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Sunday, March 18, 2018

An Open Letter from Sun City Anthem Board Candidate Gary Lee

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Sun City Anthem Board Candidate
Gary Lee
Responds to Anthem Opinions Concerns

You stated in Anthem Opinions that you would like my thoughts concerning SCA employees, salaries, bonuses and access to SCA public records.

I decided to share my opinions with you and your readers.

First of all, the Nevada statutes and SCA documents governing our HOA must be adhered to in all circumstances.

The right of every SCA member to access the SCA public documents should not be denied without providing specific rationale and cited codes allowing for the denial.

In the event that a request was in compliance with applicable codes and statutes and a denial was issued, then in said event the matter should be thoroughly investigated and those individuals should be held accountable for their actions.

This would include all remedies available (under the law) including severance of all contracts and/or affiliation with Sun City Anthem.

Specifically regarding the compensation of our General Manager, her job description and her authority to make decisions concerning salary increases, bonuses, cost of living increases etc. is something I would like to review at such time as I may be elected to the Board.

I have heard from various residents about the operations and administration of SCA from many perspectives---self-management, employee hiring, past BOD decisions, budgets and bidding to name a few.

It would be irresponsible for me to assume anything until I have direct knowledge of the topic, performed a complete analysis of the matter and came to an appropriate conclusion.

I tend to bring an open mind and a common sense approach to most matters.

I make decisions based on factual inputs and a review of all items related to the subject matter.

If irregularities have been experienced in the past, then they should be identified, addressed and appropriate measures taken to insure that it doesn’t happen again.

The rights of every SCA resident must be upheld under any circumstance and at any point in time. 

It is absolutely critical for a member of the board to insure the rights of the SCA community whom they represent.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Do you have a comment to these statements of Mr. Lee?

Send them to us at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    I just hope he doesn't fall victim to the Nona Tobin Syndrome.
    1. From Renee Opinions

      Gary Lee...

      You have my vote.

      As a community, we really need to have clarity on how our money is spent.

      I also think that the board should have term limits.
      1. Best of luck Gary...seems like you're going to need it (unfortunately). Apparently you got the notice from D. Vermin about your attempt to run for the board. ;0)
      2. From Donald Opinions

        Like the old saying, he sounds good but  "proof is in the pudding". 
      3. From Ro Opinions

        After reading Gary Lee's response to the concerns of Sun City Anthem, I only hope and pray that he gets voted in. 

        Sounds like he will listen, and he'll look after the SCA residents.

        He'll take action, where it's needed, and that's about everywhere right now.

        He'll listen to the residents' concerns.

        Hope he'll never listen to a word David Berman says too.

        Can you tell I can't stand David Berman?

        I'd even hire him as our General Manager.  He'd be better than who we have now.
        1. From John Opinions

          Having been a effective & successful senior manager within the civilian & military community for about 35 years, Mr. Lee's comments could not have been better said.

          I would add, where board members are not held accountable for costly irresponsible decisions made at the expense of home owners, we will continue to have more of the same.
        2. From Peter Hudson to Anthem Opinion:

          I appreciate Mr. Lee taking the time as a candidate to share his thoughts as to how he sees himself being a responsible Board Member and how he would address the bylaws of our community if elected.

          He justly deserves a chance to hopefully make a difference.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    I just hope he doesn't fall victim to the Nona Tobin Syndrome.

  2. From Renee Opinions
    Gary Lee...

    You have my vote.

    As a community, we really need to have clarity on how our money is spent. 

    I also think that the board should have term limits.

  3. Best of luck Gary...seems like you're going to need it (unfortunately). Apparently you got the notice from D. Vermin about your attempt to run for the board. ;0)

  4. From Donald Opinions
    Like the old saying, he sounds good but  "proof is in the pudding". 

  5. From Ro Opinions
    After reading Gary Lee's response to the concerns of Sun City Anthem, I only hope and pray that he gets voted in.  

    Sounds like he will listen, and he'll look after the SCA residents. 

    He'll take action, where it's needed, and that's about everywhere right now.

    He'll listen to the residents' concerns.

    Hope he'll never listen to a word David Berman says too. 

    Can you tell I can't stand David Berman? 

    I'd even hire him as our General Manager.  He'd be better than who we have now.

  6. From John Opinions

    Having been a effective & successful senior manager within the civilian & military community for about 35 years, Mr. Lee's comments could not have been better said.

    I would add, where board members are not held accountable for costly irresponsible decisions made at the expense of home owners, we will continue to have more of the same.

  7. From Peter Hudson to Anthem Opinion:

    I appreciate Mr. Lee taking the time as a candidate to share his thoughts as to how he sees himself being a responsible Board Member and how he would address the bylaws of our community if elected.

    He justly deserves a chance to hopefully make a difference.
