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Sunday, May 6, 2018

I Couldn't Stop Laughing !...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

There's No 

Image result for cartoon coughing in laughter

Right...and I hope when the new restaurant opens, one of the specials is a generous portion of...

Image result for eating crow

Unfortunately, that crow delicacy is going to be paid by all of us due to another recent decision that the new "chosen" restaurant owners, G2G, will be getting free rent, free utilities,  and will be open to the public...

...after one suddenly disappeared who offered $700,000 to renovate, $3,000 per month in rent, and paying the utilities.

And the result?

All of us unit owners incurring a subsidy !

Now that's terrific financial "wheeling & dealing", don't ya think ?

And... here's another question we have as to this version of  Chapter #6 of the "new and improved" restaurant venture?

Is the Sun City Anthem Board in any way considering increasing the income of an already overpaid General Manager as a result?

Image result for woman throwing money in the air

Now...on to the new leadership !

Let's look at the latest choice of Board officers and one recently elected.

First, we have a new president, Bob Burch, who escaped the removal election by "supposedly" 2 votes when in fact, POSITIVE PROOF existed he should have been included...

...and when the error was brought to the attention of both the Nevada Real Estate Division and Sun City Anthem management, was IGNORED.

Second, we have a new Vice President, Rex Weddle, the old President, who took it upon himself to blast bloggers in his swansong President's Report in the May, 2018 Spirit magazine...

...who holds the distinction of attaining both the lowest vote total to be elected to office in the 2017 Board election yet the highest number of votes cast to remove him.

Third, we have another gentleman recently elected who cried "ethnicitywhen reading a private email at an official board meeting due to a "name redacted" blogger referring to the African American Heritage Club as the African American Club.

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That's certainly a reason to infer a person is a racist, isn't it?

We won't mention his name because doing so likely would get that same "redacted" blogger another email and tear jerking moment at a Board meeting in front of 35 people !

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Then...our new President states that The Review Journal may be doing a story about a tax issue that took place years ago.

For you "newbies" out there, you should know that there's a Nevada statute that requires an HOA to either return excess funds to homeowners or have them earmarked for projects in the following year.

Seems that a former Board ignored those rules and the IRS came calling initially stating that our association owed them $1,000,000 due to their violating Nevada law.

It took a couple of years to settle things and yes, it was 8 cents on the dollar. 

But...that 8 cents on the dollar turned out to be in excess of $140,000 when interest, attorney and accounting fees were included.

Naturally, that individual whose pen resembles Flipper's blow hole...

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...neglected to mention the full story or the fact that nothing would have been paid had the law been followed...

...but that appeared to be insignificant.

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And of course, that statement was followed up by "Flipper" who called attention to two residents who were arrested years ago for filing a false police report...

...but conveniently omitted the fact that the case was dismissed.

Of course, there is the concern of the ex-pres trying to make some kind of case for all this disagreement resulting in a decrease in property values !

That seems to be a theme among "the informed" as well lately.

Hmmm !!!!

Unfortunately, "Zillow" certainly doesn't agree:

Image result for ZILLOW LOGO

According to them, in the past 12 months, property values have increased 13.5% and the projection for the next 12 months is another increase of 5.8%.

Then again, who are we to question the wisdom of such an "informed" individual...and the "mountain" of others so informed?

After all, it was just a "handful of individuals"...

...1,282 of them to be exact...43.6% of all who voted in the removal election...

...who believed Sun City Anthem would be a better place without that wisdom ! 
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Oh well, "it is what it is" ...

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. ...for now !

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

  • From Robert Opinions

    You don't even need to log-on to Zillow to review our property value appreciation.

    All anyone (including the former President) needs to do is review the Proudfit Real Estate insert in the SCA mailer we all get; it includes charts and graphs to show how our properties have appreciated.

    If one wants to produce BS, one should ascertain that there is no readily-available info to refute his or her BS.
  • We located the article in the May 7, 2017 edition of the Las Vegas Review Journal.

    Note..."Flipper" who relentlessly over the year, has more than displayed hatred for both men, had to comment....

    ...and as usual...only telling part of the story, completely avoiding the fact that had the then Board DONE THE RIGHT THING TO BEGIN WITH... monies would have ever have had to be paid at all ! Just click on this link to view its entirety.
    1. From Marilyn Opinions

      Dick,  the country is so hostile that normal people are now afraid to talk in the club house for fear of being arrested.

      This is terrible.
    2. From Stuart Opinions

      I enjoy reading the opinions and information contained therein; however, I would like to know who is writing them as anonymous writings are always suspect to ingrained bias.
    3. Stuart,  I'm a bit confused.  Literally all of what you view on Anthem Opinions has a name attached to it.

      It is our blog policy to publish only comments that have a name attached to them.

      Anonymous postings in our opinion are worthless.

      It is the Berman publication where almost all commentary is anonymous.

      Have I misunderstood you?
    1. From Karen Opinions

      Hey, why haven't I seen anything mentioned about who's going to be paying the real estate taxes on the restaurant space?  According to some information I recently read, the Association pays over $50k per year in property taxes--taxes that might have gone away entirely if the space had been turned into additional meeting rooms, etc.

      I guess if the new tenant is getting free rent and utilities, I suppose the SCA Owners will be on the hook for those too (or should I say "still"?) --so shouldn't THAT number be added in on top of the subsidy?  Or is the subsidy to cover the taxes?

      And then, another question---Since the restaurant will also be using the Association's furnishings, if, or when they breakdown, who will be paying for the repairs or replacement?  I can only wonder what genius is structuring the lease, but if I were a betting person (which I am), I'm guessing the Association will be adding a "replacement" line item on the 2019 budget if there isn't one already.

      What do you think?  I think senility has been hovering over SCA for some time now and COMMON SENSE is just gone...   The Board members have a fiduciary responsibility, so I hope their E&O insurance is being kept current.  And when this restaurant fails, I want my money back.

      Anybody else with me???
    2. OK, Karen.

      Let's take this one step at a time.

      First, all unit owners will be paying for the real estate taxes.

      Second, I believe the real estate tax portion of the building is approximately $25,000, but the "machine" decided to "sell it" on the basis of it costing $50,000 if it was left vacant. 

      Of course, had it been re-purposed for "owner use only", no real estate taxes would have had to be paid.

      Should that amount be included in the subsidy? Of course it should, but believe me, in the minds of these bureaucrats, I promise you, it won't !

      Who's going to do the lease negotiations?
      Three people:

      General Manger, Sandra Seddon, who obtained 836 signatures of "no confidence;

      Board Treasurer, Forrest Quinn, who had complaints filed against him for publishing and publicly displaying information recommending unit owners vote against the removal;

      and last but not least, recently retired Board member, Thomas Nissen, who previously voted to grant the last restaurant owner $40,000 of association funds in loans that defaulted, and then received 1,254 votes or 42.6% of all votes cast in the recall election to remove him from office.

      Who is going to be responsible for repair and replacement of restaurant items?

      That's up to the "negotiators"...but...if history repeats...owners will likely be "on the hook" for that as well.

      Are you as impressed as we are?

      And oh yes, I think plenty of us are "with you" ... 

      ..especially when they see strangers walking into a restaurant all of us owners will by paying for out of our dues... long as it survives !
      1. From Barry Opinions

        Dick, in response to the question from Karen regarding "who is watching our assets in the restaurant?"

        At the recent candidate forum, I asked each candidate if they would be willing to require the restaurant owner/operator to post a bond, based on our past restaurant experience.

        Not one of them answered in the affirmative; one said it depends what is in the lease, one said we have to make it as easy as possible for a restaurant to succeed.

        Also, I believe the commercial property tax is approximately $17,000/yr.

        One can only hope they will realize their fiduciary duty is to protect association assets and money.
        1. Thank you Barry for the info. I think posting of a BOND is an excellent idea, and can't believe it wasn't a requirement from day one. Maybe we (a group of owners) should send a letter to the Board and Association Attorney to be read into the records making that very request.

          I also have been unable to determine whether the association ever took any steps to collect the past due amounts from the former restaurant, or just wrote it off. Seems like no one wants to talk about it--maybe VIC gives out free sandwiches as hush money?


    1. From Robert Opinions

      You don't even need to log-on to Zillow to review our property value appreciation. 

      All anyone (including the former President) needs to do is review the Proudfit Real Estate insert in the SCA mailer we all get; it includes charts and graphs to show how our properties have appreciated.

      If one wants to produce BS, one should ascertain that there is no readily-available info to refute his or her BS.

    2. We located the article in the April 7, 2017 edition of the Las Vegas Review Journal.

      Note..."Flipper" who relentlessly over the year, has more than displayed hatred for both men, had to comment....

      ...and as usual...only telling part of the story, completely avoiding the fact that had the then Board DONE THE RIGHT THING TO BEGIN WITH... monies would have ever have had to be paid at all !

      Just click on this link to view its entirety.

    3. From Stuart Opinions

      I enjoy reading the opinions and information contained therein; however, I would like to know who is writing them as anonymous writings are always suspect to ingrained bias.

    4. Stuart,  I'm a bit confused.  Literally all of what you view on Anthem Opinions has a name attached to it. 

      It is our blog policy to publish only comments that have a name attached to them.

      Anonymous postings in our opinion are worthless.

      It is the Berman publication where almost all commentary is anonymous.

      Have I misunderstood you?

    5. From Karen Opinions

      Hey, why haven't I seen anything mentioned about who's going to be paying the real estate taxes on the restaurant space?  According to some information I recently read, the Association pays over $50k per year in property taxes--taxes that might have gone away entirely if the space had been turned into additional meeting rooms, etc.

      I guess if the new tenant is getting free rent and utilities, I suppose the SCA Owners will be on the hook for those too (or should I say "still"?) --so shouldn't THAT number be added in on top of the subsidy?  Or is the subsidy to cover the taxes? 

      And then, another question---Since the restaurant will also be using the Association's furnishings, if, or when they breakdown, who will be paying for the repairs or replacement?  I can only wonder what genius is structuring the lease, but if I were a betting person (which I am), I'm guessing the Association will be adding a "replacement" line item on the 2019 budget if there isn't one already. 

      What do you think?  I think senility has been hovering over SCA for some time now and COMMON SENSE is just gone...   The Board members have a fiduciary responsibility, so I hope their E&O insurance is being kept current.  And when this restaurant fails, I want my money back.

      Anybody else with me???

    6. OK, Karen.

      Let's take this one step at a time.

      First, all unit owners will be paying for the real estate taxes.

      Second, I believe the real estate tax portion of the building is approximately $25,000, but the "machine" decided to "sell it" on the basis of it costing $50,000 if it was left vacant.

      Of course, had it been re-purposed for "owner use only", no real estate taxes would have had to be paid.

      Should that amount be included in the subsidy? Of course it should, but believe me, in the minds of these bureaucrats, I promise you, it won't !

      Who's going to do the lease negotiations?

      Three people:

      General Manger, Sandra Seddon, who obtained 836 signatures of "no confidence;

      Board Treasurer, Forrest Quinn, who had complaints filed against him for publishing and publicly displaying information recommending unit owners vote against the removal;

      and last but not least, recently retired Board member, Thomas Nissen, who previously voted to grant the last restaurant owner $40,000 of association funds in loans that defaulted, and then received 1,254 votes or 42.6% of all votes cast in the recall election to remove him from office.

      Who is going to be responsible for repair and replacement of restaurant items?

      That's up to the "negotiators"...but...if history repeats...owners will likely be "on the hook" for that as well.

      Are you as impressed as we are?

      And oh yes, I think plenty of us are "with you" ...

      ..especially when they see strangers walking into a restaurant all of us owners will by paying for out of our dues... long as it survives !

    7. From Barry Opinions

      Dick, in response to the question from Karen regarding "who is watching our assets in the restaurant?"

      At the recent candidate forum, I asked each candidate if they would be willing to require the restaurant owner/operator to post a bond, based on our past restaurant experience.

      Not one of them answered in the affirmative; one said it depends what is in the lease, one said we have to make it as easy as possible for a restaurant to succeed.

      Also, I believe the commercial property tax is approximately $17,000/yr.

      One can only hope they will realize their fiduciary duty is to protect association assets and money.

    8. Thank you Barry for the info. I think posting of a BOND is an excellent idea, and can't believe it wasn't a requirement from day one. Maybe we (a group of owners) should send a letter to the Board and Association Attorney to be read into the records making that very request.

      I also have been unable to determine whether the association ever took any steps to collect the past due amounts from the former restaurant, or just wrote it off. Seems like no one wants to talk about it--maybe VIC gives out free sandwiches as hush money?
