Information Pages

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Insanity of Another Sun City Anthem Restaurant...An Anthem Editorial (Part One of Two)


Anyone ever wonder how the latest restaurant deal sounds to others who don't reside in Sun City Anthem?

Image result for BLAH BLAH BLAH

(Part One of Two)

It might sound something like this:

"Hey Sam, did you hear the latest about Sun City Anthem?"

"No Joe, what's going on this time?"

"They're trying to get another restaurant after the first 5 went "belly-up."

"That figures, what are they up to now ?'

"You're going to love this one, Sam".

"They had three takers and one of them was willing to spend $700,000 to renovate, pay their utilities, and $3,000 a month in rent."

"Joe, that seems like a pretty good deal."

"Not to them, Sam.  The guy who was willing to spend the big bucks wanted the place open 24 hours a day, so they decided to go with another one."

"Wow, the one they took, beat that offer, Joe?"

"Not exactly, Sam. The guy who they decided to go with offered no rent, free utilities, no costs upfront, and the association is even going to pay to have the soiled restaurant linens cleaned for them".


"And the people who live there went for that deal, Joe?"  

"No Sam, their Board made that decision."

"So who's paying for all of this, Joe?"

" Sam, they're making the residents pay $250,000 a year to pay their bills !"

"The people didn't even have a chance to vote on it?"


"They based the decision on about 125-150 people going to a meeting and most of them believed Sun City Anthem was getting a great deal".

"I think I know why they call them senior citizens now, Joe."

"Why's that, Sam?"

"Because as some of them get older, the more they believe the rest of the world owes them everything."

OK, in the 13 years of residence in Sun City Anthem, I have never heard such nonsense about a place to eat, and if you were a stranger looking at Sun City Anthem to rest those retired bones, what would your reaction be?

My guess is...
Image result for run for the hills
Those people are in dire need of some basic financial planning ! 

And...the speed at which they'd travel would likely'd win a marathon when they found out that this type of financial planning involved a $265,000 General Manager and a $200,000 a year Chief Financial Officer !

This latest meeting was supposed to summarize WHY the deal was dead.  


...that wasn't how it turned out !

As a result, only a small select group of people attended with a different agenda... make it appear that there was some kind of uproar as to the decision to dump the entire deal. "sell it" to the community, many tried to make it sound as if starvation would result if one does not exist !

But, as we've learned over the years, there's always...

Image result for the other side

To many in the community the idea of this restaurant deal not "going down" was a relief.  

Its financial arrangement had more than represented how impossible any success TO SUN CITY ANTHEM UNIT OWNERS might be achieved...especially when G2G was given everything including the kitchen sink...

...FREE of charge. 

Unfortunately, those who yell the loudest about wanting one are either unfamiliar with the past, never address the economics, care little about the wishes of the MASSES, or any combination thereof.

These people in the opinion of THE OTHER SIDE,  are in this for THEMSELVES, not for the financial stability of the community.  They believe THE WORLD OWES THEM

And that leads us to the LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES of a Board of 
Directors !

Does fiduciary responsibility...include a Board's decision to PURPOSELY LOSE MONEY BELONGING TO THE UNIT OWNERS?

Perhaps... long as the entire community agrees to it !

...but the community was never offered the choice, was it?

Tomorrow....Part Two

Got a comment?

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    The statement that the Board denied the company's bid because the company wanted a restaurant open for 24/7 is a lot of BUNK.

    IF anyone on the Board had a modicum of business experience, the Board would understand that the 24/7 operation would have been "self-curing" - after a couple of months seeing that NOBODY would use the restaurant late at night, the new owners would stop wasting money by paying employees for the "grave-yard" shift and would change the hours of operation.
  2. Robert, how many times have you been advised about using COMMON SENSE?

    Seriously, great comment and likely right on the money to people who have ever been employed in the private sector.

    To the bureaucrats and those who believe "entitlements" are a divine right, they are what they are...the takers of society, always criticizing the contributors, and all too often, even saying they never give enough.

    1. From Hugh Opinions

      Really well done.

      I’m always amazed at your writing skills. Wish there was something we could do about that.

      If there is anything I could do to help, please let me know.

      I don’t think I have the patience to be civil with any of those fools.
    2. Thanks Hugh.

      Actually there is something you can do.

      That involves talking to your neighbors and friends and telling them what's going on.

      Most people are passive; they believe as long a "the dues don't go up", all is well.

      The "Bad Guys" want that.  If they were above board, they would allow alternative opinions on official Sun City Anthem publications.

      Keeping people in the dark and essentially controlling communication (which was more than obvious in the Recall election), certainly goes a long way to prove my point.

      What unsuspecting owners can't comprehend is:

      That attitude breeds corruption.
      1. From Yun Opinions

        Just when one thinks that things cannot get worse at SCA, they DO!!

        The BOD and GM will never put the large issues to a vote, as other HOAs do!

        There is NO expertise on the board with regard to running a restaurant and the suggestions to them, year after year, to seek Professional Help (NV licensed attorney specializing in Food & Beverage and a NV licensed commercial real estate broker specializing in food and beverage) have been IGNORED!

        Egos outweigh common sense and the SCA residents are on the receiving end of Paying More!

        SCA is now and has been an apathetic community for as long as I can remember!

        Many residents do not speak up at meetings, using their TWO minutes at the podium, as many times BOD members are NOT listening and are talking to each other, reading their notes, nodding off, and being disrespectful to the resident at the podium if they comment at all .

        Some things Never change in SCA and it saddens me.

        This current contract is the most ridiculous and unfair contract EVER!

        NO rent, SCA pays for Utilities AND cleaning kitchen (Again)  

        And SCA will PAY to have all linen (table cloths, napkins, etc) cleaned.

        I hear the  corporation that won the bid owns a number of e Denny's chains (millions of dollar operation) therefore Breakfast will not be served (?).

        Is it because they don’t  want  to compete with themselves?

        Buckmans  is still popular, good service, great view, reasonable prices, does an outstanding job of catering to SCA clubs and holding functions there and they are right down the road.

        “You can’t fix stupid” seems to be the opinion of many, so residents have given up and Will absorb Outrageous and Unnecessary Costs on this poorly negotiated Deal.

        It’s a deal.

        it is NOT written were residents benefit.

        How SAD for SCA!!

        The number of residents and friends  that  have sold their SCA homes and moved to other well run communities in NV is staggering and worth the board's research efforts. 
      2. It never ceases to amaze me how professional and well written the comments sent to us are !

        All of you should be congratulated for your ability to display an opinion in a manner that always seems to explain your reasoning.

        Thanks to all of you.
        1. From Jeffrey Opinions

          G2G's bid is an INSULT to SCA. They have an insider and the board is giving them everything free. There are commercial real estate brokers that specialize in restaurants.

          Back east where I come from, most leases are triple net.

          The lease pays for everything - rent, real estate taxes, electricity, maintenance and repairs, or anything else pertaining to the property being leased.

          A new restaurant being established has to purchase all restaurant kitchen equipment, table and chairs, dishes, silverware, glasses and anything else needed to run the restaurant. They have to put in flooring, paint and decorate the restaurant. Many have to put in their own HVAC equipment as well.

          It is not unusual to get security of approximately six months rent, to protect the landlord.

          The only thing the board should be involved with is the hours of operation of the restaurant.

          This board has shown its incompetence time after time, when it comes to a restaurant. They never got enough security from a tenant to protect SCA. They even loaned failing operators money which we never got back.

          G2G will have no skin in the game at SCA. That is why they really won't care about the restaurant here.

          As far as they go with revenue sharing with SCA, they can add expenses and payroll from other of their restaurants to the one here to make sure it never shows a profit so as not to have revenue to share.

          This whole G2G deal is a SHAM.
        2. Jeff, another terrific comment.  Sound like you have some experience in these matters.

          As a side note, former Finance Committee member, Barry Goldstein, suggested a bond to protect against theft at a former Board meeting.

          Not a single Board member believed is was a good idea.

          Tells you how competent they are, doesn't it?
          1. From A. Opinions

            Having a restaurant is pure stupidity !  With all the restaurants available in the neighborhood why oh why, do we want to get saddled with all the hassle, costs, etc of having one here? 5 have gone down, why are so dumb to try for 6 ?

            How many times do we have to hit our heads with a hammer to get the message, FORGET IT !

            Also the space is needed for the increasing number of clubs here .

            The board as usual has their heads up their a butts.

            Keep up the fight Dick !
            1. From Buddy Opinions





  1. From Robert Opinions

    The statement that the Board denied the company's bid because the company wanted a restaurant open for 24/7 is a lot of BUNK.

    IF anyone on the Board had a modicum of business experience, the Board would understand that the 24/7 operation would have been "self-curing" - after a couple of months seeing that NOBODY would use the restaurant late at night, the new owners would stop wasting money by paying employees for the "grave-yard" shift and would change the hours of operation.

  2. Robert, how many times have you been advised about using COMMON SENSE?

    Seriously, great comment and likely right on the money to people who have ever been employed in the private sector.

    To the bureaucrats and those who believe "entitlements" are a divine right, they are what they are...the takers of society, always criticizing the contributors, and all too often, even saying they never give enough.


  3. From Hugh Opinions

    Really well done.

    I’m always amazed at your writing skills. Wish there was something we could do about that.

    If there is anything I could do to help, please let me know.

    I don’t think I have the patience to be civil with any of those fools.

  4. Thanks Hugh.

    Actually there is something you can do. 

    That involves talking to your neighbors and friends and telling them what's going on. 

    Most people are passive; they believe as long a "the dues don't go up", all is well.

    The "Bad Guys" want that.  If they were above board, they would allow alternative opinions on official Sun City Anthem publications.

    Keeping people in the dark and essentially controlling communication (which was more than obvious in the Recall election), certainly goes a long way to prove my point.

    What unsuspecting owners can't comprehend is: 

    That attitude breeds corruption.

  5. From Yun Opinions

    Just when one thinks that things cannot get worse at SCA, they DO!!  

    The BOD and GM will never put the large issues to a vote, as other HOAs do!  

    There is NO expertise on the board with regard to running a restaurant and the suggestions to them, year after year, to seek Professional Help (NV licensed attorney specializing in Food & Beverage and a NV licensed commercial real estate broker specializing in food and beverage) have been IGNORED!  

    Egos outweigh common sense and the SCA residents are on the receiving end of Paying More!

    SCA is now and has been an apathetic community for as long as I can remember!  

    Many residents do not speak up at meetings, using their TWO minutes at the podium, as many times BOD members are NOT listening and are talking to each other, reading their notes, nodding off, and being disrespectful to the resident at the podium if they comment at all .

    Some things Never change in SCA and it saddens me. 

    This current contract is the most ridiculous and unfair contract EVER!  

    NO rent, SCA pays for Utilities AND cleaning kitchen (Again)    

    And SCA will PAY to have all linen (table cloths, napkins, etc) cleaned.

    I hear the  corporation that won the bid owns a number of e Denny's chains (millions of dollar operation) therefore Breakfast will not be served (?).

    Is it because they don’t  want  to compete with themselves?

    Buckmans  is still popular, good service, great view, reasonable prices, does an outstanding job of catering to SCA clubs and holding functions there and they are right down the road.

    “You can’t fix stupid” seems to be the opinion of many, so residents have given up and Will absorb Outrageous and Unnecessary Costs on this poorly negotiated Deal.  

    It’s a deal.

    it is NOT written were residents benefit.

    How SAD for SCA!!  

    The number of residents and friends  that  have sold their SCA homes and moved to other well run communities in NV is staggering and worth the board's research efforts. 

  6. It never ceases to amaze me how professional and well written the comments sent to us are !

    All of you should be congratulated for your ability to display an opinion in a manner that always seems to explain your reasoning.

    Thanks to all of you.

  7. From Jeffrey Opinions

    G2G's bid is an INSULT to SCA. They have an insider and the board is giving them everything free. There are commercial real estate brokers that specialize in restaurants.

    Back east where I come from, most leases are triple net.

    The lease pays for everything - rent, real estate taxes, electricity, maintenance and repairs, or anything else pertaining to the property being leased.

    A new restaurant being established has to purchase all restaurant kitchen equipment, table and chairs, dishes, silverware, glasses and anything else needed to run the restaurant. They have to put in flooring, paint and decorate the restaurant. Many have to put in their own HVAC equipment as well.

    It is not unusual to get security of approximately six months rent, to protect the landlord.

    The only thing the board should be involved with is the hours of operation of the restaurant.

    This board has shown its incompetence time after time, when it comes to a restaurant. They never got enough security from a tenant to protect SCA. They even loaned failing operators money which we never got back.

    G2G will have no skin in the game at SCA. That is why they really won't care about the restaurant here.

    As far as they go with revenue sharing with SCA, they can add expenses and payroll from other of their restaurants to the one here to make sure it never shows a profit so as not to have revenue to share.

    This whole G2G deal is a SHAM.

  8. Jeff, another terrific comment.  Sound like you have some experience in these matters.

    As a side note, former Finance Committee member, Barry Goldstein, suggested a bond to protect against theft at a former Board meeting. 

    Not a single Board member believed is was a good idea. 

    Tells you how competent they are, doesn't it?

  9. From A. Opinions

    Having a restaurant is pure stupidity !  with all the restaurant available in the neighborhood why oh why do we want to get saddled with all the hassle, costs, etc of having one here, 5 have gone down, why are so dumb to try for 6 ?

    How many times do we have to hit our heads with a hammer to get the message, FORGET IT !

    Also the space is needed for the increasing number of clubs here .

    Ahe board as usual has their heads up their a butts.

    Keep up the fight Dick !

  10. From Buddy Opinions


