Information Pages

Sunday, April 1, 2018

2018 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Election...Look at Yourself... Before You Cast a Ballot

2018 Sun City Anthem
Board of Directors Election
Not About the Candidates...but...The Integrity of a Community

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A harsh, but honest critique, but now for the explanation !

As you are probably aware, your mail box likely has received the ballot packet for the 2018 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election.

In the spirit of recognizing the religious significance of both the Passover and Easter holidays, we withheld publishing this article until today.

Despite what has already been presented elsewhere strongly endorsing those who have been a part of the well oiled political "machine"... 

...providing NO relevant INFORMATION other than a subjective and completely biased opinion of their worth and effectiveness to our community...

...we urge you to refrain from casting your ballot until you've had the opportunity to examine what we consider vital information.

As the saying goes:

"An intelligent voter, is one who is well informed."

We have six individuals slated with four being elected, and at least 3 of them are part of a political "machine" that supports the actions of the current Board....

...because they are a part of that board.

Those 3 incumbents include:

Aletta Waterhouse
Robert Burch
James Coleman

...with Candace Karrow's past filled with displaying a "my way or the highwayattitude while a member of a previous Finance Committee.

For that reason,  we question her ability "to relate to the populace" as per her demonstrated unwillingness to LISTEN to others.  

What you should be aware of, and not disclosed elsewhere, was that due to a strong disagreement with a previous Board, while a member of the then Finance Committee, she was known to constantly display arrogance, as well as, a demanding attitude to either get her way....or resign her position.

She eventually did resign from that position before she completed her term.

Draw your own conclusion as to whether this is an individual who has the temperament to demonstrate impartiality and a willingness to open minded discussion.

That leaves Gary Lee & Cliff Wigen as the remaining candidates.

What all this means is that even if these two candidates are successful, the antics of the present Sun City Anthem Board will continue for the next year, and likely for years to come.

If history is any indication of the future, should those two be elected, they will be in a minority position; who, if in disagreement with "the machine", will face the same treatment as did properly elected, and subsequently deposed Board member, Nona Tobin.

They will be "tarred and feathered" just as she was for one reason...

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...bringing awareness of the problems of a community, offering to solve them, and being shunned, criticized, and likely deposed...unless they...

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The incumbents and remaining Board will seek out the association attorney and demand he "make it happen", using any available legal trickery his background allowed him to learn; fully supported in such activity by a General Manager who now has her hands entrenched in the community wallet and operations... already demonstrated, at a price tag in legal fees that to date, exceeds $80,000 in just the first 2 months of 2018...

above budget attorney who was once a member of the law firm of "Quon Bruce Christiansen"...

Nancy Quon was a disgraced attorney who committed suicide as a result being involved in the 2008-2009 HOA Las Vegas scandal.

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What the naive and non-caring owners of the community will somehow ignore, are the tactics that have been employed by these incumbent individuals...

...and so...

This election is not about the individuals who are running for office, but instead the conscience and integrity of those who elect them.

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The biographies they will present the community are FLAWED.

They are not vetted, and are the work of painting themselves in a light that at times, has been a exaggeration, at best.

As a matter of fact, any blogger who suggests any particular individual in the absence of stating public voting records... worthless and are merely MEANINGLESS WORDS !

What counts are ACTIONS.

After all...

 Image result for actions speak louder than words

With that in mind, we must look back at some of those actions, and ask ourselves...

Are these the actions of what a community should stand for?

Are we proud they took place?

Would we want them to continue?

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1Granting association loans to an outside for-profit business without the approval of the association unit owners, losing $40,000 of association funds as a result.

2Seven individuals making major decisions without the consent of the association unit owners (ex. restaurant decision), demanding residents subsidize the choice.

3Sanctioning the removal of a duly elected Board member without allowing that individual any defense, and subsequently replacing her with an individual who, in 19 years of residence, had no record of community service other than the establishment of the African American Club, while by-passing any input from the association unit owners as to the replacement.

4Spending in excess of $85,000 of association unit owner funds on a removal election; blaming the cost on others, when in fact, the Association Attorney, General Manager, and Sun City Anthem Board, sanctioned and approved that outrageous expenditure, in direct conflict of the recommendations of those who supported the Removal election.

5Condoning a General Manager's spending in excess of 200+% of the association budget on association attorney fees...while giving no explanation as to how the funds were spent.

6Condoning an Association Treasurer in sending a biased publication to the association unit owners condemning the removal election, while denying any alternative rebuttal of the argument.  

(Upheld by the Nevada Real Estate Division SOLELY on the basis that at the time the Treasurer published the material, the removal petitions had not yet been submitted  to the Sun City Anthem Community Association Manager for authorization.)     
7Condoning the actions of a Sun City Anthem employee's sending the Treasurer's publication to ALL Sun City Anthem Club presidents, stating the publication should be sent to all club members, a clear violation of Sun City Anthem CCRs.

8Allowing a General Manager with the approval of a Board to hold what most honest and fair-minded individuals would consider a deceptive removal election; employing actions of a CPA firm which clearly did not identify the voting ballot as "Sun City Anthem" material, causing many to discard it as "junk mail"....and...making it inconvenient to obtain a substitute.

(Upheld by the Nevada Real Estate a result of nothing in the law specifying the name of Sun City Anthem was required by law.)

9Allowing one removal candidate (Robert Burch) to escape the removal ballot by votes, by allowing the CPA firm to MISCOUNT the petitions, despite providing conclusive proof that legitimate unit owner signatures were withheld from the counting process as per copies of the petitions submitted, as well as, Clark County property ownership records.

(The Real Estate Division denied the complaint WITHOUT PROVIDING ANY EXPLANATION.)

10An association attorney DENYING records to an association unit owner and member of the Board (Nona Tobin) in violation of Nevada Statutes.

11An Association attorney drafting a document sanctioned by the Sun City Anthem Board and General Manager DEMANDING a nondisclosure statement be signed by any association unit owner seeking information to which they are legally entitled, another violation of Nevada statutes, subsequently found to be deceptive, intimidating, and unenforceable by The Nevada Real Estate Division.

12Allowing a General Manager's compensation to be so excessive that a major television station made an attempt to disclose, only to refuse being interviewed on the basis of confidentiality, an action found to be in violation of Nevada statutes as per items #11 & #12.

13. Removing The Foundation Assisting Seniors, an organization serving the Sun City Anthem community for 16 years, and subsequently spending $5,000 of Association funds to purchase medical equipment that the Foundation continues to offer free of charge to those in need.

The overwhelming number of these acts were approved, sanctioned and endorsed by both current Board members not subject to current election, as well as, incumbents who seek reelection to the Sun City Anthem Board.

Lest we not forget...
Aletta Waterhouse received 1,253 votes from unit owners demanding her removal from office...

of all votes cast

...while the General Manager received 836 "no confidence" petition signatures questioning her effectiveness in managing community affairs.

We can GUARANTEE this vital information on which an INTELLIGENT vote should be based, will NOT be disclosed elsewhere...

...on a "machine backed" blog.

And...every person with INTEGRITY, honesty, and a sense of fairness, should, if they care, ask themselves a simple question of that publication....

Instead, we are asking all of you to think...

...based on FACT and ACTIONS.

Do we oppose the incumbents?

Yes...not just for their obvious lack of  leadership abilities, but for their VOTING TRACK RECORDS in condoning such acts that affect our lifestyles.

We ask all of you to simply...

Remember all of these acts...before you cast a ballot, then vote your conscience.

As the title of this article states, the Board election of 2018 is about Integrity and if you, the unit owners of Sun City Anthem, who constitute the electorate, value it !

Will the incumbents be re-elected?

At least one of them will be due to sheer mathematics, but we have a manner in which you can demonstrate your integrity while showing a community you have values that far surpass those they have demonstrated.

Only cast one or two votes for any other candidates on the ballot.

It will prove...

You're choice...


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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Marcia Opinions

    Excellent editorial, let’s Hope the apathetic SCA community reads it and does care enough to listen to Facts and not vote the incumbents back into office.

    Good luck!

    Fingers crossed for the community.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    It will be interesting to see how the SCA  self-proclaimed "Minister of Information" will spin this.
  2. Robert, my guess is that he won't even mention it because he knows what I've said is the truth.

    The last thing in the world he would do it open this up to his nameless "machine" groupies.

    He is...what he is...and he will never change.

    He needs the "machine", and the "machine" needs him.

    No one else seems to defend it except him.

    That should tell you something.
    1. From Bernadette Opinions


      I have been following the SCA-HOA blogs here in Henderson, NV due to my impending retirement.

      I have friends in this SCA and was looking for retirement locations in the area. I came from an extremely dysfunctional HOA in past that milked us for tens of thousands of dollars over a 17 year period of time....

      so I am very familiar with BAD MANAGEMENT and BOARDS.
      Due to this past exposure, I have researched extensively where I want to spend my retirement.

      I can tell you, I will NOT be living within this HOA.

      What I read haunts me for it replicates the horrors I have experienced in the past.

      The lawyer’s fees are obscene, the Administrative salaries are outrageous, the dues are escalating at an insane rate, and the restaurant deal is a travesty.

      If this irrational and arrogant behavior demonstrated by the Board and Management are not curbed this type of fiduciary irresponsibility will become common knowledge and not only will you lose people like me, but you will provide yourselves with a lasting tarnished reputation.

      The Hall of Shame will be the new Clubhouse name.


  1. From Marcia Opinions

    Excellent editorial, let’s Hope the apathetic SCA community reads it and does care enough to listen to Facts and not vote the incumbents back into office.  

    Good luck!

    Fingers crossed for the community.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    It will be interesting to see how the SCA  self-proclaimed "Minister of Information" will spin this.

  3. Robert, my guess is that he won't even mention it because he knows what I've said is the truth.

    The last thing in the world he would do it open this up to his nameless "machine" groupies.

    He is...what he is...and he will never change.

    He needs the "machine", and the "machine" needs him.

    No one else seems to defend it except him.

    That should tell you something.

  4. From Bernadette Opinions


    I have been following the SCA-HOA blogs here in Henderson, NV due to my impending retirement.

    I have friends in this SCA and was looking for retirement locations in the area. I came from an extremely dysfunctional HOA in past that milked us for tens of thousands of dollars over a 17 year period of time....

    so I am very familiar with BAD MANAGEMENT and BOARDS.
    Due to this past exposure, I have researched extensively where I want to spend my retirement.

    I can tell you, I will NOT be living within this HOA.

    What I read haunts me for it replicates the horrors I have experienced in the past.

    The lawyer’s fees are obscene, the Administrative salaries are outrageous, the dues are escalating at an insane rate, and the restaurant deal is a travesty.

    If this irrational and arrogant behavior demonstrated by the Board and Management are not curbed this type of fiduciary irresponsibility will become common knowledge and not only will you lose people like me, but you will provide yourselves with a lasting tarnished reputation.

    The Hall of Shame will be the new Clubhouse name.
