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Sunday, December 24, 2017

From Me to All of You...A Very Merry Christmas Thanks

"Playing Tourist"  & "Saying Thanks"
"The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

Each year my wife and I make a trek down to the Strip to play "tourist" to enjoy the beauty of the holiday decorations that adorn The Entertainment Capital of the World, and 2017 was no exception !

Getting out of of the boundaries of Sun City Anthem is a passion we've shared since we arrived here from the Chicago area in 2005.


Let's just say...

... it's the time of the year to forget the nasty association politics, the insults so often received from another blogger and many of his nameless followers, the senseless and boring meetings watching others make attempts to control our lives as if we were children needing some kind of guidance in our senior years...

... and instead...

...remember what should really should count in this world...

...sharing that belief with family and friends both associated with our past, as well as, those we've made since we arrived in Sun City Anthem. spite of what some may read elsewhere...

We have many ! many that this is my Christmas card to them and you...

... those who take the time to read Anthem Opinions on a regular basis.

At last count we have now exceeded 2,200 registered active subscribers and by the end of 2017, will have had in excess of 2,000,000 visits to our site in the 5 years of our existence.

We have NEVER made an attempt to seek POWER of any kind and have always encouraged INTELLIGENT commentaryrejecting those who needlessly insult others.

But enough of that...

Today is my day of...

I am one of the luckiest human beings to have had a wonderful life...and...wife...a woman whom I have known for 31 years, a lady who has shared the "ups and downs" of a time journey with a guy who likes people, and at times embarrassing her, due to my never being afraid to "speak my mind"...

...and was fortunate to make a living never accepting monetary reward at the expense of sacrificing honesty and/or integrity, thereby allowing us to retire at a young age, and relocating to Henderson a few years later after both my wife and I lost a surviving parent, our moms, who were the highlights of our lives.

While I experienced my mother's sudden death; my wife, three times a week for 9 years, drove 25 miles each way, often in the rain and snow of the Chicago winters, to spend an entire day with hers, while she lingered following a devastating stroke those many years before her death.  There were no exceptions, no matter how severe the weather; she was always there for her mom demonstrating the unconditional love her mother had always given her.

...and that...was perhaps a time in our lives, after so many years, that I realized God had given me the gift of the most generous, kind, and compassionate person I had ever known.

We are what some refer to as a "mixed" couple. 

While I pride myself in my devotion to Catholicism; my wife, Marla, shares every bit the same love and respect to her Jewish faith.

That, I might add, has allowed us to enjoy the holiday season as so few do.  

For years, our Chicago fireplace would have a red stocking with Santa and a blue one with dreidels surrounded by a Christmas tree and Menorah.

To this day, I still get my annual "Christmas concert" as she plays the old  out of tune piano I bought her as a gift some 25 years ago after she overcame the symptoms of a disease that robbed her of the ability to play, as well as, the many beautiful art works she drew...and...professionally sold...following years of doctor after doctor searches...

...until God sent us one physician who gave her "creative art" life back to her. was that "melting pot" that allowed us to make so many friends over the years, no matter what their faith or nationality.

Since we arrived here in Sun City Anthem, that "people person" in us continued as we met numerous giving individuals who have tried so determinedly to make life an unselfish and giving experience, while some others have so often rebuked them for reasons I have yet to understand...

...and to those people, I am so proud to call them "friend" for the many obstacles we have faced trying to make Sun City Anthem a better place where the words...

...really do have a meaning in their unselfish and giving hearts.  

And with that in mind, may I wish all of you, no matter what faith, the warmth that the Hannukah and Christmas season is supposed to represent...

...with this newest and touching holiday song...

"When We're Together"

So...enjoy this time of year; and if you can, "play tourist" in the few days remaining in 2017.

It will make you appreciate the wonderful things we have "living the dream" in the greatest country in the world, allowing you to forget...even for the shortest time... some of the heartaches all of us have endured.

Here's a couple of spots that make our "must see" list each year.

The Bellagio

The Wynn

Merry Christmas to All...and Thanks !

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions
  1. From Lenore Nusser...Anthem Opinions

    Beautiful scenery and message.
  2. From Phillip Opinions

    TaDA!!  Heartfelt and well written - a dandy combo! Just dandy. 
  3. From Dave Nall of Wilmington, Opinions

    What a wonderful message of the season you have written, Dick!
  4. From Rana Goodman & Dan Opinions

    Dear Dick and Marla:

    That was an awesome letter today, great job. We wish both of you a most wonderful Christmas, happy, healthy new year. And happy, happy birthday. No matter the politics, we live in a great community up here and most of the people are pretty great, for that, we must be grateful.

    Dan & Rana 
  5. Rana, your article on Anthem Today entitled "The Fascinating History Behind Why Jewish Families East Chinese Food on Christmas"...

    ...should be a "must read" to all us, whether they be of the Jewish or Christian faith.
    1. How tragic it is that some woman named "Michaela" (without last name of course), would actually take the time on a Christmas day to write something like this on another blog:

      "It is sad that Dick Arendt couldn't even publish a holiday message to his readers without using it to attack you. The hate in that man's heart is beyond understanding, and I guess it's a preview of what we can expect in 2018."

      Michaela, perhaps you should be the one looking in the mirror and ask yourself who has demonstrated "hate".  How strange that you are the only one to make such a nasty comment.

      I will not insult you in kind.  Instead, my condolences go to people like you who believe such comments are informative or are intended to entertain.  You are to be pitied.

      I can assure Anthem Opinions readers that no such comment would appear here.

      In the spirit of this special day,  it would have immediately been removed as a sign of bad taste and a reflection of the publication that would allow it.
      1. Wishing you both a Happy Holiday Season and a very Healthy 2018.
        Liz and Bill Breier
      2. Thank you Mr. Berman and Michaela for your ability to prove my point regarding your latest demeaning comments.

        Bad taste, like rabid animals, obviously travels in packs. 


  1. From Lenore Nusser...Anthem Opinions

    Beautiful scenery and message.

  2. From Phillip Opinions

    TaDA!!  Heartfelt and well written - a dandy combo! Just dandy. 

  3. From Dave Nall of Wilmington, Opinions

    What a wonderful message of the season you have written, Dick!

  4. From Rana Goodman & Dan Opinions

    Dear Dick and Marla:

    That was an awesome letter today, great job. We wish both of you a most wonderful Christmas, happy, healthy new year. And happy, happy birthday. No matter the politics, we live in a great community up here and most of the people are pretty great, for that, we must be grateful.

    Dan & Rana 

  5. Rana, your article on Anthem Today entitled "The Fascinating History Behind Why Jewish Families East Chinese Food on Christmas...

    ...should be a "must read" to all us, whether they be of the Jewish or Christian faith.

  6. How tragic it is that some woman named "Michaelina" (without last name of course), would actually take the time on a Christmas day to write something like this on another blog:

    "It is sad that Dick Arendt couldn't even publish a holiday message to his readers without using it to attack you. The hate in that man's heart is beyond understanding, and I guess it's a preview of what we can expect in 2018."

    Michaelina, perhaps you should be the one looking in the mirror and ask yourself who has demonstrated hate.

    I will not insult you in kind.  Instead, my condolences go to people like you who believe such comments are informative or are intended to entertain. Instead, you are to be pitied.

    I can assure Anthem Opinions readers that no such comment would appear here.

    In the spirit of this special day,  it would have immediately been removed as a sign of bad taste.

  7. Wishing you both a Happy Holiday Season and a very Healthy 2018.
    Liz and Bill Breier

  8. Thank you Mr. Berman and Michaela for your ability to prove my point regarding your latest demeaning comments.

    Bad taste, like rabid animals, obviously travel in packs.
