Information Pages

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem Finance Committee Member Looks at Sun City Anthem Legal Expenses for the First Month of 2018

Milking the Cash Cow
Image result for cartoon cash cow

Barry Goldstein
Former Member of the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

It was a tough choice between the above name and...

Image result for cartoon goose laying golden eggs
"The Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs"

For those of you that have not had the time, or more accurately stated, little or no desire, to read the hundreds of pages of information that are provided to the community for our board meetings, I was certainly surprised to see Sun City Anthem was over budget on legal fees by...

$21,750 just the month of January !

Let's see, at $400 p/hr that would be 95 hours of legal work just for one community.

And I thought that Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers had vanquished the rebel forces in 2017 !

Image result for cartoon darth vader and stormtroopers

Wasn't that the decree in the Spirit Magazine?

Why is it we do not get an accounting of what the legal charges were for?

We get an accounting when we are over budget on other items in the reports.

Has anyone else noticed we have not been given any recent information regarding the legal cases in which our association is involved ?

Maybe we now know how much the 43 page letter that Nona Tobin received,  informing her that she was ineligible to run in the 2018 Board election cost the association !

Exactly who authorized that?

It certainly was not the petition signing rebel forces.

Image result for cartoon jar jar binks

Another rumor is that there was a recently held settlement meeting with Pulte regarding the Liberty Center Lawsuit.

Supposedly that meeting ended when the Pulte team requested the maintenance records of Liberty Center.

I wonder how that will "play out" when they discover "maintenance" by a former management company and ignored by a Sun City Anthem Board was defined as "putting a bucket under the roof" when it leaked ???

Then again, I'm surprised this option wasn't chosen !

Image result for cartoon bucket under a roof catching rain

Oh well, it is what it is....but...

If you are among those that still think we will recoup our money in that lawsuit, I know of desert swamp land available for purchase.

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  1. From A. Opinions

    Yet another reason to CHANGE THE BOARD & GET RID OF THE MACHINE!
  2. You never seem to see any of this reported else where, do you?

    Now add this to the comment form Board candidate, Candace Karrow, who is currently on the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee:

    Q. Are we doing a good job of managing SCA’s legal costs?

    A. It should always be a priority to manage all costs. 2017 was unusual because of all the issues that happened. The Association must be protected when issues arise, so it would be irresponsible not to get legal advice.

    It certainly would be nice to see her explain this statement, wouldn't it?

    What say you, Mrs. Karrow? 

    And...along with this, perhaps she might also explain: 

    . Do you support a restaurant in Anthem Center?

    A. Yes, because it seems to be what the residents want. Many of the people I have spoken to say that is one reason they purchased their homes and they have missed having a restaurant on the property. Is it going to be easy? No, and it will take some time to work through all the issues that are involved in opening a restaurant.

    Just how did you come to this conclusion, Mrs. Karrow?

    Anyone out there buy their home because of a restaurant? I think Mrs. Karrow might want to get a reality check.
  1. From Valerie Opinions

    Our illustrious and overpaid manager is a personal friend of Tom Nissen, on our Board.

    Doesn’t that knowledge cause some concern?

    She got rid of the former SCA staff and brought in her buddies also for “generous” salaries, and some do very little work.

    Isn’t anyone concerned about the money that is being spent, OUR MONEY?

    SCA isn’t being run with the residents welfare in mind.

    It’s being run like a business, and SCA be damned.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    The overall APATHY of the SCA residents will allow the current cabal to continue unhindered (unless, of course, the HOA Fees go up to $500 per quarter or more).

    THEN you'll hear the screaming (when it's too late)...after all, "Money Talks, BS Walks)
    1. Let's set a record straight.  

      No one went after Mrs. Karrow...

      Just a few honest questions as to her comments: which as always, are construed by a mentally impaired blogger who has so much baggage, he's the last person in the world to criticize anyone.

      Because she's a candidate and the community is entitled to know !

      OK, so Mrs. Karrow isn't currently on any Finance Committee.  

      That's certainly a reason to bring the wrath of God down on a person, isn't it ?  

      No, it's merely another excuse for a mentally unstable individual to destroy a person's character who brought forth an honest question...

      ...a question that blogger believes does not deserve an answer.

      Who in the world cares about such trivial nonsense other than some nitpicking nutcase who looks for the dumbest reasons to insult others?

      Besides, 2012 is a long time ago, and by the nature of her responses, as well as, the article written by Barry Goldstein that was taken directly from SCA records, it appears that she may need a bit of current education before she makes such statements.

      What counts is what she said, and it leaves questions that need clarification.

      How come that pathetic excuse of a human being never brought up the real facts of the article?

      Attorney Fees as well as the maintenance records of the Liberty Center which his wife wasn't smart enough to seek a formal examination prior to acceptance.

      And to  criticize a person for calling that individual "vermin" is small potatoes compared to the constant disgusting comments made by the nameless buffoons who populate his poor excuse of a publication on a daily basis.

      A perfect example is a former director, Carl Weinstein, who we banned from Anthem Opinions as a result of calling a woman a WHORE when collecting removal petition signatures...

      ...while obviously embraced by that blogger by allowing him to make the most insidious comments time and time again.

      After all, water seeks its own level.

      At least, we at Anthem Opinions, don't make attempts to harass those who comment by contacting them personally as is standard practice for a man who once held the record number of charges of "code of conduct" violations that were never heard due to his wife's making sure the policy was discontinued.

      And of course, who was fully in favor of NOT having a community Bully Policy that was suggested by a former Association Attorney?

      You guessed it...a BULLY

      And, how do you define a bully?

      All you need do is spell :

      D A V I D
      B E R M A N

      Wake up Sun City Anthem...this man has, and continues to poison us for years with his beliefs of self-importance...disrespecting residents, and going beyond the limits of sanity in making every attempt to destroy anyone who in any way, has exposed the dirt and corruption he has endorsed and been a part of for years.

      Someone once published the characteristics of a sociopath. 

      We strongly suggest he read them !
      1. We at Anthem Opinions strongly suggest that you read the latest disparaging article toward a reader of both Anthem Opinions, as well as, Nona Tobin's SCA Strong publications.

        It was published on David's Anthem Journal.

        For what purpose would that be published? 

        It has no merit other than display a senseless act of hatred toward a fellow SCA resident...from an individual who professes only others (not including himself) consistently demonstrate.

        A few days ago, Anthem Opinions made a comment about the characteristics of a sociopath.

        Here are three of them for your perusal.

        Then ask yourself...

        Who demonstrates such behavior on a consistent basis as well as allows commentary that demonstrates these characteristics?

        #2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

        #3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation. 

        #9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.


  1. From A. Opinions
    Yet another reason to CHANGE THE BOARD & GET RID OF THE MACHINE!

  2. You never seem to see any of this reported else where, do you?
    Now add this to the comment form Board candidate, Candace Karrow, who is currently on the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee:

    Q. Are we doing a good job of managing SCA’s legal costs?

    A. It should always be a priority to manage all costs. 2017 was unusual because of all the issues that happened. The Association must be protected when issues arise, so it would be irresponsible not to get legal advice.

    It certainly would be nice to see her explain this statement, wouldn't it?

    What say you, Mrs. Karrow?

    And...along with this, perhaps you might also explain how you came to this conclusion as well?

    Q. Do you support a restaurant in Anthem Center?

    A. Yes, because it seems to be what the residents want. Many of the people I have spoken to say that is one reason they purchased their homes and they have missed having a restaurant on the property. Is it going to be easy? No, and it will take some time to work through all the issues that are involved in opening a restaurant.

    Just how did you come to this conclusion, Mrs. Karrow?

    Anyone out there buy their home because of a restaurant?

    I think Mrs. Karrow might want to get a reality check.

  3. From Valerie Opinions

    Our illustrious and overpaid manager is a personal friend of Tom Nissen, on our Board.

    Doesn’t that knowledge cause some concern?

    She got rid of the former SCA staff and brought in her buddies also for “generous” salaries, and some do very little work. 

    Isn’t anyone concerned about the money that is being spent, OUR MONEY? 

    SCA isn’t being run with the residents welfare in mind. 

    It’s being run like a business, and SCA be damned.

  4. From Robert Opinions

    The overall APATHY of the SCA residents will allow the current cabal to continue unhindered (unless, of course, the HOA Fees go up to $500 per quarter or more). 

    THEN you'll hear the screaming (when it's too late)...after all, "Money Talks, BS Walks)

  5. Let's set a record straight.  

    No one went after Mrs. Karrow...

    Just a few honest questions as to her comments: which as always, are construed by a mentally impaired blogger who has so much baggage, he's the last person in the world to criticize anyone.

    Because she's a candidate and the community is entitled to know !

    OK, so Mrs. Karrow isn't currently on any Finance Committee.  

    That's certainly a reason to bring the wrath of God down on a person, isn't it ?  

    No, it's merely another excuse for a mentally unstable individual to destroy a person's character who brought forth an honest question...

    ...a question that blogger believes does not deserve an answer.

    Who in the world cares about such trivial nonsense other than some nitpicking nutcase who look for the dumbest reasons to insult others?

    Besides, 2012 is a long time ago, and by the nature of her responses, as well as, the article written by Barry Goldstein that was taken directly from SCA records, it appears that she may need a bit of current education before she makes such statements.

    What counts is what she said, and it leaves questions that need clarification.

    How come that pathetic excuse of a human being never brought up the real facts of the article?

    Attorney Fees as well as the maintenance records of the Liberty Center which his wife wasn't smart enough to seek a formal examination prior to acceptance.

    And to  criticize a person for calling that individual "vermin" is small potatoes compared to the constant disgusting comments made by the nameless buffoons who populate his poor excuse of a publication on a daily basis.

    A perfect example is a former director, Carl Weinstein, who we banned from Anthem Opinions as a result of calling a woman a WHORE when collecting removal petition signatures...

    ...while obviously embraced by that blogger by allowing him to make the most insidious comments time and time again.

    After all, water seeks its own level.

    At least, we at Anthem Opinions, don't make attempts to harass those who comment by contacting them personally as is standard practice for a man who once held the record number of charges of "code of conduct" violations that were never heard due to his wife's making sure they were discontinued.

    And of course, who was fully in favor of NOT having a community Bully Policy that was suggested by a former Association Attorney?

    You guessed it...a BULLY

    And, how do you define a bully?

    All you need do is spell is:

    D A V I D
    B E R M A N

    Wake up Sun City Anthem...this man has, and continues to poison us for years with his beliefs of self-importance...disrespecting residents, and going beyond the limits of sanity in making every attempt to destroy anyone who in any way, has exposed the dirt and corruption he has endorsed and been a part of for years.

    Someone once published the characteristics of a sociopath.

    Here they are:

    We strongly suggest he read them !

  6. We at Anthem Opinions strongly suggest that you read the latest disparaging article toward a reader of both Anthem Opinions, as well as, Nona Tobin's SCA Strong publications.

    It was published on David's Anthem Journal.

    For what purpose would that be published?

    It has no merit other than display a senseless act of hatred toward a fellow SCA resident...from an individual who professes only others (not including himself) consistently demonstrate.

    A few days ago, Anthem Opinions made a comment about the characteristics of a sociopath.

    Here are three of them for your perusal.

    Then ask yourself...

    Who demonstrates such behavior on a consistent basis as well as allows commentary that demonstrates these characteristics?

    #2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

    #3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

    #9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

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