Information Pages

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Will "The Machine" Toss Nona Tobin again?

"Machine" Fears 
Return of Nona Tobin to Sun City Anthem Board 


When the Sun City Anthem community eblast arrived regarding the individuals running for the 2018 edition of the Sun City Anthem Board, something "unique" appeared ...

Vetting of candidates to see if they would qualify to run !

Gee, I wonder why that "first" took place?

The "machine" won't consider vetting an individual who might have some sordid past or check any form of accuracy as to the propaganda so often written on biographies of candidates enclosed with election ballots, but it will if "the wrong person" decides to run for the Board and "rock their world".  

And low and behold, who might that person be?  

Nona Tobin

...the cruelly "dumped" member of the Sun City Anthem Board who tried with all her power to CLEAN UP THE MESS caused by years of stupidity, waste, corruption, and utter incompetence which has fueled "the machine" for years.

You might remember a year ago when this fresh newcomer ran, and against all odds, finished third...

...WELL AHEAD of the guy who "the machine" conspired to reelect as the Association President, despite his barely being reelected to the Board itself.

...and...then, without any notice, after repeatedly bringing out numerous questionable decisions made, was refused a seat at a Board meeting at the urging of new "bust the legal budget" association attorney, Adam Clarkson...

... in cooperation with fellow Board members, and of course, the 800+ "no confidence" signature General Manager...

... who has managed to disrupt the lives of an entire senior community in her unpopular decisions, while she rides the wave of excessive compensation alongside her overpaid management staff, and according to reports, striking fear in the hearts of the rank and file employees in her dictatorial management style.

All of this, after being CLEARED TO RUN FOR OFFICE by the former Association Attorney, John Leach, when she first ran for the Sun City Anthem Board in 2017.

Well, thus far, we know that Nona is still awaiting an Ombudsman's office to get off their lazy rear ends to make a decision that should have been decided within a few days, but has now stretched out to well over 6 months.

Then again, that seems to be "the Nevada way" of doing business !

Oh well, let's take all of you back about a week to an article we published on Anthem Opinions as the clock ticked to the final candidate bell.

Looks like we were right again when we said:

Somewhere around 30 minutes before the final bell rings to announce candidacies, a certain number of them will come forth to make sure their "system" is protected.

As of now, we have yet to see who the eight others will be in addition to "Machine" Jim Coleman and Reformer Ms. Tobin; but rest assured, a number of them will be "the machine" to protect their beloved "organization".

One can only hope that our plea for a number of the others who have declared their candidacy will embrace the reform sorely needed in a community that was recently subjected to a removal election where the tactics employed by that well oiled "machine" to maintain their stranglehold on an innocent community, were so disgusting, that, as we previously stated...

Even DISHONEST individuals would question
We shall see what trickery evolves to target Nona Tobin again, won't we ?

In the meantime, "Give 'em hell Nona" and our best to any of you candidates who will have the courage to embrace the reality of the past...

...exposing it for the destructive atmosphere the "machine" has allowed to exist... and... promoted...year after year...


...restore to our community, the dignity of an honest and fair existence without the ugliness of politics taking a priority over the PEOPLE who inhabit it.
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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. On October 27, 2017 Anthem Opinions disclosed the following:

    We did a bit of research on Mr. Clarkson and found out where he may have learned his "eloquent" manner of communication.

    Once we opened the link, we scrolled down the summary and learned an interesting tidbit about Mr. Clarkson's past employment.

    Turns out that Clarkson was a former associate in the law firm of:

     "Quon Bruce Christiansen"

    Anthem Opinions received an email from a reader telling us that when this link is clicked, THAT INFORMATION NO LONGER APPEARS.

    Someone might wish to ask Mr. Clarkson is there was a specific reason WHY that was removed.

    For those of you who have not read the article, just click this link 
  3. For you readers who weren't around back in 2008 and 2009, we had a massive FBI investigation regarding widespread homeowners association FRAUD;  and during that investigation, a number of individuals that included attorneys and law enforcement officials, "coincidentally" committed suicide prior to "facing the music" !

    One headline read:

    "FOUR public figures - including a police chief and two lawyers - 'commit suicide' after probe into homeowners association fraud"

    And one of those attorneys was a woman named:

    Nancy Quon
  4. Want to know more about the homeowners association scandal?

    Here are a few articles you might examine.
    1. From Renee Opinions

      Well said Dick!

      How are we going to break the stronghold that the existing board has in our community?

      With bright individuals like Nona willing to give her time to our community and the board throwing her under the bus, when it was clear the community voted for her?

      How are we going to effect change?
    2. Renee, the first thing to do is to suggest to your neighbors and friends in Sun City Anthem to become a bit more aware of how things really operate here.

      Have them talk to some of the Club Presidents and ask how they have recently been treated by Seddon and bunch.

      Ask them if any really believe the removal election was conducted in an ETHICAL manner?

      Ask them how they personally would react if something like what happened to Nona Tobin, happened to them?

      Finally, when the candidates are actually announced, ask EACH one the following questions:

      a. Did you approve of the manner in which the removal election was conducted?
      b. Do you believe Sun City Anthem chose an Association Attorney who works on the behalf of the people or a Board and/or General Manager?
      c. Do you believe it is time to reevaluate the hiring of Ms. Seddon and/or seek a replacement?

      And, most importantly, ask them WHY they provided the answers they did.

      My belief is that ANY PERSON who supported the manner in which that removal election was handled, has a problem with MORALITY, and should immediately be branded as MACHINE, and avoided at all cost.

      Only the ballot box can solve our problems, and there is nothing like a KNOWLEDGEABLE voter who asks and DEMANDS answers to reasonable questions which affect their future well-being.
      1. From Hollis Opinions

        I truly hope that one of the new candidates is Barry Goldstein..!  

        He seems to have more financial savvy than all of the others put together.....
      2. Hollis, I couldn't agree with you more, but I've spoken with Barry and unfortunately, he's not one of them.

        Readers might wish to recall a time when Barry Goldstein was a member of the Finance Committee and discovered that the former restaurant DID NOT HAVE CURRENT INSURANCE.

        When he made the Board aware of his findings, he was immediately branded as a "troublemaker".

        Barry, caring more about the community than how an incompetent Board viewed him, and having an extensive background in insurance, thankfully ignored the criticism and in turn went to the Nevada Dept. of Insurance, reporting the issue.

        As a result, the former restaurant obtained coverage... the infinite wisdom of past Sun City Anthem Board members that included current Rex Weddle and Thomas Nissen, they decided that they would GRANT BELOW PRIME RATE INTEREST LOANS to the restaurant operator in the amounts of $40, cover unpaid rent, utilities, and undoubtedly, the likelihood of the insurance premiums...

        ...which subsequently DEFAULTED with the result that Sun City Anthem residents were held responsive for the entire loss.

        This is just another example of how inept various Board members have been over the years.

        ...and oh yes.... Nissen is now in charge of EXAMINING NEW RESTAURANT OPTIONS.

        Good choice, don't ya think ????


  1. On October 27, 2017 Anthem Opinions disclosed the following:
    We did a bit of research on Mr. Clarkson and found out where he may have learned his "eloquent" manner of communication.
    Once we opened the link, we scrolled down the summary and learned an interesting tidbit about Mr. Clarkson's past employment.

    Turns out that Clarkson was a former associate in the law firm of:

     "Quon Bruce Christiansen"
    Anthem Opinions received an email from a reader tell us that when this link is clicked, THAT INFORMATION NO LONGER APPEARS.
    Someone might wish to ask Mr. Clarkson is there was a specific reason WHY that removed.
    For those of you who have not read the article, just click this link: 

    For you readers who weren't around back in 2008 and 2009, we had amassive FBI investigation regarding widespread homeowners association FRAUD;  and during that investigation, a number of individuals that included attorneys and law enforcement officials, "coincidentally" committed suicide prior to "facing the music" !

    One headline read:

    "FOUR public figures - including a police chief and two lawyers - 'commit suicide' after probe into homeowners association fraud"

    And one of those attorneys was a woman named:

    Nancy Quon

    Want to know more about the homeowners association scandal?

    Here are a few articles you might examine.

  2. From Renee Opinions
    Well said Dick!

    How are we going to break the stronghold that the existing board has in our community? 

    With bright individuals like Nona willing to give her time to our community and the board throwing her under the bus, when it was clear the community voted for her?

    How are we going to effect change?

  3. Renee, the first thing to do is to suggest to your neighbors and friends in Sun City Anthem to become a bit more aware of how things really operate here.

    Have them talk to some of the Club Presidents and ask how they have recently been treated by Seddon and bunch.

    Ask them if any really believe the removal election was conducted in an ETHICAL manner?

    Ask them how they personally would react if something like what happened to Nona Tobin, happened to them?

    Finally, when the candidates are actually announced, ask EACH one the following questions:

    a. Did you approve of the manner in which the removal election was conducted?
    b. Do you believe Sun City Anthem chose an Association Attorney who works on the behalf of the people or a Board and/or General Manager?
    c. Do you believe it is time to reevaluate the hiring of Ms. Seddon and/or seek a replacement?

    And, most importantly, ask them WHY they provided the answers they did.

    My belief is that ANY PERSON who supported the manner in which that removal election was handled, has a problem with MORALITY, and should immediately be branded as MACHINE, and avoided at all cost.

    Only the ballot box can solve our problems, and there is nothing like a KNOWLEDGEABLE voter who asks and DEMANDS answers to reasonable questions which affect their future well-being.

  4. From Hollis Opinions

    I truly hope that one of the new candidates is Barry Goldstein..!  

    He seems to have more financial savvy than all of the others put together.....

  5. Hollis, I couldn't agree with you more, but I've spoken with Barry and unfortunately, he's not one of them.

    Readers might wish to recall a time when Barry Goldstein was a member of the Finance Committee and discovered that the former restaurant DID NOT HAVE CURRENT INSURANCE.

    When he made the Board aware of his findings, he was immediately branded as a "troublemaker".  

    Barry, caring more about the community than how an incompetent Board viewed him, and having an extensive background in insurance, thankfully ignored the criticism and in turn went to the Nevada Dept. of Insurance, reporting the issue.

    As a result, the former restaurant obtained coverage... the infinite wisdom of past Sun City Anthem Board members that included current Rex Weddle and Thomas Nissen, they decided that they would GRANT BELOW PRIME RATE INTEREST LOANS to the restaurant operator in the amounts of $40, cover unpaid rent, utilities, and undoubtedly, the likelihood of the insurance premiums...

    ...which subsequently DEFAULTED with the result that Sun City Anthem residents were held responsive for the entire loss.

    This is just another example of how inept various Board members have been over the years.

    ...and oh yes, Nissen is now in charge of EXAMINING NEW RESTAURANT OPTIONS.

    Good choice, don't ya think ????
