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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Have We Forgotten the Spirit of the 60s ? An Anthem Opinions Editorial

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Image result for the spirit of the 60s

Way back in the 60s when I was a college student at the University of Illinois, in between classes we would often have speakers who were allowed to "speak their peace" regarding the many issues of the times.

We actually believed in the US Constitution, specifically the parts that referred to ...

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Image result for freedom of the press

Those discussions would range from civil rights to the Vietnam war, and in all cases, no matter what position a person took, or whether we agreed or not, we LISTENED.

...and when you LISTEN, you LEARN.

The times would embrace this famous statement !

Image result for the truth will set you free

The topics may have changed over that 50 year span, but the fire and belief behind that statement in our minds has NOT.

That is what Anthem Opinions stands for....

...and to be taken a bit further....can best be stated in the words of a woman who was also a part of the "60's movement", Gloria Steinem...

Image result for gloria steinem 1960

Image result for the truth will set you free

Whether you agreed or disagreed with Gloria Steinem as a whole, I don't believe that there are many people out there who can't agree with the above words...

...especially as we march through our retirement years, residing in an active 55+ community named Sun City Anthem.

In addition to the many topics offered our readers, Anthem Opinions examines the common sense of decisions that affect the lives of a community...

...and as a result, a "Machine" has been forced to realize there is an element of the population that believes they are entitled to answers to questions that affect their lives.

That "Machine" has become so concerned about the increasing following of our publication, they have even gone so far as to publicly condemn it at official Board meetings, and even infer "legal action" against  it and any person who has the full right to take issue with their decisions.

A perfect case in point was the alteration of a Document Request form to obtain association information which residents are legally entitled to receive, yet at the same time, are THREATENED IF THEY SHARE IT WITH OUTSIDE PARTIES.

Now we are faced with yet another crisis...a financial crisis...that will affect each and every Sun City Anthem resident....

Another Restaurant that is literally being shoved down the throats of all who reside there by secretly....withholding the truth from the populace.

That restaurant "deal" is BAD for all who believe in financial responsibility...

... a duty that each member of a Homeowners Association Board BY LAW must subscribe to as part of their fiduciary responsibility.


All of us were told G2G was history; that despite the numerous freebies offered WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE OWNERS AT THEIR EXPENSE, was...

Image result for dead as a doornail

Image result for cartoon dead

...and the Sun City Anthem Board and G2G took it a step further by actually laying blame on Anthem Opinions for its demise...

...stating our publication called for a boycott as the reason....

...a reason that was a COMPLETE LIE.

Despite providing proof that the statement was indeed a LIE, the Board and G2G, never bothered to admit to that being untrue, and instead...

While blaming this publication for their woes, CONTINUED TO NEGOTIATE a deal...


...until a surprise announcement was made at the August 2, 2018 Board meeting that a lease agreement was currently being completed... arrangement that once again, will NOT INVOLVE ANY DECISION BEING MADE BY UNIT OWNERS.

That act can only be described in one word....

Image result for deception
In response to this recent action, though we will never call for any form of boycott, we will instead ask residents this simple question:

Will you support any decision or patronize any organization that would purposely withhold vital information to parties who are being subjected to FINANCING ITS EVERY ACTION?

From a personal standpoint, if this is the manner in which parties enter into an agreement, my answer is simply...

 Image result for no way in hell

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Roseann Opinions

    We will "NEVER" support another restaurant in this community!!!!

    Restaurant failure upon failure, only brings another FAILURE and waste of our dues.

    How can this Board do, whatever they want to do??

    Only "Idiots" would want another restaurant in our community.

    As a 13 yr. resident here, I'm getting disgusted!!!!

    Just like the Hillary bus that we paid for!  They just do whatever they want!!
    1. From Bill Opinions

      Could it be that the BOD got so much feedback that the majority of owners that actually came to the meetings were very unhappy that the deal got killed so they went back, as G2G did as well?

      That probably doesn’t fit into your 8 year, atleast, rant about a so called machine.

      Bet this won’t get published, will it?
    2. Bill,
      Surprise...your comment was published.

      First of all, if that is the case, let's see evidence of your belief?

      Second, even if true (which I sincerely doubt), don't use 40-100 people as a representative sample of a population has has over 10,000 residents. That's only 1% of the people.

      Third, if you are so convinced this is as acceptable as you believe it to be, why would you or any others who share your opinion, avoid a vote of the community to decide a financial matter that initially will cost it $250,000 per year of association funds...and...will likely increase in the years to come?

      I've already stated I would fully support anything THE COMMUNITY would decide BY VOTE.

      Do you find that unreasonable?

      We could, however, have one simple solution that could easily solve the problem.

      Make it a private restaurant and YOU and those who share your views COMPLETELY FINANCE the deal !

      I'm sure all of my future comments and the many who share their views here, would cease any objection if you and they would contractually agree to bear the full costs (losses)  incurred.

      We'd even give up our rights to enter the place too !

      We would then merely pass all of you by in the Anthem Center with a wave, a smile, and a a friendly   Bon Appett.

      By the way, Bill, November will be 6 years, not 8, but in that time frame, we have 50,000 people each month visiting our publication...and you seem to be one of just a few who seem to have such a problem with my "rants".

      I'm sure many of us who disagree with your comments will be sitting back awaiting your financial commitment.
      1. From Toni Opinions

        What can we do to stop this abomination ?

        Your blog has uncovered the machine working like the one I knew back in Chicago, ask any member of the Chicago Club about the Mayor Daley Machine.

        What can we, the folks who live here, do about this robbery ?

        Step up Dick.
      2. Toni,

        All we can do is plead with good people to help place the right people on the Board in the next election.

        I believe this time around there are some out there who are willing to tackle the "Machine", and if all of us who see problems and have the commitment to solve them, will assist them, perhaps a new dawn might arise. to your neighbors and friends and ask them to tell their friends and neighbors about what is going on in Sun City Anthem.

        A "Machine" can only continue to exist because of controlling individuals banking on the masses paying little attention to them.

        If only 100 people would give a few hours of their time making people aware that their funds are being wasted !

        This method of madness based on apathy has to stop.

        By the way, I'm from the Windy City as well and remember Boss quite well. All I can do is make the community aware of the problems; the community must act to solve them.


  1. From Roseann Opinions

    We will "NEVER" support another restaurant in this community!!!!

    Restaurant failure upon failure, only brings another FAILURE and waste of our dues.

    How can this Board do, whatever they want to do??

    Only "Idiots" would want another restaurant in our community.

    As a 13 yr. resident here, I'm getting disgusted!!!! 

    Just like the Hillary bus that we paid for!  They just do, whatever they want!!

  2. From Bill Opinions

    Could it be that the BOD got so much feedback that the majority of owners that actually came to the meetings were very unhappy that the deal got killed so they went back, as G2G did as well?

    That probably doesn’t fit into your 8 year, atleast, rant about a so called machine.

    Bet this won’t get published, will it?

  3. Bill,

    Surprise...your comment was published.

    First of all, it that is the case, let's see evidence of your belief?

    Second, even if true (which I sincerely doubt), don't use 40-100 people as a representative sample of a population has has over 10,000 residents. That's only 1% of the people.

    Third, if you are so convinced this is as acceptable as you believe it to be, why would you or any others who share your opinion, avoid a vote of the community to decide a financial matter that initially will cost it $250,000 per year of association funds...and...will likely increase in the years to come?

    I've already stated I would fully support anything THE COMMUNITY would decide BY VOTE.

    Do you find that unreasonable?

    We could, however, have one simple solution that could easily solve the problem.

    Make it a private restaurant and YOU and those who share your views COMPLETELY FINANCE the deal !

    I'm sure all of my future comments and the many who share their views here, would cease any objection if you and they would contractually to bear the full costs (losses) incurred.

    We'd even give up our rights to enter the place too !

    We would then merely pass all of you by in the Anthem Center with a wave, a smile, and a a friendly Bon Appett.

    By the way, Bill, November will be 6 years, not 8, but in that time frame, we have 50,000 people each month visiting our publication...and you seem to be one of just a few who seem to have such a problem with my "rants".

    I'm sure many of us who disagree with your comments will be sitting back awaiting your financial commitment.

  4. From Toni Opinions 

    What can we do to stop this abomination ?

    Your blog has uncovered the machine working like the one I knew back in Chicago, ask any member of the Chicago Club about the Mayor Daley Machine.

    What can we, the folks who live here, do about this robbery ?

    Step up Dick.

  5. Toni,

    All we can do is plead with good people to help place the right people on the Board in the next election.

    I believe this time around there are some out there who are willing to tackle the "Machine", and if all of us who see problems and have the commitment to solve them, will assist them, perhaps a new dawn might arise. to your neighbors and friends and ask them to tell their friends and neighbors about what is going on in Sun City Anthem.

    A "Machine" can only continue to exist because of controlling individuals banking on the masses paying little attention to them.  

    If only 100 people would give a few hours of their time making people aware that their funds are being wasted !

    This method of madness based on apathy has to stop.

    By the way, I'm from the Windy City as well and remember Boss quite well.
