Information Pages

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Sun City Anthem Resident Questions Recent Decision Regarding Liberty Center Indoor Pool

Sun City Anthem Resident Shares Liberty Center Pool Concern
Urges Those Affected to Attend Board Meeting

Image result for makes no sense

Samuel Novotny
Sun City Anthem Resident

I do not know if you are aware that today Management decided to close the Liberty pool while water aerobics are being conducted in the thermal pool

The excuse is that there have been complaints by members of the class, one or two people, that people in the pool disrupt their class by talking

Only one instructor and her class are complaining. 

The other instructor has no problem with people using the pool at the time of her classes. 

The situation was further aggravated by a threat of one member against the author of this article, claiming  I made a  hate crime statement against the instructor and that she ( lady making this claim) had a friend on the police department and severe consequences will follow. 

Further comments were made that the instructor’s husband was in the military and had guns. 

These comments were made in the ladies locker room and reported to Management by three people who heard the comment.  

Two meetings were held with management which basically said this should be dealt with by police. 

Complaints were filed with the police. 

No action other than police allegedly talking to the person making the statement (who denied making the statement) and then allegedly telling management that one option was to ban people from the pool while classes were going on. 

As you can see, the victims get punished and the perpetrator of the threat is allowed to continue monopolizing the facilities. 

The general public had not been informed of the decision until yesterday and there have not been any discussions with the committee responsible for all matters dealing with fitness and the pools, Health and Fitness committee, nor were comments solicited from the general membership, many of whom are unaware of what is happening.

I would like to remind the readers of your blog that members were promised that no classes, nor children would be allowed into the pools at Liberty. 

The only time classes were held there, was when the Anthem pool or its locker rooms were being renovated. 

No classes were held in the thermal pool. 

Current classes were initiated when a member of the staff working at Liberty Center made the recommendation that classes be started in the thermal pool. 

No considerations were made that working out in 88 degree temperatures for an hour can affect people with heart conditions and diabetes, nor the fact that is a small pool and contains seven lights covered by steel covers, so movements can cause injuries to peoples feet. 

Further, it was not discussed with the general membership on what was proposed, which I am sure would have generated lots of negative comments.

This topic will be discussed at the Thursday, May 24, 2018 Board meeting if the public is allowed to comment.

I am hoping you can publish this article before the meeting so people can attend and voice their comments.
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Have you experienced similar problems?

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  1. From Valerie Opinions

    In the article above it was mentioned that “the perpetrator is unscathed while the victim is punished”.

    This is exactly what happened to me when I complained about a bully and her nasty behavior in the Pan Club.
  2. From Buddy Opinions

    You have to be kidding?   Close the pool during class?

    Why not close the pool when bocci ball is being played?

    One has nothing to do with the other.

    I cannot believe this place.

    That is ridiculous and just another reason as to why this overpaid General Manager needs to go !

    This community no longer belongs to the residents.

    Why can't this Board see that?

  1. From Roseann Opinions

    Now I've heard everything!!

    These instructors are getting paid..... We the residents...can't use our indoor pool because they're claiming too much talking is going on!!

    "My suggestion: do away with these classes!"

    I want to use the indoor pool to avoid the sun!!

    Now I can't!!

    What is happening to this community?? 

  2. From Carol Opinions

    I’m not going to comment on the controversy, but just want to clarify that warm water classes have been held in the thermal pool for at least 6 years that I know of.

    I have arthritis and warm water aqua classes are exactly what my doctors have recommended.

    It was another selling point when we purchased our home in Sun City.

    Those facts stated in the letter are not accurate. 
  3. Carol & Sam,

    Did a bit of research, and you both may be right on this one...

    ...looks like it might depend on what exercise you do.

    Suggest you read this link, then send us a comment.

    Do we have any doctors out there who might give us an opinion?
    1. From Carol Opinions

      My point was not to debate the optimal temperature of a therapeutic pool, but to respond to his inaccurate statement that classes were not held in the Liberty Center until the Anthem pool renovations took place.

      I can only speak for the last 6 years, but warm water classes have been there for all those years, very popular, have to sign up ahead of time to guarantee a spot.

      I was also annoyed to hear they weren’t going to allow the use of the lap pool during that time (if that’s true) because I often use the lap pool there in cooler weather.

      When the Anthem Pool classes were moved over during the repairs, that meant neither pool could be used in the mornings unless you attended a class.

      Plus the aggravation of having the Liberty Center closed for a year. So if this is true, I hope they can work out something so that once again we will be able to use the lap pool!
    2. From Phyllis Opinions

      I live at SCA and attend warm water pool classes with Lolita. I attend the night classes
      I'm not effected by this current situation.

      I've heard the rumors and everyone is upset about the changes.

      If these people are harassing Lolita and her class, then they should be banned from the pool, not all the innocent people wanting to use the pool.

      I've witnessed residents acting absolutely horrible towards the monitor.

      Bob was on duty Tuesday night and was harassed by several people that were told to leave the big pool.

      I'm am sickened by all these mature people acting like A-------😡

      Grow up people and stop ruining our reputation for being the best place to live.

      If you are that miserable.....move.
    3. Hang on Phyllis.

      There are always two sides to every story, and your opinion has every bit the merit as others.

      However, telling people to move is rude if they don't agree with you, and frankly that line is as old as the hills, and is a bit too similar to another blog who relishes such derogatory commentary.

      Mr. Novotny, whether or not you disagree with him, provided a very professional explanation.

      As you can see, Carol Sackley also disagreed with Mr. Novotny, but she ELOQUENTLY stated her position without any derogatory comment.


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    In the article above it was mentioned that “the perpetrator is unscathed while the victim is punished”.
    This is exactly what happened to me when I complained about a bully and her nasty behavior in the Pan Club.

  2. From Buddy Opinions
    You have to be kidding?   Close the pool during class?

    Why not close the pool when bocci ball is being played?

    One has nothing to do with the other.  

    I cannot believe this place.

    That is ridiculous and just another reason as to why this overpaid General Manager needs to go !

    This community no longer belongs to the residents. 

    Why can't this Board see that?


  3. From Roseann Opinions
    Now I've heard everything!! 

    These instructors are getting paid..... We the residents...can't use our indoor pool because they're claiming too much talking is going on!! 

    "My suggestion: do away with these classes!" 

    I want to use the indoor pool to avoid the sun!!  

    Now I can't!! 

    What is happening to this community?? 


  4. From Carol Opinions

    I’m not going to comment on the controversy, but just want to clarify that warm water classes have been held in the thermal pool for at least 6 years that I know of.

    I have arthritis and warm water aqua classes are exactly what my doctors have recommended.

    It was another selling point when we purchased our home in Sun City.

    Those facts stated in the letter are not accurate. 

  5. Carol & Sam,

    Did a bit of research, and you both may be right on this one...

    ...looks like it might depend on what exercise you do.

    Suggest you read this link, then send us a comment.

    Do we have any doctors out there who might give us an opinion?

  6. From Carol Opinions
    My point was not to debate the optimal temperature of a therapeutic pool, but to respond to his inaccurate statement that classes were not held in the Liberty Center until the Anthem pool renovations took place.

    I can only speak for the last 6 years, but warm water classes have been there for all those years, very popular, have to sign up ahead of time to guarantee a spot.  

    I was also annoyed to hear they weren’t going to allow the use of the lap pool during that time (if that’s true) because I often use the lap pool there in cooler weather.

    When the Anthem Pool classes were moved over during the repairs, that meant neither pool could be used in the mornings unless you attended a class.

    Plus the aggravation of having the Liberty Center closed for a year. So if this is true, I hope they can work out something so that once again we will be able to use the lap pool!

  7. From Phyllis Opinions
    I live at SCA and attend warm water pool classes with Lolita. I attend the night classes 
    I'm not effected by this current situation.

    I've heard the rumors and everyone is upset about the changes.

    If these people are harassing Lolita and her class, then they should be banned from the pool, not all the innocent people wanting to use the pool.

    I've witnessed residents acting absolutely horrible towards the monitor.

    Bob was on duty Tuesday night and was harassed by several people that were told to leave the big pool.

    I'm am sickened by all these mature people acting like A-------😡

    Grow up people and stop ruining our reputation for being the best place to live.

    If you are that miserable.....move.

  8. Hang on Phyllis. 

    There are always two sides to every story, and your opinion has every bit the merit as others.
    However, telling people to move is rude if they don't agree with you, and frankly that line is as old as the hills, and is a bit too similar to another blog who relishes such derogatory commentary.
    Mr. Novotny, whether or not you disagree with him, provided a very professional explanation.  

    As you can see, Carol Shapley also disagreed with Mr. Novotny, but she ELOQUENTLY stated her position without any derogatory comment.
