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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Say it Ain't So...Please, not again !!!

Examining the Sanity of Miniature Golf in the Desert
An Anthem Opinions Editorial

He's at it again!  

Need we mention who ???

...and perhaps it might be the perfect thing to have in Sun City Anthem to honor a group of distinguish community residents called:


You remember that bunch, don't you?  

They were the ones sponsored by a group of "esteemed" former Sun City Anthem Board members who sent the entire Sun City Anthem community a letter that justified keeping 4 Board members because of the "tremendous" job they've done ! the same time...

...In the opinion of over 1,200 people, it was like patting their "Board descendants" on the back,  promoting their need to keep a spending waste tradition alive...

...a tradition a number of them pioneered during their own Board tenures.

And so...another saga continues !

Well folks, it looks like the "Weiner Leader" is back at it trying to sell his mini-golf idea again !

He's even called a special presentation to "sell it"  !!!

We won't bother to tell you where or when, because we don't want to take you away from a more important activity...

...a nap while watching reruns of The Andy Griffith Show.

Wasn't the first time through this nonsense a couple of years ago enough already?


Here's one for this "esteemed" Board !

How could a Board on one day, toss out the Foundation Assisting Seniors; and the next,  justify spending money on a miniature golf course ????

What does that say about the "priorities" of leadership and their receptiveness to the "needs" of  a senior community?

Getting back to Mr. Weiner....

The last time he tried it, he advertised it as "free" , duping over 700 people into signing a petition to build one...until "the rest of the story" came out...

...the part about the dough coming from reserves....

...the part about the affect on obtaining liability insurance, much less than at some affordable cost, which already is cursed with the worst possible claims experience....

...the part about some person or visiting kid taking a serious swing and breaking your windshield or denting your car in the Liberty Center parking lot or hitting an unsuspecting human being close by...

...the part about potential lawsuits with "slips & falls" and "guided missile" golf balls...

...the part about the annual maintenance costs...

So...we're not going to go much further on this,  but if all that is somehow not a concern among people of sound mind....

...than perhaps we too might suggest an idea that makes just about as much sense as mini-golf in the desert !

How about...

An Ice Skating rink !

And...let's make sure we provide proper transportation to get there too !

How about we design some kind of zip line across the entire community complete with wheel chair access !

OK...let's get serious....

This is as DUMB and STUPID as playing miniature golf in a desert.... idea that could only be favored by...

If this mini-golf idea goes any further, my suggestion is to remember...

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Jeff Opinions

    If "Bozo the Clown" wants a mini golf course why doesn’t he go to Revere Golf course and use the putting green.

    All he would need is his own putter and balls, which he seems to have a lot of.
  2. From Robert Opinions

    If memory serves me correctly, a change in the Common Amenities MAY require approval by the SCA Residents; then again I may be wrong (and since when did the Board care about our CCR's unless it was to their benefit)....

    Oscar Weiner was soooooo upset about the 'costs' of the recall vote - yet the cost of ballots, mailing, etc. when it pertains to approving stupid mini-golf is OK?

    Proponents of mini-golf already have a hole-in-one - IN THEIR HEADS!

    Here's a novel idea:

    How about SAVING the cost(s) of building a useless mini-golf course (AND the maintenance cost(s) of same) and putting it aside for 'emergencies' (of course it could also be used to fund unqualified salary bonuses).

    Of course, "Oscar Weiner"  will jump all over my OPINION because, God forbid somebody has an opinion that doesn't agree with his opinion.
    1. From John Opinions

      You are totally right!.  Miniature golf for SCA is a ridiculous idea!.

      The cost of construction and upkeep along makes it a non-starter - to say nothing of the liability problems you mentioned.

      The idea was scrapped once.  It needs to be left in the scrap bin!

      Let got on with our restaurant!
      1. From Anthem Opinions

        Lets not confuse a miniature golf course with a putting course.

        We used to go to miniature golf courses when we were kids. And that is just what these things are good for. KIDS.

        Indoor-outdoor carpeting for a fairway and boundaries made up of two-by-fours.

        Someone should travel to the Del Webb in Palm Desert, California.  They have a putting course.  It is cut from natural terrain with grass fairways and roughs, slopes, and elevation changes. A true putting experience and very challenging.  FOR ADULTS.

        A miniature golf course deteriorates without maintenance and the putting course requires regular mowing.

        I don't think either are a good choice considering the temperament of this community.
        1. From Jim Mayfield...former Sun City Anthem Vice Opinions

          I continue to be amazed that the GM and Board fail to get the most simple concept--the desires of the homeowners at SCA should be the guiding input when making strategic and policy decisions. We own this place; certainly an overpaid manager doesn't, and David Berman and his narrowing base of followers do not represent us.

          Two issues on are the table for discussion right now--the restaurant space and the non-used bocce ball courts at Liberty.  I am not advocating for any specific decision; people will have different views.  All views need to be considered.  I am advocating for an open, transparent, inclusive, process that is based upon objective, valid data.

          I have never wasted a dealers time negotiating price on a car until I am sure I want to buy the car.  Maybe this concept could be applied at SCA.  The first step in a space utilization process is to determine one or two options that represent the desires of a majority of the homeowners. 
          1. Why bring the mini golf thing again (?) Simple, it's a burr under his saddle that's been festering for a few years now, and he feels it's come full circle to do. Why do it, you ask, because he thought of it and won't rest until he gets his stupid golf course. "It's time," "I want it now." "Nothing will stop me this time so do it before I get you all."

            You watch now because our 1/4 million $$ manager will probably say something like, "well, the restaurant isn't viable because we won't even break even, but a mini golf course is something to spend (waste) our hard earned money on." What suckers we are to have any of this...including the cost of the manager's annual salary.


  1. From Jeff Opinions
    If "Bozo the Clown" wants a mini golf course why doesn’t he go to Revere Golf course and use the putting green. 

    All he would need is his own putter and balls, which he seems to have a lot of.

  2. From Robert Opinions
    If memory serves me correctly, a change in the Common Amenities MAY require approval by the SCA Residents; then again I may be wrong (and since when did the Board care about our CCR's unless it was to their benefit)....

    Oscar Weiner was soooooo upset about the 'costs' of the recall vote - yet the cost of ballots, mailing, etc. when it pertains to approving stupid mini-golf is OK? 

    Proponents of mini-golf already have a hole-in-one - IN THEIR HEADS!

    Here's a novel idea:

    How about SAVING the cost(s) of building a useless mini-golf course (AND the maintenance cost(s) of same) and putting it aside for 'emergencies' (of course it could also be used to fund unqualified salary bonuses).

    Of course, Oscar Weiner will jump all over my OPINION because, God forbid somebody has an opinion that doesn't agree with his opinion.

  3. From John Opinions
    You are totally right!.  Miniature golf for SCA is a ridiculous idea!.

    The cost of construction and upkeep along makes it a non-starter - to say nothing of the liability problems you mentioned. 

    The idea was scrapped once.  It needs to be left in the scrap bin!

    Let got on with our restaurant!

  4. From Anthem Opinions
    Lets not confuse a miniature golf course with a putting course. 

    We used to go to miniature golf courses when we were kids. And that is just what these things are good for. KIDS.

    Indoor-outdoor carpeting for a fairway and boundaries made up of two-by-fours.

    Someone should travel to the Del Webb in Palm Desert, California.  They have a putting course.  It is cut from natural terrain with grass fairways and roughs, slopes, and elevation changes. A true putting experience and very challenging.  FOR ADULTS.

    A miniature golf course deteriorates without maintenance and the putting course requires regular mowing.

    I don't think either are a good choice considering the temperament of this community.

  5. From Jim Mayfield...former Sun City Anthem Vice Opinions

    I continue to be amazed that the GM and Board fail to get the most simple concept--the desires of the homeowners at SCA should be the guiding input when making strategic and policy decisions. We own this place; certainly an overpaid manager doesn't, and David Berman and his narrowing base of followers do not represent us.

    Two issues on are the table for discussion right now--the restaurant space and the non-used bocce ball courts at Liberty.  I am not advocating for any specific decision; people will have different views.  All views need to be considered.  I am advocating for an open, transparent, inclusive, process that is based upon objective, valid data. 

    I have never wasted a dealers time negotiating price on a car until I am sure I want to buy the car.  Maybe this concept could be applied at SCA.  The first step in a space utilization process is to determine one or two options that represent the desires of a majority of the homeowners. 

  6. Why bring the mini golf thing again (?) Simple, it's a burr under his saddle that's been festering for a few years now, and he feels it's come full circle to do. Why do it, you ask, because he thought of it and won't rest until he gets his stupid golf course. "It's time," "I want it now." "Nothing will stop me this time so do it before I get you all."

    You watch now because our 1/4 million $$ manager will probably say something like, "well, the restaurant isn't viable because we won't even break even, but a mini golf course is something to spend (waste) our hard earned money on." What suckers we are to have any of this...including the cost of the manager's annual salary.
