...and those 1,200 did so WITHOUT your even taking a moment of your personal "President's Report" to tell a community that a removal election was even taking place.

Well Mr. President, when all is considered, without the "slanderous" blogs you obviously enjoy criticizing, in addition to, the gloating your "personal" feelings displayed in a "President's Report"...

...what all this really proved in the minds of those who know HOW TO THINK...was that YOUR TRUE COLORS were perfectly displayed...

...and oh yeah,

...there was a good reason you were the last one in the pecking order who was elected a year ago...and this latest "personal" President's Report was just another reason as to why you did.

But now...after your "victory" in this tainted election combined with your removing an elected Board member who received a lot more votes than you did, and most recently, your making sure FAS will no longer serve the Sun City Anthem community...

...while your latest SCA bulletin calls for SPENDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS TO BUY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT that would have been provided FREELY by FAS....

The property owners want you to know...

So...thanks for your "personal" President's Report.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    The BIG questions are: 

    (1) should the President's SPIN article be considered "Normal" or "Permanent Press"?

    Unfortunately the people that will believe this 'spin-cycle' article are the same robots that think everything is just fine.

    We are all just Vassals in this corrupt Kingdom;

    (2)  WHY was $$$ thrown away on Security Guards for that meeting??

    Was the Board fearful that us Senior Citizens would riot?

    No - I think the presence of Security Guards fully demonstrates the Board's overall opinion of this Kingdom's Vassals

    (we are barbarians that are capable of causing bodily harm to our 'fearless leaders')
    1. I was shocked when I saw the President’s Report in the December Spirit. AFTER the Recall Election to take space to acknowledge it when there was no fair and balanced information PRIOR really was amazing. I know that many reading the Article probably had no clue what Rex was even talking about. The fact that there was going to be a recall and what it was all about should have been addressed BEFORE the fact, but that is typical - you know - like kick out F.A.S. then after their gone and there’s no equipment, ask the residents what to do with the empty space. Back-assed Management yet again.
    2. From Nona Opinions   December 5, 2017
      SCA Strong, the blog written by SCA Board member, Nona Tobin, has written an excellent article regarding the "Recall" article authored by Sun City Anthem President, Rex Weddle.
      She sent Anthem Opinions the link to the artcle and asked we make our readers aware of her comments.
      We suggest all of our readers read it.
      1. From Barbara Opinions


        I have to let you know that I am very upset that you would use our Sun City magazine to air your problem with the recall.  We, as homeowners, have a right to challenge any of the board's decisions and make any attempt that we want to fix what we consider a problem.  I wasn't an instigator of the recal,l but I am not ashamed that I signed the petitions and don't like being called out about them.

        When I am unhappy with my congressional  individuals, I write them also and make my opinion known.  It is too bad that there is no communication between the board and the homeowners.  I have been to a board meeting and was upset that I couldn't ask a question about a report given, nor were my questions answered.

        Where is the transparency between the board and the homeowners that you serve?

        Please do not use a magazine that all the homeowners pay for to voice your personal opinion. 
      2. From Marcia Opinions

        It appears that Rex Weddle's editorial in this month's Spirit Magazine is but the tip of the iceberg.

        If you go to the Board Book Review on line, pages 6 through 10,he goes into more detail in his report denigrating all of the good people who have said "enough is enough" and signed the recall petitions and then voted to remove three members of the current BOD.

        It is par for the course that he specifically omitted any references to homeowners rights to recall board members and that his not so illustrious BOD and Management neglected to count two full pages of signatures on the petition recalling Bob Burch who escaped being on the ballot for recall by the skin on his teeth.

        I cannot help but wonder how much of his editorials were edited by the new attorney. It becomes increasingly apparent that most of what emanates from the BOD is often pure propaganda.
        1. From Bill Opinions

          I have a concern that I’m not able (my wife is having surgery tomorrow) to address at the BOD meeting.  It’s with the agenda item for the community service group requesting $10,000.00 for medical equipment.

          I am assuming that since the BOD kicked out FAS, the community service group now wants to take our money to replace the items that FAS provided for free.

          That may not be what they’re doing, but in any case, I don’t want any part of the association to move into the medical needs of the community.

          The Federal, State and local  government’s  can’t figure out what to do and I don’t want an HOA to attempt to fill any part of the need.  There is no end to where this could end up and it’s a door I don’t think they want to open.

          I hope my assumptions are wrong and I can breath easier eating crow.

          But I wanted to call this to the attention of someone who will be at this meeting to find out.

          I hope you agree.

          A Concerned home owner.
        2. Bill,  your fears are very well founded in my opinion; however, there is still some light at the end of the tunnel.

          It was just learned that despite the disgusting treatment given The Foundation Assisting seniors, while they are continuing their search for a "new home", you can call them at:

          (725) 244-4200

          to obtain medical equipment.

          Knowing SCA, my fear is that the $10,000 the SCA Board will authorize for their "do it yourself" project is just the beginning.

          I wish your wife the very best regarding her surgery.
          1. From Rich Opinions

            It is just another instance of putting the cart before the horse. A number of questions arise that have yet to be posed.

            Here are my questions before I make a decision on whether the board made a proper decision:

            1. Is the foundation a tax exempt organization?

            2. Has it filed tax data which shows its status as a tax free foundation?

            3. What are the officers of this foundation being paid on an annual basis if any?

            4. How much did it spend on its activities to support the community?

            5. Was it ever requested to supply earnings and tax reports to the board as part of a yearly review to determine if it should occupy the space as a foundation which benefited our community?

            6. Is there any record of communications between the board and the foundation which may have lead to the removal of the organization?

            I’m sure there are lots of other questions which could be asked about this action by the board.

            However isn’t it under the preview of the board to govern this space and make decisions based on the best results for the community?

            If information found that the foundation's majority of business was being transacted outside of the community and that they were profiting from it while not paying for the space, wouldn’t it be in the best interest of the community to insure that the space is being used only for the benefit of the community?

            If found that the foundation was indeed using the space to supply other areas outside the community is it wrong to expect some recompense for the use of the space?

            I do agree that the foundation has helped many in the community, however the foundation also has a obligation to assure it helps in paying its way also.
          2. Rich:

            I have directed your questions to FAS President, Favil West.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    The BIG questions are: 

    (1) should the President's SPIN article be considered "Normal" or "Permanent Press"?

    Unfortunately the people that will believe this 'spin-cycle' article are the same robots that think everything is just fine.

    We are all just Vassals in this corrupt Kingdom;

    (2)  WHY was $$$ thrown away on Security Guards for that meeting??

    Was the Board fearful that us Senior Citizens would riot?

    No - I think the presence of Security Guards fully demonstrates the Board's overall opinion of this Kingdom's Vassals

    (we are barbarians that are capable of causing bodily harm to our 'fearless leaders')

  2. I was shocked when I saw the President’s Report in the December Spirit. AFTER the Recall Election to take space to acknowledge it when there was no fair and balanced information PRIOR really was amazing. I know that many reading the Article probably had no clue what Rex was even talking about. The fact that there was going to be a recall and what it was all about should have been addressed BEFORE the fact, but that is typical - you know - like kick out FAS then after their gone and there’s no equipment, ask the residents what to do with the empty space. Back assed Management yet again.


  3. From Nona Opinions December 5, 2017

    SCA Strong, the blog written by SCA Board member, Nona Tobin, has written an excellent article regarding the "Recall" article authored by Sun City Anthem President, Rex Weddle.

    She sent Anthem Opinions the link to the artcle and asked we make our readers aware of her comments.

    We suggest all of our readers read it.

  4. From Barbara Opinions


    I have to let you know that I am very upset that you would use our Sun City magazine to air your problem with the recall.  We, as homeowners, have a right to challenge any of the board's decisions and make any attempt that we want to fix what we consider a problem.  I wasn't an instigator of the recal,l but I am not ashamed that I signed the petitions and don't like being called out about them.

    When I am unhappy with my congressional  individuals, I write them also and make my opinion known.  It is too bad that there is no communication between the board and the homeowners.  I have been to a board meeting and was upset that I couldn't ask a question about a report given, nor were my questions answered. 

    Where is the transparency between the board and the homeowners that you serve?

    Please do not use a magazine that all the homeowners pay for to voice your personal opinion.  

  5. From Marcia Opinions

    It appears that Rex Weddle's editorial in this month's Spirit Magazine is but the tip of the iceberg.

    If you go to the Board Book Review on line, pages 6 through 10,he goes into more detail in his report denigrating all of the good people who have said "enough is enough" and signed the recall petitions and then voted to removed three members of the current BOD.

    It is par for the course that he specifically omitted any references to homeowners rights to recall board members and that his not so illustrious BOD and Management neglected to count two full pages of signatures on the petition recalling Bob Burch who escaped being on the ballot for recall by the skin on his teeth.

    I cannot help but wonder how much of his editorials were edited by the new attorney. It becomes increasingly apparent that most of what emanates from the BOD is often pure propaganda.

  6. From Bill Opinions

    I have a concern that I’m not able (my wife is having surgery tomorrow) to address at the BOD meeting.  It’s with the agenda item for the community service group requesting $10,000.00 for medical equipment.

    I am assuming that since the BOD kicked out FAS, the community service group now wants to take our money to replace the items that FAS provided for free.

    That may not be what they’re doing, but in any case, I don’t want any part of the association to move into the medical needs of the community. 

    The Federal, State and local  government’s  can’t figure out what to do and I don’t want an HOA to attempt to fill any part of the need.  There is no end to where this could end up and it’s a door I don’t think they want to open.

    I hope my assumptions are wrong and I can breath easier eating crow.

    But I wanted to call this to the attention of someone who will be at this meeting to find out.

    I hope you agree.

    A Concerned home owner.

  7. Bill,  your fears are very well founded in my opinion; however, there is still some light at the end of the tunnel.

    It was just learned that despite the disgusting treatment given The Foundation Assisting seniors, while they are continuing their search for a "new home", you can call them at:

    (725) 244-4200

    to obtain medical equipment.

    Knowing SCA, my fear is that the $10,000 the SCA Board will authorize for their "do it yourself" project is just the beginning.

    I wish your wife the very best regarding her surgery.

  8. From Rich Opinions

    It is just another instance of putting the cart before the horse. A number of questions arise that have yet to be posed.

    Here are my questions before I make a decision on whether the board made a proper decision:

    1. Is the foundation a tax exempt organization?

    2. Has it filed tax data which shows its status as a tax free foundation?

    3. What are the officers of this foundation being paid on an annual basis if any?

    4. How much did it spend on its activities to support the community?

    5. Was it ever requested to supply earnings and tax reports to the board as part of a yearly review to determine if it should occupy the space as a foundation which benefited our community?

    6. Is there any record of communications between the board and the foundation which may have lead to the removal of the organization?

    I’m sure there are lots of other questions which could be asked about this action by the board.

    However isn’t it under the preview of the board to govern this space and make decisions based on the best results for the community?

    If information found that the foundation's majority of business was being transacted outside of the community and that they were profiting from it while not paying for the space, wouldn’t it be in the best interest of the community to insure that the space is being used only for the benefit of the community?

    If found that the foundation was indeed using the space to supply other areas outside the community is it wrong to expect some recompense for the use of the space?

    I do agree that the foundation has helped many in the community, however the foundation also has a obligation to assure it helps in paying its way also.

  9. Rich:

    I have directed your questions to FAS President, Favil West.
