Information Pages

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Effect of a "Machine" Candidate Defeat

"The Machine"
Loses Two of its Own

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The 2018 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election has now been completed, and one "Machine" Board Member has been defeated for reelection; one who had been the subject of the 2017 Removal election.

Those elected to the Board were:

Candice Karrow
Robert Burch
James Coleman
Gary Lee

Mr. Lee will have a one year term due to his 4th place finish.

Lee's election was a victory for the 1200+ unit owners who supported the removal election.

Last fall, three individuals were subjected to removal, and two of them are now GONE; one by retirement, the other by defeat for reelection.

The third individual was not up for reelection in 2018, but based on the 2017 election resultsfinishing last in the elected pecking order... our opinion the numbers indicate he likely would have joined them had his term expired and run for reelection.

Let's not forget ALL THREE  individuals embarrassed and eventually voted to remove NONA TOBIN from the Board, whose case  has yet to be heard before the Nevada Real Estate Division for the past year.  

Has a message been received that the removal proponents concerns were legitimate?

In our opinion, YES.


By simply looking at the vote totals of both the removal election and those votes Aletta Waterhouse received in the Board of Directors election.

In the removal election, 1,688 votes were cast TO RETAIN her.

In this Board election, she received only 1,365 votes to reelect her, finishing a mere 3 votes ahead of the last place candidate, Cliff Wigen, who did little campaigning.

How does one receive 323 votes LESS in a regular election as compared to the number who supported her retention in a removal election???

The answer is more than obvious to those who objectively pay attention to Sun City Anthem governance.

The Board election procedure could not be STONEWALLED as it was during the removal election.

This time, THE PEOPLE heard both sides, and made a decision as to whether she deserved retention.

And...without that tainted influence, they CLEARLY rejected her !

But...there is more to the effect on Sun City Anthem governance with Gary Lee's election.

It gives hope to those who believe they cannot win an election without "selling their souls" to any person or group who would act to influence their subsequent decisions.

This is just the beginning, but every quest must begin somewhere.  

Perhaps Mr. Lee's election is that beginning.

Let us hope that Mrs. Karrow and Mr. Lee can in some way look beyond the failures of the past and work toward restoring a belief that promoting openness, combined with independence of thought, along with moral and financial integrity, can succeed in our retirement community.

It will be a great task as the majority of the Sun City Anthem Board is still comprised of "machine" influence...

...for at least one additional year.

We wish Mrs. Karrow and Mr. Lee well.

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

  1. On the evening of the election balloting, Anthem Opinions sent the following email to Gary Lee:


    We at Anthem Opinions, congratulate you on your election to the Sun City Anthem Board.

    We hope one of your first priorities will allow Nona Tobin to defend herself against the manner in which she was, and continues to be, so horribly treated.

    She's a lady with a good heart, is knowledgeable, and deserves the same respect and kindness due each and every resident of Sun City Anthem.

    We look forward to supporting you in the next year.  We know how difficult of a task that lies before you.


    Dick Arendt
    Anthem Opinions
  2. From Gary Opinions

    Dick …. Please post this on your site.

    "Dick ….. I want to take this opportunity to thank any of your readers who voted for me in this election.

    I recognize the fact that I do not have any “direct” experience on any of SCA’s committees or volunteer programs but … I do bring to the board an extensive background in the management of facilities, construction, budgeting, finance and human resources – all of which are basic to the operations of  SCA.

    I promise to bring an element of “common sense” to the board and a diligent effort in exploring facts and conditions prior to voting on any subject.

    I would welcome the thoughts and opinions of any of your readers. I will be open to receiving any input and I will certainly consider them in my decision making
  3. To all our readers...looks like Sun City Anthem has chosen a "Class Act". 

    We hope many of you will send Gary a congratulatory note as well as your input as to the many issues that he will be confronted with over the next year.

    Send it to Anthem Opinions in order for all to see your support for what appears to be a "breath of fresh air" in Sun City Anthem governance.


  1. On the evening of the election balloting, Anthem Opinions sent the following email to Gary Lee:


    We at Anthem Opinions, congratulate you on your election to the Sun City Anthem Board.

    We hope one of your first priorities will allow Nona Tobin to defend herself against the manner in which she was, and continues to be, so horribly treated.

    She's a lady with a good heart, is knowledgeable, and deserves the same respect and kindness due each and every resident of Sun City Anthem.

    We look forward to supporting you in the next year.  We know how difficult of a task that lies before you.


    Dick Arendt
    Anthem Opinions

  2. From Gary Opinions

    Dick …. Please post this on your site.

    "Dick ….. I want to take this opportunity to thank any of your readers who voted for me in this election.

    I recognize the fact that I do not have any “direct” experience on any of SCA’s committees or volunteer programs but … I do bring to the board an extensive background in the management of facilities, construction, budgeting, finance and human resources – all of which are basic to the operations of  SCA.

    I promise to bring an element of “common sense” to the board and a diligent effort in exploring facts and conditions prior to voting on any subject.

    I would welcome the thoughts and opinions of any of your readers. I will be open to receiving any input and I will certainly consider them in my decision making.

  3. To all our readers...looks like Sun City Anthem has chosen a "Class Act". 

    We hope many of you will send Gary a congratulatory note as well as your input as to the many issues that he will be confronted with over the next year.

    Send it to Anthem Opinions in order for all to see your support for what appears to be a "breath of fresh air" in Sun City Anthem governance.

  4. Mr. Lee was the only candidate I voted for!
