Information Pages

Monday, June 4, 2018

Deal Off Between Sun City Anthem & Restaurant, G2G

The "Eatin' Party" is Over
Before It Began

Image result for dead on arrival

G2G, the "chosen one", and the Sun City Anthem Board broke off negotiations and the book suddenly closed on that community restaurant option.

As to "why", evidently that will be discussed on June 14th at 9:30am in Hanneman Hall at Anthem Center.

As many of you know, it was recently discovered that what appeared to be repairs, would have to take place in order to comply with Health Department guidelines before any restaurant operations might commence.

Many of those repairs will still have to be made; however, the extent of them would be minimized if the restaurant concept was eliminated and the area was re-purposed.

Is it time to finally abandon this "albatross" which has failed again and again?

Image result for albatross bad luck

Over and over again, we have stressed that Sun City Anthem Clubs are in dire need of additional space to conduct their numerous activities; and in our opinion, the time has finally come to accept that fact...

... and close the book...

Image result for closing the book moving

...on what has been a continual nightmare for years.

And along those lines, have the $43,560 air units been ordered yet?

Time to....

Related image

...until something has been decided !

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  1. Oh thank God!! The planets have finally aligned to show the BOD that the path is NOT a restaurant. If this doesn't cause them to see the light, I don't know what will.
  2. From Buddy Opinions

    So you have to go to a meeting to get details?

    Why not just send the information in an official eblast?
    1. From Robert Opinions

      Good Grief...

      "And along those lines, have the $43,560 air units been ordered yet?"

      The first HOUSE we bought (in 1975) cost $43,500 !
  1. From Peter Opinions

    I was relieved to read within our latest eblast where G2G had backed out of consideration in opening a restaurant within our community.

    As for it not being in our June Spirit publication, I can see depending on the the availability of when said information was known and timing of when it needs to go to press.

    I can understand how this information might of not made into this publication.

    I do support having this information published within our monthly publication over weekly eblast.

    1) For I believe we have less than 60% of households who have registered to our new website and or signed up to receive our weekly eblast.

    2) of this number, what percentage is willing to attend said dated Restaurant Update meeting?

    3) said eblast doesn’t elaborate much restaurant information and or thoughts.

    4) since the restaurant seems to be of a concern to so many, what’s the rush, why not wait and publish this information along with what some of the projected cost within the next four, five or however many publications.

    I believe you would reach 100% of the membership.

    5) we know there will be an expense to the association, what’s the rush, let the membership digest said information and cost for a while. I believe the Board would get a much better response.

    The expense will continue to be there as it will in a year or two from now.

    As for the tax penalty:

    Being in business, I find this hard to understand.

    I might not and I wouldn’t expect any of my fellow Board Member to know much about Nevada’s local, state and federal association tax laws, but I would made sure we retained an attorney and an accounting firm that did before hiring them.

    I  would of held them accountable for their mistake.

    Now I can only hope we have learned from this mistake and the firms we retain today understand and are up to date with the ever changing requirements. 
  2. Peter,

    An Excellent and intelligent comment.


  1. Oh thank God!! The planets have finally aligned to show the BOD that the path is NOT a restaurant. If this doesn't cause them to see the light, I don't know what will.

  2. From Buddy Opinions

    So you have to go to a meeting to get details?

    Why not just send the informatoon in an official eblast?

  3. From Robert Opinions

    Good Grief...

    "And along those lines, have the $43,560 air units been ordered yet?"

    The first HOUSE we bought (in 1975) cost $43,500 !

  4. From Peter Opinions

    I was relieved to read within our latest eblast where G2G had backed out of consideration in opening a restaurant within our community.

    As for it not being in our June Spirit publication, I can see depending on the the availability of when said information was known and timing of when it needs to go to press.

    I can understand how this information might of not made into this publication. 

    I do support having this information published within our monthly publication over weekly eblast.

    1) For I believe we have less than 60% of households who have registered to our new website and or signed up to receive our weekly eblast.

    2) of this number, what percentage is willing to attend said dated Restaurant Update meeting?

    3) said eblast doesn’t elaborate much restaurant information and or thoughts.

    4) since the restaurant seems to be of a concern to so many, what’s the rush, why not wait and publish this information along with what some of the projected cost within the next four, five or however many publications.

    I believe you would reach 100% of the membership. 

    5) we know there will be an expense to the association, what’s the rush, let the membership digest said information and cost for a while. I believe the Board would get a much better response.

    The expense will continue to be there as it will in a year or two from now.

    As for the tax penalty:

    Being in business, I find this hard to understand.

    I might not and I wouldn’t expect any of my fellow Board Member to know much about Nevada’s local, state and federal association tax laws, but I would made sure we retained an attorney and an accounting firm that did before hiring them.

    I  would of held them accountable for their mistake.

    Now I can only hope we have learned from this mistake and the firms we retain today understand and are up to date with the ever changing requirements. 

  5. Peter,

    An Excellent and intelligent comment.
