Information Pages

Monday, April 9, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem & Foundation Assisting Seniors President Displays Board & General Manager's Treatment of Medical Equipment Provided Community for 16 Years

Former Sun City Anthem Board President
President of Foundation Assisting Seniors
Displays Sun City Anthem Treatment
Medical Equipment

Image result for favil west

Favil West

Image result for foundation assisting seniors

Because of  the unprecedented salaries paid to the top 4...

...the fact that our accounting is handled off campus...

...our legal fees are so far out of budget, it is criminal...

This board is, apparently planning to subsidize a restaurant, and due to the cavalier way this group spends our money, I have decided to vote for only two of the candidates. 

Namely Gary Lee and Clif Wigen.

They are the only two who are not in lock step with the rest.

This is what this Board and  Sun City Anthem General Manager, Sandy Seddon, did to the furniture and durable medical equipment owned by the Foundation.. 

A number of pieces were damaged so badly we had to discard them.

This displays a small amount that was returned to the Foundation, and how  badly damaged it was handled.

Pretty pathetic.

Anthem Opinions Comment:

The Foundation Assisting Seniors has served the Anthem communities for the past 16 years...and...continues to do so despite this ugly display of disrespectful treatment toward that organization.

While this travesty took place, the Sun City Anthem Board subsequently authorized and purchased $5,000 of medical equipment to serve the needs of Sun City Anthem.

A Waste of Association Funds

Who voted to remove the Foundation Assisting Seniors from Sun City Anthem and needlessly spent those funds?

These Incumbents running for reelection to the Sun City Anthem Board:

Aletta Waterhouse
Robert Burch
James Coleman

Do these individuals represent the "thanks" Sun City Anthem has owed this foundation for 16 years?

We believe none of them do, and should be sent packing as a result.

For those of you who need medical equipment, here is the current information of their new "home", conveniently located to continue the valued community service they have provided.

Foundation Assisting Seniors
2518 Anthem Village Drive
Suite 102
Henderson, NV 89052
(702) 244-4200

And...They Have an Open House on Tuesday, April 17th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Cake & Coffee will be served.

Please contact "Linda" to RSVP at:  

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    Why do I feel that the SCA residents are being treated just like the FAS equipment (dumped in a pile like trash)?
    1. From Barry Opinions

      Just disgusting. Whoever did that has no class.
  1. From Favil Opinions

    The question is:

    Did Sandy take a pay cut to come here as the board and David Berman tell us?

    It appears that her 2015 salary, bonus etc. was about $215,000.

    Did the board do a back ground check on Sandy.

    Is she fit for the job?

    So far from what I have experienced, have seen, and have heard excuses for, it appears that our board did not look into her background.

    If a Senator, a Congressman, a judge, a City Manager,  a teacher, or an executive had inappropriate activities showing a lack of judgement would that person be found to be fit for the job? Would that person be able to keep the job?

    Admittedly these questions are rhetorical----------------------or are they?

    1. From Linda Opinions

      I was at a City of Henderson meeting and I challenged City Atty. Josh Reid’s salary.

      He said that his salary was $300,000.00, including benefits.

      Now, don’t feel sorry for him, but Sandy is paid very well.
      1. Looks like the Sun City Anthem President, Rex Weddle, has confirmed that he is part of the Berman bull sheet.

        We couldn't care less about a blogger who acts like a pig enjoying his daily mud bath; but as to Weddle, we have a few comments and questions for him regarding his latest insulting display of unprofessional behavior.

        Did Weddle obtain a Document Request Form and what punishment will he face for disclosing information to a third party?

        Did Weddle forget that HE LED THE PACK with having 1,283 residents consider him unfit for office a few months ago?

        How pathetic is it that he needs a guy who lost a law license to defend him?

        What does that say ?

        Weddle, how about we subject you to a lie detector test so we can ask REAL QUESTIONS and get REAL ANSWERS, rather than witness you dance around, saying NOTHING but MAKING SUBJECTIVE EXCUSES for what your're trying to peddle as the full truth?

        And if you're going to open that little big mouth, STOP using an expensive association attorney to do it. All of us can't afford it much longer.

        And, since you intend to use an official association publication, The Spirit, in May, to sound off, how about letting others REBUT what you write?

        Better yet, how about letting Favil West do so?

        Are you scared?

        We tried to get your bunch to allow a rebuttal to the biased report of the Treasurer during the removal election, but you shut that down, didn't you?


        Scared to let people know more than what you'd like them to know?

        How much did the attorney charge the community  to stonewall that attempt?

        This latest tirade of yours on DAB, just proved you're "in the pocket" of a man who will do anything to con a community...

        ...and in the minds of at least 1,283 owners, that put YOU in the same "con" category.

        Let's see if the community believes YOU or Favil West, the guy who was a former Sun City Anthem Board President and President of the Foundation Assisting Seniors for years?

        By the way, West never had people sign petitions to get rid of  him or just barely got elected to a Board, but you certainly did.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    Why do I feel that the SCA residents are being treated just like the FAS equipment (dumped in a pile like trash)?

  2. From Barry Opinions

    Just disgusting. Whoever did that has no class.

  3. From Favil Opinions

    The question is:

    Did Sandy take a pay cut to come here as the board and David Berman tell us?

    It appears that her 2015 salary, bonus etc. was about $215,000.

    Did the board do a back ground check on Sandy.

    Is she fit for the job?

    So far from what I have experienced, have seen, and have heard excuses for, it appears that our board did not look into her background.

    If a Senator, a Congressman, a judge, a City Manager,  a teacher, or an executive had inappropriate activities showing a lack of judgement would that person be found to be fit for the job? Would that person be able to keep the job?

    Admittedly these questions are rhetorical----------------------or are they?


  4. From Linda Opinions

    I was at a City of Henderson meeting and I challenged City Atty. Josh Reid’s salary.

    He said that his salary was $300,000.00, including benefits.

    Now, don’t feel sorry for him, but Sandy is paid very well.

  5. Looks like the Sun City Anthem President, Rex Weddle, has confirmed that he is part of the Berman bull sheet.

    We couldn't care less about a blogger who acts like a pig enjoying his daily mud bath; but as to Weddle, we have a few comments and questions for him regarding his latest insulting display of unprofessional behavior.

    Did he obtain Document Request Form and what punishment will he face for disclosing information to a third party?

    Did Weddle forget that HE LED THE PACK with having 1,283 residents consider him unfit for office a few months ago?

    How pathetic is it that he needs a guy who lost a law license to defend him?  

    What does that say ?

    Weddle, how about we subject you to a lie detector test so we can ask REAL QUESTIONS and get REAL ANSWERS, rather than witness you dance around, saying NOTHING but MAKING SUBJECTIVE EXCUSES for what your're trying to peddle as the full trutH?

    And if you're going to open that little big mouth, STOP using an expensive association attorney to do it.

    And, since you intend to use an official association publication, The Spirit, in May, to sound off, how about letting others REBUT what you write?

    Better yet, how about letting Favil West do so?

    Are you scared?  

    We tried to get your bunch to allow a rebuttal to the biased report of the Treasurer during the removal election, but you shut that down, didn't you?


    Scared to let people know more than what you'd like them to know?

    How much did the attorney charge the community  to stonewall that attempt?

    This latest tirade of yours on DAB, just proved your "in the pocket" of a man who will do anything to con a community...

    ...and in the minds of at least 1,283 owners, that put YOU in the same "con" category.

    Let's see if the community believes YOU or Favil West, the guy who was a former Sun City Anthem Board President and President of the Foundation Assisting Seniors for years?

    By the way, West never had people sign petitions to get rid of  him or just barely got elected to a Board, but you certainly did.
